35766 | PK 10 - Pixel Map 1:10'000 KGREL (grey) - Pixelkarte 1:10'000 (grau) - Carte-pixel 1:10'000 (grise) - SWISS MAP RASTER | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2021 | NWP |
9399 | Landsat MSS Scene, 06.06.1975, CIR Composite, 57.00m | Satellite Image | File (digital) | Global Land Cover Facility | 1975 | WPZ |
36270 | Orthophoto 24.04.2015, RGB, 10cm (UltraCamXp) | Orthophoto | None | Kanton Zürich, Amt für Raumentwicklung | 2015 | WPZ |
30264 | HERE Maps | Map (digital) | None | Nokia | 0 | NWP |
50933 | Drone DJI M210 Val d'Uina | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2022 | SNP |
7148 | Uebersichtskarte der Alpen 1:1Mio Swisstopo | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Swisstopo | 0 | SNP |
50225 | Drone Falcon 8 Nutnet SLF - 2 (v2) | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2018 | SNP |
29347 | Luftbild_2003_Orthofotos_025mRaster | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Terra Bildmessflug GmbH & Co | 0 | NPDA |
53394 | Drone DJI MAVIC 3E Strada - Revitalisierung Inn | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2023 | SNP |
5447 | Dufourmap - Topographical historical map Division - Blatteinteilung - Découpage | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 1845 | NWP |
50196 | Drone DJI M210 Chavagl - Solifluktion (scharf Nadir) | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2019 | SNP |
50129 | Drone DJI M210 Kleinsäuger Charbunera | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2019 | SNP |
54032 | Orthophoto Stabelchod RGB 2004 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Swisstopo / SNP / Imfeld | 2004 | SNP |
5771 | Pixelkarte 50 Swisstopo 2.Juli.2001 LK259 Alle Ebenen | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Swisstopo - Federal Office of Topography | 0 | SNP |
50226 | Drone Falcon 8 Nutnet SLF - 3 (v2) | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2018 | SNP |
30179 | Geo Services - Geodienste - Géoservices (WMS / WFS / ArcGIS Online Feature Service) | Map (digital) | None | Swiss Parks Network | 0 | NWP |
50566 | Drone DJI M210 Pradella - Revitalisierung Inn | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2022 | SNP |
43367 | Drone DJI M210 Munt Dadora 09/2021 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | SNP/BVM | 2021 | BVM |
50216 | Drone Falcon 8 Macun Chavagliet (Samuel) | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2018 | SNP |
5722 | Pixelkarte 50 Swisstopo 2.Juli.2001 LK259 Alle Ebenen LT-Farben | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Swisstopo - Federal Office of Topography | 0 | SNP |
30099 | WMS / WFS - Geodienste Kanton Zürich - Géoservices canton de Zurich | Map (digital) | None | Kanton ZH | 0 | NWP |
9311 | Orthophoto 20.04.2004, RGB, 50cm (FALCON II) | Orthophoto | File (digital) | GIS Wildnispark Zuerich | 2004 | WPZ |
50126 | Drone DJI M210 Cluozza Rinne | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2019 | SNP |
53919 | Stilfserjoch Luftbilder | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | SNP | 2006 | SNP |
50273 | Drone Falcon 8 Chamanna Cluozza Infrastruktur | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2017 | SNP |
9398 | Landsat ETM Scene, 24.08.2001, RGB Composite, 28.50m | Satellite Image | File (digital) | Global Land Cover Facility | 2001 | WPZ |
7166 | GIStory: approximate perimeter of the data layer of terrestrial photos from 1935 in the SNP area | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2009 | SNP |
54432 | Orthophoto Lavin 19380916 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Swisstopo / SNP / Imfeld | 1938 | SNP |
50221 | Drone Falcon 8 Nutnet Flug 2 | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2017 | SNP |
43282 | Drone DJI M210 Ofenpass / Stabelchod - 8 single images | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2021 | SNP |
28144 | PK 1000 - Pixel Map 1:1'000'000 KOMB - Pixelkarte 1:1'000'000 - Carte-pixel 1:1'000'000 | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2023 | NWP |
54434 | Orthophoto Val Sassa 19460927 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Swisstopo / SNP / Imfeld | 1946 | SNP |
35756 | IR Orthophoto SNP 1988 (full perimeter) (LV 95) | Orthophoto | None | GIS-SNP | 2009 | SNP |
40480 | Mapbook Digitales Geländemodell Sihlwald 2004 | Map (digital) | None | SCHMIDT Ronald | 2005 | WPZ |
5814 | Uebersichtskarte der Schweiz 1:1Mio Swisstopo | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Swisstopo | 0 | SNP |
29227 | Karte_OEK200 | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen BEV | 0 | NPDA |
38041 | SWISSIMAGE Orthophoto 1 meter 1946 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | swisstopo | 1946 | NWP |
6091 | IR Orthophoto Val Müstair 2006 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | SNP | 2006 | BVM |
34416 | Switzerland Tourism - Schweiz Tourismus - Suisse Tourisme | Map (digital) | None | Switzerland Tourism - Schweiz Tourismus - Suisse Tourisme | 0 | NWP |
50206 | Drone DJI M210 Zernez - Spöl Höchststand | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2021 | SNP |
50144 | Drone DJI M210 Biosfera Val Müstair - Artenhotspot | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2021 | SNP |
9789 | PK 100 - Pixel Map 1:100'000 KREL - Pixelkarte 1:100'000 - Carte-pixel 1:100'000 - SWISS MAP RASTER | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2022 | NWP |
50217 | Drone Falcon 8 Macun Chavagliet (Jogscha) | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2018 | SNP |
29226 | Karte_OEK_ca1950 | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen BEV | 0 | NPDA |
9397 | Landsat ETM Scene, 24.08.2001, CIR Composite, 28.50m | Satellite Image | File (digital) | Global Land Cover Facility | 2001 | WPZ |
53582 | Drone DJI M210 Dryas | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2022 | SNP |
5458 | Landsat TM satellite image from September 17, 1992. | Satellite Image | File (digital) | GIUZ RSL | 1992 | SNP |
32629 | Geodienste Kanton Wallis - Géoservices canton du Valais | Map (digital) | None | Kanton VS | 0 | NWP |
50182 | Drone Panas-ch - Revitalisierung Inn | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2019 | SNP |
34381 | TomTom Map | Map (digital) | None | TomTom | 0 | NWP |
4861 | HIST - VECTOR25 Hiking Trails - Wanderwege - Chemins de randonnée pédestre | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2008 | NWP |
31561 | Luftbild 1953/54 | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | BEV Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen | 1954 | NPG |
9792 | PK 25 - Pixel Map 1:25'000 KGRS - Pixelkarte 1:25'000 - Carte-pixel 1:25'000 - SWISS MAP RASTER | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2022 | NWP |
30163 | SWISSIMAGE Orthophoto 25 meter | Orthophoto | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2014 | NWP |
50207 | Drone DJI M210 Zernez - Spöl nach Höchststand | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2021 | SNP |
32741 | Orthophoto Spöl Valley 1935 V4 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Swisstopo / SNP / Imfeld | 1935 | SNP |
54681 | WMS / WMTS / WFS - GeoHarvester - geoharvester.ch | Map (digital) | None | GeoHarvester | 0 | NWP |
7159 | Mountain Biosphere Reserves (worldwide): LANDSAT images 2000 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Lee, C., Perroy, R. | 2005 | SNP |
6681 | DTM and Orthophoto Ova Spin / Spöl: Data Orthophoto | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Swissphoto | 2009 | SNP |
32365 | Orthophoto 05.06.2001, RGB, 12.5cm (RC30) | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Osterwalder, Lehmann Ingenieure und Geometer AG | 2001 | WPZ |
35431 | Grenzlayer Nationalpark Neusiedler See - Seewinkel | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Nationalpark Neusiedler See - Seewinkel | 2017 | NPNS |
9365 | Luftbilder Sihlwald Falschfarben vom 24.07.1980, Massstab 1:5000 | Aerial Photo | Photo-Film | Grün Stadt Zürich | 1980 | WPZ |
4855 | HIST - VECTOR25 Hydrographic Network Point - Gewässernetz - Réseau hydrographique | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2008 | NWP |
50145 | Dronedata - Macun Rock Glacier 5 | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2020 | SNP |
5761 | TM Satellite Image SNP area 1992: channel 1 | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | GIUZ | 1992 | SNP |
5743 | Pixelkarte 50 Swisstopo 2.Juli.2001 LK259 Situation | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Swisstopo - Federal Office of Topography | 0 | SNP |
4858 | HIST - VECTOR25 Primary Surfaces Area - Primärflächen - Surfaces primaires | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2008 | NWP |
54728 | PK 1000 - Pixel Map 1:1'000'000 KHYP - Pixelkarte 1:1'000'000 - Carte-pixel 1:1'000'000 | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2023 | NWP |
4952 | SWISSIMAGE Orthophoto 25 cm 2010 - Tiling / Blatteinteilung / Découpage | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network / swisstopo | 2010 | NWP |
9403 | Hyperspectral Data HYMAP Campaign Sihlwald 2004 Strip 1 | Hyperspectral Data | File (digital) | GIS/NLS | 2004 | WPZ |
43195 | AGOL - Feature Layer - Swiss parks boundaries | Map (digital) | None | Swiss Parks Network | 2025 | NWP |
5804 | Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Fels | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Guthapfel Nadine | | SNP |
53144 | footprints of terrestrial images - Footprints der terrestrische Aufnahmen - Footprints de vue terrestres | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2021 | NWP |
5402 | PK 200 - Pixel Map 1:200'000 KOMB - Pixelkarte 1:200'000 - Carte-pixel 1:200'000 - SWISS MAP RASTER | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2024 | NWP |
32745 | Orthophoto SNP 1946 V4 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | USAF / SNP / Imfeld | 1946 | SNP |
52662 | Terrestrische Aufnahmen swisstopo schweizweit (1915 bis 1961) Footprint / Aufnahmestandort | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Swisstopo | 2023 | SNP |
50149 | Drone Falcon 8 Nutnet Flug 4 | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2019 | SNP |
43366 | Drone DJI M210 Munt Dadora 08/2021 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | SNP/BVM | 2021 | BVM |
9396 | Landsat ETM Scene, 24.08.2001, Panchromatic, 14.25m | Satellite Image | File (digital) | Global Land Cover Facility | 2001 | WPZ |
4860 | HIST - VECTOR25 Road Network - Strassennetz - Réseau routier | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2008 | NWP |
9483 | Orthophoto 17.08.2006, RGB, 50cm (FALCON II) Mosaic | Orthophoto | File (digital) | GIS Wildnispark Zuerich | 2006 | WPZ |
32367 | Orthophoto 07.04.2010, RGB, 10cm (UltraCamX) | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Osterwalder, Lehmann Ingenieure und Geometer AG | 2010 | WPZ |
53385 | Drone DJI MAVIC 3E Zernez - Spöl vor Höchststand Testflug | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2023 | SNP |
5980 | Orthophoto SNP 2000 RGB 0.2m TIFF clipped to SNP boundary | Orthophoto | File (digital) | GIS-SNP clipped by Alexander Thimm | 2006 | SNP |
51818 | Drone DJI M210 Landesgrenze 09/2022 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | SNP/BVM | 2022 | BVM |
4834 | HIST - VECTOR25 Functional Surfaces Area - Anlagen - Surfaces aménagées | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2008 | NWP |
50944 | Drone DJI M210 Stabelchod | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2021 | SNP |
9395 | Aster Scene, 24.08.2001, CIR Composite, 15m | Satellite Image | File (digital) | U.S.Japan ASTER Science Team RSL Univ. Zurich | 2001 | WPZ |
50125 | Drone DJI M210 Cluozza Rinne | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2018 | SNP |
5360 | HIST - SPOT5 mosaic 5 meter (2004/2005) | Orthophoto | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2005 | NWP |
31567 | Luftbild 2013 | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | GIS Steiermark | 2013 | NPG |
4859 | HIST - VECTOR25 Primary Surfaces Line - Primärflächen Linie - Surfaces primaires ligne | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2008 | NWP |
51815 | Drone DJI M210 Nutnet | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Rossi, Ch. | 2021 | SNP |
54361 | Long-term monitoring of habitat diversity in the Swiss National Park with imaging spectroscopy (poster) | Aerial Photo | None | Schweizer, J., Rossi, C., Ginzler, C., Damm, A., Wegner, J. D., Kneubühler, M. | 2024 | SNP |
50153 | Drone DJI M210 Panas-ch - Revitalisierung Inn - 2.Version 20Grad | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2021 | SNP |
29327 | Luftbilder_1978_entzerrt | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen BEV | 0 | NPDA |
30104 | Online Map Portals - Online-Kartenportale - Portails cartographiques on-line | Map (digital) | None | | 0 | NWP |
54790 | Dronedata - Spöl Zernez 29.05.2024 A2und3 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2024 | SNP |
50202 | Drone DJI M210 Zernez - Spöl vor Höchststand | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2020 | SNP |
53067 | Drone Falcon 8 - Spöl SNP / Basemap für ArcGIS Online (AGOL) Field Maps App (Raster Tile Package / TPKX) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2017 | SNP |
51817 | Drone DJI M210 Landesgrenze 07/2022 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | SNP/BVM | 2022 | BVM |
36271 | Orthophoto 24.04.2015, CIR, 10cm (UltraCamXp) | Orthophoto | None | Kanton Zürich, Amt für Raumentwicklung | 2015 | WPZ |
43363 | Drone DJI M210 Munt da Sach 08/2021 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | SNP/BVM | 2021 | BVM |
50120 | Drone DJI M210 Palü Lunga | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2021 | SNP |
34853 | PK 50 - Pixel Map 1:50'000 KREL - Pixelkarte 1:50'000 - Carte-pixel 1:50'000 (old map design - altes Kartendesign - ancien design de carte) | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2015 | NWP |
9400 | Landsat TM Scene, 31.08.1989, CIR Composite, 28.5m | Satellite Image | File (digital) | Global Land Cover Facility | 1989 | WPZ |
5760 | TM Satellite Image SNP area 1992: channel 2 | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | GIUZ | 1992 | SNP |
50147 | Drone Falcon 8 Nutnet Flug 2 | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2019 | SNP |
5741 | Pixelkarte 25 Swisstopo 1998 Region SNP Alle Ebenen (alte Geokodierung) | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | | 1998 | SNP |
50959 | Drone eBee - Val Trupchun MSC Andrea | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Millhäusler, A. | 2016 | SNP |
34420 | Atlas der Schweiz - online | Map (digital) | None | ETH Zürich: Institut für Kartografie IKG | 0 | NWP |
30187 | WMS - Geodienste Kanton Waadt - Géoservices canton de Vaud | Map (digital) | None | Kanton VD | 0 | NWP |
27793 | TBT15 Historische Kartografie | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2013 | SNP |
50231 | Drone Falcon 8 Stabelchod | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2018 | SNP |
40469 | CC-HABITALP: Change-Check of the Habitats of Buffalora/Ofenpass (2000, 2015) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | AVT | 2019 | BVM |
29316 | Luftbild_1968 | Aerial Photo | None | Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen BEV | 1968 | NPDA |
5661 | Uebersichtsplan Region SNP Image Catalogue 1:100000 | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Kantonale Verwaltung Graubünden, ALSV | 0 | SNP |
9786 | PK 25 - Pixel Map 1:25'000 KREL - Pixelkarte 1:25'000 - Carte-pixel 1:25'000 - SWISS MAP RASTER | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2022 | NWP |
50940 | Drone DJI M210 Projekt abch - Sur il Foss | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2020 | SNP |
5871 | IR Images of the Aerial Image Flight Campaign SNP 1988 | Aerial Photo | Photo-Film | GIS-SNP | 1988 | SNP |
50146 | Drone Falcon 8 Nutnet Flug 1 | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2019 | SNP |
31564 | Luftbild 1997 | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | GIS Steiermark | 1997 | NPG |
30194 | GPS-Tacks / Outdooarctive | Map (digital) | None | GEO-Tracks GmbH | 0 | NWP |
51521 | Land Use Statistics 2013/18 - Arealstatistik - Statistique de la superficie: Standard 72 Categories (AS18) | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Statistic Switzerland - Statistik Schweiz - Statistique suisse | 2007 | NWP |
34384 | WMS / WFS - geodienste.ch (KGK - CGC) - Geodienste - Géoservices | Map (digital) | None | Kantone / Cantons | 0 | NWP |
13176 | Luftbildinterpretation Sihlwald, Datenlieferung vom 01.08.2009 | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | HAUENSTEIN Pius | 2009 | WPZ |
34415 | SwitzerlandMobility - SchweizMobil - SuisseMobile (2018) | Map (digital) | None | SwitzerlandMobility - SchweizMobil - SuisseMobile | 0 | NWP |
4841 | swissTLMRegio Landcover - Primäre Bodenbedeckung - Couverture primaire du sol (old name: VECTOR200) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2024 | NWP |
34059 | SMV500 - Swiss Map Vector 1:500'000 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2022 | NWP |
32864 | MAP by Tydac - mapplus.ch | Map (digital) | None | Tydac | 0 | NWP |
9375 | Landsat TM Scene, 18.05.1992, RGB Composite, 28.5m | Satellite Image | File (digital) | Global Land Cover Facility | 1992 | WPZ |
50223 | Drone Falcon 8 Nutnet Flug 4 | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2017 | SNP |
52148 | CC-HABITALP Simplify: Habitats of SNP and BVM/Val Müstair (2000/2006) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | AVT, Hauenstein | 2023 | SNP |
35432 | Zonierung Nationalpark Neusiedler See - Seewinkel | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Nationalpark Neusiedler See - Seewinkel | 2017 | NPNS |
9787 | PK 50 - Pixel Map 1:50'000 KREL - Pixelkarte 1:50'000 - Carte-pixel 1:50'000 - SWISS MAP RASTER | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2021 | NWP |
5873 | IR Orthophoto 1988 of Flight Lines 151-154 of the Aerial Image Flight Campaign SNP 1988 (TIFF) (LV03) | Orthophoto | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 1988 | SNP |
5526 | Orthophoto SNP 2000 IR 1m RAW ECW | Orthophoto | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2004 | SNP |
43329 | CC-HABITALP: Change-Check of the Habitats of the Val Müstair (2000/2006, 2015) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | AVT, Hauenstein, SNP | 2021 | BVM |
5404 | PK 50 - Pixel Map 1:50'000 KOMB - Pixelkarte 1:50'000 - Carte-pixel 1:50'000 - SWISS MAP RASTER | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2021 | NWP |
50980 | Flurnamenkarte der Fraktion Lavin / Gemeinde Zernez - Charta culs noms rurals da la fracziun Lavin / Cumün da Zernez 1:33'000 / 1:8'000 | Map (analog) | Paperwork | Schweizerischer Nationalpark | 2022 | SNP |
41516 | Luft-_Satellitenbilder_Basiskarten_Landnutzung.gdb | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Fachbereich Naturschutz & Forschung | 2020 | NPG |
29213 | Karte_DHK | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | DHK | 0 | NPDA |
50253 | Drone Falcon 8 - Spöl SNP | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2017 | SNP |
54652 | Aerial images Trupchun IR high 1982 | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | | 1982 | SNP |
42837 | Drone Falcon 8 Chant Dadaint Totalansicht / Nahansicht - 41 single images | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Rossi, Ch. | 2021 | SNP |
50130 | Drone DJI M210 Kleinsäuger Grimmels | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2019 | SNP |
5405 | PK 25 - Pixel Map 1:25'000 KOMB - Pixelkarte 1:25'000 - Carte-pixel 1:25'000 - SWISS MAP RASTER | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2022 | NWP |
7157 | Mountain Biosphere Reserves (worldwide): LANDSAT images 1975 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Lee, C., Perroy, R. | 2005 | SNP |
7153 | Mountain Biosphere Reserves (worldwide): Boundaries | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Lee, C., Perroy, R. | 2005 | SNP |
50178 | Drone Panas-ch - Revitalisierung Inn | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2019 | SNP |
31559 | Orthofotos 2003 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | GIS Steiermark | 2003 | NPG |
4854 | HIST - VECTOR25 Hydrographic Network Line - Gewässernetz - Réseau hydrographique | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2008 | NWP |
38237 | CC-HABITALP: Change-Check of the Habitats of the SNP and Val Müstair: Perimeter of selected areas | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP, BVM | 2018 | SNP |
9013 | Orthophoto 20.04.2004, CIR, 50cm (FALCON II) | Orthophoto | File (digital) | GIS Wildnispark Zuerich | 2004 | WPZ |
54705 | Drone DJI MAVIC 3T Nutnet | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Rossi, Ch. | 2024 | SNP |
54362 | Flurnamenkarte der Fraktion Zernez - Carta culs noms rurals da Zernez (mit Legende) | Map (analog) | File (digital) | Schweizerischer Nationalpark | 2024 | SNP |
5772 | Pixelkarte 25 Swisstopo 1998 Region SNP Alle Ebenen | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
32366 | Orthophoto 23.04.2006, RGB, 12.5cm (RC30) | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Osterwalder, Lehmann Ingenieure und Geometer AG | 2006 | WPZ |
9538 | Orthophoto 17.08.2006, RGB, 50cm (FALCON II) strechted values | Orthophoto | File (digital) | GIS Wildnispark Zuerich | 2006 | WPZ |
54730 | Dronedata - Spöl Zernez 13.06.2024 nach ökologischem Hochwasser A2und3 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2024 | SNP |
50198 | Drone Falcon 8 Zernez - Spöl vor Höchststand | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2019 | SNP |
54189 | Orthophoto Scarl Sasstaglià (Flight line 18) B/W 1970 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Swisstopo / SNP / Imfeld | 1970 | SNP |
4835 | HIST - VECTOR25 Functional Surfaces Line - Anlagen - Surfaces aménagées | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2008 | NWP |
50179 | Drone Panas-ch - Revitalisierung Inn | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2019 | SNP |
51816 | Drone DJI M210 Nutnet | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Rossi, Ch. | 2022 | SNP |
9460 | Orthophoto 24.07.1980, RGB, 10cm (RC10) | Orthophoto | File (digital) | GIS Wildnispark Zuerich | 1980 | WPZ |
50943 | Drone DJI M210 Stabelchod | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2021 | SNP |
50183 | Drone Panas-ch - Revitalisierung Inn | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2019 | SNP |
30192 | Google Maps | Map (digital) | None | Google | 0 | NWP |
43180 | Drone DJI M210 Zernez von Südost - 6 single images | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2021 | SNP |
9791 | PK 500 - Pixel Map 1:500'000 KREL - Pixelkarte 1:500'000 - Carte-pixel 1:500'000 - SWISS MAP RASTER | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2022 | NWP |
7156 | Mountain Biosphere Reserves (worldwide): national protected areas | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Lee, C., Perroy, R. | 2005 | SNP |
50220 | Drone Falcon 8 Nutnet Flug 1b4 | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2017 | SNP |
40483 | Mapbook Trueorthophoto RGB Sihlwald 2004 | Map (digital) | None | SCHMIDT Ronald | 2005 | WPZ |
9376 | Landsat TM Scene, 18.05.1992, CIR Composite, 28.5m | Satellite Image | File (digital) | Global Land Cover Facility | 1992 | WPZ |
53146 | Recording sites of terrestrial images - Aufnahmestandorte der terrestrische Aufnahmen - Sites d'enregistrement de vue terrestres | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo / SI | 2023 | NWP |
50269 | Drone Falcon 8 Zernez - Spöl Höchststand 1 | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2019 | SNP |
43278 | Drone DJI M210 Zernez gegen Ofenpass - 5 single images | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2021 | SNP |
30242 | WMS - Geodienste Kanton Neuenburg - Géoservices canton de Neuchatel | Map (digital) | None | Kanton NE | 0 | NWP |
50132 | Drone DJI M210 Kleinsäuger Plan da l'Asen | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2019 | SNP |
54646 | Aerial images Scarl Pradatsch (Flight line 17) B/W 1970 | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | | 1970 | SNP |
29348 | Luftbild_2003_Orthofotos_1mRaster | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Terra Bildmessflug GmbH & Co | 0 | NPDA |
34419 | Bing Maps (Microsoft) | Map (digital) | None | Microsoft | 0 | NWP |
32879 | PK 1000 - Pixel Map 1:1'000'000 KREL - Pixelkarte 1:1'000'000 - Carte-pixel 1:1'000'000 | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2023 | NWP |
50177 | Drone Panas-ch - Revitalisierung Inn | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2017 | SNP |
50252 | Drone Falcon 8 Ova Dal Fuorn | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2018 | SNP |
5872 | IR Images of Flight Lines 151-154 of the Aerial Image Flight Campaign SNP 1988 | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 1988 | SNP |
43184 | Alparc | Map (digital) | None | Alparc | 0 | NWP |
9332 | Hyperspectral Data HYMAP Campaign Sihlwald 2004 Strip 2 | Hyperspectral Data | File (digital) | GIS/NLS | 2004 | WPZ |
54850 | Dronedata - Spöl Zernez 25.04.2024 A2 103m | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2024 | SNP |
43179 | Drone DJI M210 Zernez von Süd mit Linard - 4 single images | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2021 | SNP |
50133 | Drone DJI M210 Kleinsäuger Stabelchod | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2019 | SNP |
42822 | Drone DJI M210 Tschlin von Südwest - 3 single images | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2021 | SNP |
50141 | Drone Falcon 8 Macun Chavagliet | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2018 | SNP |
5994 | Topographischer Atlas der Schweiz (Siegfriedkarte) | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Eidg. topogr. Bureau | 1877 | SNP |
54031 | Aerial Images Stabelchod RGB 2004 | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | | 2004 | SNP |
43181 | Drone DJI M210 Zernez von West - 3 single images | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2021 | SNP |
36960 | swisstopo: Improvement Service - Revisionsdienst - Service de révision | Map (digital) | Other (consider new type) | swisstopo | 2009 | NWP |
9795 | PK 200 - Pixel Map 1:200'000 KGRS - Pixelkarte 1:200'000 - Carte-pixel 1:200'000 - SWISS MAP RASTER | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2024 | NWP |
29322 | Luftbild_1986 | Aerial Photo | None | Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen BEV | 2003 | NPDA |
39768 | CC-HABITALP: Change-Check of the Habitats of Grimmels (1988, 2000, 2015) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | AVT | 2020 | SNP |
9577 | Habitatkartierung Sihlwald (aus Luftbildern vom 02.04.2005) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS Wildnispark Zürich | 2005 | WPZ |
7155 | Mountain Biosphere Reserves (worldwide): international protected areas | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Lee, C., Perroy, R. | 2005 | SNP |
9457 | Orthophoto XX.XX.2006, RGB, 50cm (SWISSIMAGE) | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Swisstopo via GIS ZH | 2006 | WPZ |
54188 | Aerial images Scarl Sasstaglià (Flight line 18) B/W 1970 | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | | 1970 | SNP |
5524 | Orthophoto SNP 2000 IR 0.2m COL ECW | Orthophoto | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2004 | SNP |
53391 | Drone DJI MAVIC 3E Buffalora - Solifluktion | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2023 | SNP |
9394 | Orthophoto 07.08.1998, RGB, 50cm (SWISSIMAGE) | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Swisstopo via GIS ZH | 1998 | WPZ |
32763 | Orthophoto Val Sassa Valley 1973 V1 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Swisstopo / SNP / Imfeld | 1973 | SNP |
4869 | WMS / WMTS / VTS - FSDI - Geodienste BGDI - Géoservices IFDG | Map (digital) | None | Eidgenossenschaft, vertreten durch entsprechendes Bundesamt | 0 | NWP |
5757 | TM Satellite Image SNP area 1992: channel 3 | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | GIUZ | 1992 | SNP |
30101 | WMS / WMTS / WFS - Geodienste Kanton Solothurn - Géoservices canton de Soleure | Map (digital) | None | Kanton SO | 0 | NWP |
50208 | Drone DJI M210 Stabelchod - Weg | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2020 | SNP |
30097 | WMS / WFS - Geodienste Kanton Graubünden - Géoservices canton des Grisons | Map (digital) | None | Kanton GR | 0 | NWP |
50279 | Drone Falcon 8 Trupchun - Alp Purcher Lawine 2 | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2019 | SNP |
32736 | Aerial images of the rock glaciers in the SNP region: Val da l 'Acqua | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Swisstopo | 1946 | SNP |
38498 | Orthofotos 2016 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | GIS Steiermark | 2016 | NPG |
40482 | Mapbook Trueorthophoto CIR Sihlwald 2004 | Map (digital) | None | SCHMIDT Ronald | 2005 | WPZ |
53914 | Flurnamen der Fraktion Susch / Gemeinde Zernez | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Schweizerischer Nationalpark | 2023 | SNP |
27247 | Totholzentwicklung seit 2010 im Nationalpark Kalkalpen | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Evelyn Bindeus | 2013 | NPK |
50957 | Drone DJI M210 Stabelchod | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2021 | SNP |
10462 | RapidEye Satellitenbildszene 2011 | Satellite Image | File (digital) | Nationalpark Kalkalpen | 2011 | NPK |
50227 | Drone Falcon 8 Nutnet SLF - 4 (v2) | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2018 | SNP |
50212 | Drone Val da l'Acqua - Blockgletscher | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Cicoira, A. / Uni Zürich | 2019 | SNP |
50142 | Drone Falcon 8 Mingèr Laviner Grond | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2017 | SNP |
34418 | ESRI Basemap | Map (digital) | None | Esri | 0 | NWP |
29217 | Karte_FranziszeischeLandaufnahme | Map (digital) | File (digital) | | 1806 | NPDA |
53387 | Drone DJI MAVIC 3E Zernez - Spöl nach Höchststand | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2023 | SNP |
43280 | Drone DJI M210 Il Fuorn / Grimmels - 5 single images | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2021 | SNP |
54467 | Orthophoto Susch 19360717 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Swisstopo / SNP / Imfeld | 1936 | SNP |
50214 | Drone Falcon 8 Cluozza Rinne (2. Prozessierung) | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2017 | SNP |
32740 | Orthophoto Macun 1939 V5 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Swisstopo / SNP / Imfeld | 1939 | SNP |
53397 | Drone DJI M210 Buffalora Murgang | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2022 | SNP |
31565 | Luftbild 2003 | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | GIS Steiermark | 2003 | NPG |
29228 | Karte_OEK50_1 | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen BEV | 0 | NPDA |
39530 | Geodienste Kanton Aargau - Géoservices canton d'Argovie | Map (digital) | None | Kanton AG | 0 | NWP |
51782 | Skysat Val Müstair | Satellite Image | File (digital) | Planet | 2021 | SNP |
34377 | WMS / WFS - Geodienste Kanton Luzern - Géoservices canton de Lucerne | Map (digital) | None | Kanton LU | 0 | NWP |
37149 | SWISSIMAGE Orthophoto 25 cm 2016 - Tiling / Blatteinteilung / Découpage | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network / swisstopo | 2016 | NWP |
5540 | Scanned Aerial Images SNP 2000 RGB | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2000 | SNP |
53069 | Drone DJI MAVIC 3E - Spöl SNP / Basemap für ArcGIS Online (AGOL) Field Maps App (Raster Tile Package / TPKX) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2023 | SNP |
50222 | Drone Falcon 8 Nutnet Flug 3 | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2017 | SNP |
43368 | Drone DJI M210 Munt da Sach 09/2021 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | SNP/BVM | 2021 | BVM |
53581 | Drone DJI M210 Cluozza Rinne | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2022 | SNP |
32350 | SWISSIMAGE Orthophoto 25 cm 2013 - Tiling / Blatteinteilung / Découpage | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network / swisstopo | 2013 | NWP |
54851 | Dronedata - Spöl Zernez 25.04.2024 A2 55m | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2024 | SNP |
29317 | Luftbild_1971 | Aerial Photo | None | Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen BEV | 1971 | NPDA |
54674 | Topographischer Atlas der Schweiz (Siegfriedkarte) Blätter: 424, 425, 428, 429 - 1:50'000 - 1877 bis 1938 (alle vorhandenen Jahre) | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Eidg. topogr. Bureau | 1877 | SNP |
31562 | Luftbild 1961 | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | GIS Steiermark | 1961 | NPG |
5539 | Aerial Images SNP 2000 RGB | Aerial Photo | Photo-Film | GIS-SNP | 2000 | SNP |
4836 | HIST - VECTOR25 Railway Network - Eisenbahnnetz - Réseau ferroviaire | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2008 | NWP |
10438 | RapidEye Satellitenbildszene 2010 | Satellite Image | File (digital) | Nationalpark Kalkalpen | 2010 | NPK |
5753 | TM Satellite Image SNP area 1992: channel 5 | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | GIUZ | 1992 | SNP |
5449 | Siegfriedmap - Topographical historical map 2.5m First Edition - Erstausgabe - Première édition | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 1870 | NWP |
53393 | Drone DJI MAVIC 3E Panas-ch - Revitalisierung Inn | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2023 | SNP |
9458 | Orthophoto 24.07.1980, CIR, 10cm (RC10) | Orthophoto | File (digital) | GIS Wildnispark Zuerich | 1980 | WPZ |
50194 | Drone DJI M210 Buffalora - Solifluktion | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2019 | SNP |
50277 | Drone DJI M210 Ova Dal Fuorn | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2019 | SNP |
9482 | Orthophoto 17.08.2006, RGB, 50cm (FALCON II) 16bit | Orthophoto | File (digital) | GIS Wildnispark Zuerich | 2006 | WPZ |
38240 | Refoto Fuorcla Sassalba - swisstopo station 3973 (7 refotos: 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268) | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | SNP, Rapp, M. | 2018 | BVM |
50954 | LIDAR Campain 2013 SNP ost | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | AVT | 2013 | SNP |
30108 | OpenStreetMap (OSM) | Map (digital) | None | OpenStreetMap | 0 | NWP |
50181 | Drone Panas-ch - Revitalisierung Inn | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2019 | SNP |
50128 | Drone DJI M210 Cluozza Rinne | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2021 | SNP |
7154 | Mountain Biosphere Reserves (worldwide): situation ASTER images | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Lee, C., Perroy, R. | 2005 | SNP |
5744 | Pixelkarte 50 Swisstopo 2.Juli.2001 LK259 Situation binaer 01 | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Swisstopo - Federal Office of Topography | 0 | SNP |
37086 | LUBIS Viewer: Information system for aerial photographs - Luftbild-Informationssystem -Système d'information sur les images aériennes | Map (digital) | Other (consider new type) | swisstopo | 0 | NWP |
40240 | Orthophoto 03.08.2018 RGBI, 10cm | Orthophoto | None | Kanton Zürich, Amt für Raumentwicklung | 2018 | WPZ |
51779 | Skysat Trupchun | Satellite Image | File (digital) | Planet | 2022 | SNP |
50936 | Drone DJI M210 Projekt abch - Buffalora | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2020 | SNP |
50197 | Drone DJI M210 Chavagl - Solifluktion | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2020 | SNP |
29219 | Karte_Historisch_4 | Map (digital) | File (digital) | | 0 | NPDA |
51784 | Sentinel 2 - different images from the Engadine, Oklahoma, Netherlands 2016 2022 | Satellite Image | File (digital) | ESA | 2016 | SNP |
29229 | Karte_OEK50_2 | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen BEV | 0 | NPDA |
50945 | Drone DJI M210 Stabelchod | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2021 | SNP |
31370 | Orthophoto SNP 2000, RGB 0.2m color matched on ArcSDE | Orthophoto | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2000 | SNP |
29230 | Karte_OEK50_3 | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen BEV | 0 | NPDA |
41747 | CC-HABITALP: Change-Check of the Habitats of SNP and BVM/Val Müstair (1988, 2000/2006, 2015) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | AVT, Hauenstein | 2021 | SNP |
50284 | Drone Zernez - Spöl | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2018 | SNP |
50148 | Drone Falcon 8 Nutnet Flug 3 | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2019 | SNP |
43281 | Drone DJI M210 Il Fuorn - 6 single images | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2021 | SNP |
30164 | HIST - LANDSAT mosaic 25 meter (1990-1994) | Orthophoto | File (digital) | swisstopo | 1994 | NWP |
5277 | Land Use Statistics 2004/09 - Arealstatistik - Statistique de la superficie: Standard | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Statistic Switzerland - Statistik Schweiz - Statistique suisse | 2013 | NWP |
31557 | Orthofotos 2010 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | GIS Steiermark | 2010 | NPG |
36273 | Orthophoto 07.05.2016 CIR, 10cm (UltraCamXp) | Orthophoto | None | Kanton Zürich, Amt für Raumentwicklung | 2016 | WPZ |
50180 | Drone Panas-ch - Revitalisierung Inn | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2019 | SNP |
10432 | RapidEye Satellitenbildszene 2009 | Satellite Image | File (digital) | Nationalpark Kalkalpen | 2009 | NPK |
50213 | Drone Falcon 8 Cluozza Rinne (1. Prozessierung) | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2017 | SNP |
51522 | Land Use Statistics 2013/18 - Arealstatistik - Statistique de la superficie: Standard 72 Categories (AS18) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Statistic Switzerland - Statistik Schweiz - Statistique suisse | 2022 | NWP |
9374 | Landsat TM Scene, 31.08.1989, RGB Composite, 28.5m | Satellite Image | File (digital) | Global Land Cover Facility | 1989 | WPZ |
50224 | Drone Falcon 8 Nutnet SLF - 1 (v2) | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2018 | SNP |
50200 | Drone Falcon 8 Zernez - Spöl Höchststand 2 | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2019 | SNP |
54893 | Dronedata - Spöl Zernez 24.10.2024 A2und3 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2024 | SNP |
5723 | Pixelkarte 100 Swisstopo 1999 No. 44 (LZW compressed) | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Swisstopo - Federal Office of Topography | 1999 | SNP |
5874 | IR Orthophoto 1988 of Flight Lines 151-154 of the Aerial Image Flight Campaign SNP 1988 (ECW) (LV03) | Orthophoto | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 1988 | SNP |
31563 | Luftbild 1973 | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | GIS Steiermark | 1973 | NPG |
39531 | Geodienste Kanton Fribourg - Géoservices canton de Fribourg | Map (digital) | None | Kanton FR | 0 | NWP |
50282 | Drone Falcon 8 Thermalaufnahmen Wiese Stabelchod (TO DO) | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2021 | SNP |
50143 | Drone DJI M210 Panas-ch - Revitalisierung Inn | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2020 | SNP |
5446 | Dufourmap - Topographical historical map | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 1845 | NWP |
34417 | The Federal Geoportal - Das Geoportal des Bundes - Le géoportail fédéral | Map (digital) | None | swisstopo | 0 | NWP |
28422 | Land Use Statistics 1992/97 - Arealstatistik - Statistique de la superficie: Standard 74 Categories (AS97) | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Statistic Switzerland - Statistik Schweiz - Statistique suisse | 2007 | NWP |
5212 | Land Use Statistics 2004/09 - Arealstatistik - Statistique de la superficie: Standard 72 Categories (AS09) | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Statistic Switzerland - Statistik Schweiz - Statistique suisse | 2013 | NWP |
31556 | Orthofotos 1998 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | GIS Steiermark | 1998 | NPG |
7629 | Aerial images of the SNP region 1946 | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | | 1946 | SNP |
9377 | Landsat ETM Scene, 11.09.1999, RGB Composite, 28.50m | Satellite Image | File (digital) | Global Land Cover Facility | 1999 | WPZ |
29220 | Karte_JosefinischeLandaufnahme | Map (digital) | File (digital) | | 1765 | NPDA |
50939 | Drone DJI M210 Projekt abch - Munt Chavagl | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2020 | SNP |
50188 | Drone Panas-ch - Revitalisierung Inn | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2021 | SNP |
50204 | Drone DJI M210 Zernez - Spöl nach Höchststand | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2020 | SNP |
50209 | Drone Falcon 8 Trupchun - Alp Purcher | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2018 | SNP |
4852 | HIST - VECTOR25 Buildings Area - Gebäude - Bâtiments | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2008 | NWP |
40481 | Mapbook Digitales Oberflächenmodell Sihlwald 2004 | Map (digital) | None | SCHMIDT Ronald | 2005 | WPZ |
9613 | Landsat MSS Scene, 29.08.1978, CIR Composite, 57.00m | Satellite Image | File (digital) | Global Land Cover Facility | 1978 | WPZ |
9364 | Luftbilder Sihlwald Echtfarben vom 24.07.1980, Massstab 1:5000 | Aerial Photo | Photo-Film | Grün Stadt Zürich | 1980 | WPZ |
43199 | eurotrek - Die Schweizer Pärke - Les parcs suisses | Map (digital) | None | eurotrek | 0 | NWP |
4857 | HIST - VECTOR25 Hedges and Trees Point - Hecken und Bäume - Haies et arbres isolés | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2008 | NWP |
7171 | GIStory: locations of the Landestopographie terrestrial photos from 1935 in the SNP area | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2009 | SNP |
5759 | TM Satellite Image SNP area 1992: channels 3 2 1 (qlo) | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | GIUZ | 1992 | SNP |
51798 | Drone DJI M210 Projekt abch - Chavagl | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Rossi, Ch. | 2022 | SNP |
31555 | Orthofotos 1954 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | BEV Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen, Nationalpark Gesäuse GmbH | 1954 | NPG |
50228 | Drone Falcon 8 Nutnet SNP - (v3) | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2018 | SNP |
50199 | Drone Falcon 8 Zernez - Spöl nach Höchststand 1 | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2019 | SNP |
4853 | HIST - VECTOR25 Single Objects Point - Einzelobjekte - Objets isolés | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2008 | NWP |
54723 | Dronedata - Macun Rock Glacier 1 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2024 | SNP |
5725 | Pixelkarte 100 Swisstopo 1999 No. 44 | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Swisstopo - Federal Office of Topography | 1999 | SNP |
54329 | Otterschlucht am Spölfluss / Brücke Punt Periv | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Schweizerischer Bund für Naturschutz / Pro Natura | 1915 | SNP |
35108 | WMS / WFS - Geodienste Kanton Schaffhausen - Géoservices canton de Schaffhouse | Map (digital) | None | Kanton SH | 0 | NWP |
37725 | Basisplan Grau | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Kanton Graubünden | 2019 | ELA |
4837 | HIST - VECTOR25 Single Objects Line - Einzelobjekte - Objets isolés | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2008 | NWP |
43201 | rent a bike: Swiss Parcs - E-Bike Touren Schweizer Pärke - Parcs Suisses | Map (digital) | None | rent a bike | 0 | NWP |
40468 | CC-HABITALP: Change-Check of the Habitats of Sta. Maria (2006, 2015) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | AVT | 2019 | BVM |
50201 | Drone Falcon 8 Zernez - Spöl nach Höchststand 2 | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2019 | SNP |
5523 | Orthophoto SNP 2000 IR 0.2m RAW ECW | Orthophoto | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2004 | SNP |
53386 | Drone DJI MAVIC 3E Zernez - Spöl vor Höchststand kurz | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2023 | SNP |
5505 | Orthophoto SNP 2000 RGB 0.2m RAW ECW | Orthophoto | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2004 | SNP |
9393 | Orthophoto 18.06.2002, RGB, 50cm (SWISSIMAGE) | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Swisstopo via GIS ZH | 2002 | WPZ |
54704 | Drone DJI MAVIC 3E Plaun da Vades 08/2024 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | SNP/BVM | 2024 | BVM |
43279 | Drone DJI M210 Zernez von Nord - 4 single images | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2021 | SNP |
31560 | Orthofotos 1995 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | GIS Steiermark | 1995 | NPG |
54256 | Luftbilder Nationalpark Hohe Tauern Befliegung 1998 Infrarot-Abzüge | Aerial Photo | Photo-Paper | Nationalpark Hohe Tauern | 1998 | NPHTT |
34632 | OpenStreetMap (OSM) Data Extract by Geofabrik | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | OpenStreetMap / Geofabrik | 0 | NWP |
54706 | Drone DJI MAVIC 3T Buffalora Murgang | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Rossi, Ch. | 2024 | SNP |
37148 | SWISSIMAGE Orthophoto 25 cm 2016 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2016 | NWP |
54727 | PK 1000 - Pixel Map 1:1'000'000 KGREL - Pixelkarte 1:1'000'000 - Carte-pixel 1:1'000'000 | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2023 | NWP |
7772 | Orthophoto SNP 2000 RGB 0.2m color corrected | Orthophoto | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2004 | SNP |
32368 | Orthophoto 17.03.2014, RGB, 10cm (UltraCamX) | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Osterwalder, Lehmann Ingenieure und Geometer AG | 2014 | WPZ |
39857 | Aerial image of the Champlönch area 1938 | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | | 1938 | SNP |
5448 | Siegfriedmap - Topographical historical map 1.25m First Edition - Erstausgabe - Première édition | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 1870 | NWP |
54670 | Orthophoto Sent (Flight line 19) B/W 1970 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Swisstopo / SNP / Imfeld | 1970 | SNP |
53769 | Drone Val da l'Acqua - Blockgletscher | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Muñoz Torrero Manchado, Alberto / Uni Genf | 2022 | SNP |
50184 | Drone Pradella - Revitalisierung Inn | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2020 | SNP |
50587 | Drone DJI M210 Laviner Grond | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2022 | SNP |
9392 | Orthophoto 17.08.2006, CIR, 50cm (FALCON II) | Orthophoto | File (digital) | GIS Wildnispark Zuerich | 2006 | WPZ |
53395 | Drone DJI M210 Nutnet | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Rossi, Ch. | 2023 | SNP |
54647 | Orthophoto Scarl Pradatsch (Flight line 17) B/W 1970 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Swisstopo / SNP / Imfeld | 1970 | SNP |
50311 | Drone eBee - Val Sassa MSC Andrea | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Millhäusler, A. | 2016 | SNP |
52003 | DTM and Orthophoto Ova Spin / Spöl: Original Aerial Images | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Swissphoto | 2009 | SNP |
9367 | Luftbilder Sihlwald Falschfarben vom 27.07.2001, Massstab 1:10500 | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Kanton Zürich, ALN, Abteilung Wald | 2001 | WPZ |
50938 | Drone DJI M210 Projekt abch - Fuorcla del Gal | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2020 | SNP |
5724 | Pixelkarte 100 Swisstopo 1999 No. 44 (Grid format) | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Swisstopo - Federal Office of Topography | 1999 | SNP |
9788 | PK 100 - Pixel Map 1:100'000 KOMB - Pixelkarte 1:100'000 - Carte-pixel 1:100'000 - SWISS MAP RASTER | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2022 | NWP |
53145 | Expert fact sheets of terrestrial images - Expertenblätter der terrestrische Aufnahmen - Fiches d'experts de vue terrestres | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 0 | NWP |
9378 | Landsat ETM Scene, 11.09.1999, Panchromatic, 14.25m | Satellite Image | File (digital) | Global Land Cover Facility | 1999 | WPZ |
9391 | Orthophoto 17.08.2006, RGB, 50cm (FALCON II) | Orthophoto | File (digital) | GIS Wildnispark Zuerich | 2006 | WPZ |
53904 | CC-HABITALP: Change-Check of the Habitats of SNP and BVM/Val Müstair (1988, 2000/2006, 2015) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | AVT, Hauenstein | 2023 | SNP |
5755 | TM Satellite Image SNP area 1992: channels 4,3,2 | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | GIUZ | 1992 | SNP |
5783 | Orthophoto SNP 2000 IR 0.2m RAW TIFF | Orthophoto | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2004 | SNP |
31566 | Luftbild 2010 | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | GIS Steiermark | 2010 | NPG |
53383 | Drone DJI MAVIC 3E - Ofenpassstrasse SNP | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2023 | SNP |
4972 | SWISSIMAGE Orthophoto 25 cm 2010 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2010 | NWP |
32897 | Orthophoto 18.07.2014, CIR, 10cm (UltraCamXp) | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Kanton Zürich, Amt für Raumentwicklung | 2014 | WPZ |
29221 | Karte_Lorenzo_1816-1817 | Map (digital) | File (digital) | | 1819 | NPDA |
5758 | TM Satellite Image SNP area 1992: channels 3 2 1 | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | GIUZ | 1992 | SNP |
50187 | Drone Panas-ch - Revitalisierung Inn | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2020 | SNP |
5483 | Orthophoto SNP 2000, Infrared 0.2m color matched on ArcSDE | Orthophoto | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2008 | SNP |
31558 | Orthofotos 2013 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | GIS Steiermark | 2013 | NPG |
32865 | Outdooractive Map | Map (digital) | None | Outdooractive GmbH | 0 | NWP |
29234 | Karte_Schifffahrtsatlas1941 | Map (digital) | File (digital) | | 0 | NPDA |
54835 | Dronedata - Spöl Zernez 07.06.2024 vor ökologischem Hochwasser A2und3 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2024 | SNP |
39858 | Orthophoto of the Champlönch area 1938 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Swisstopo / SNP / Imfeld | 1938 | SNP |
28143 | HIST - PK 1000 - Pixel Map 1:1'000'000 KGRS - Pixelkarte 1:1'000'000 - Carte-pixel 1:1'000'000 | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2021 | NWP |
54429 | Orthophoto Val da l 'Acqua 19460927 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Swisstopo / SNP / Imfeld | 1946 | SNP |
53392 | Drone DJI MAVIC 3E Cluozza - Rinne | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2023 | SNP |
35757 | IR Orthophoto SNP 1988 (full perimeter) (LV 03) | Orthophoto | None | GIS-SNP | 2009 | SNP |
42809 | Geodienste Kanton Jura - Géoservices canton de Jura | Map (digital) | None | Kanton JU | 0 | NWP |
29214 | Karte_DOKW1984 | Map (analog) | None | Verbund - Austrian Hydro Power AG | 0 | NPDA |
5729 | Pixelkarte 100 Swisstopo 2002 No. 39 | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Swisstopo - Federal Office of Topography | 2002 | SNP |
50248 | Drone DJI M210 Munt Dadora | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2021 | SNP |
5803 | Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:30000: Felsstandorte | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Guthapfel Nadine | | SNP |
5525 | Orthophoto SNP 2000 IR 1m COL ECW | Orthophoto | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2004 | SNP |
35765 | PK 10 - Pixel Map 1:10'000 KREL (color) - Pixelkarte 1:10'000 (farbig) - Carte-pixel 1:10'000 (couleur) - SWISS MAP RASTER | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2021 | NWP |
9489 | Luftbilder Sihlwald Falschfarben vom 24.07.1980, Massstab 1:5000 | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | GIS Wildnispark Zürich | 1980 | WPZ |
53384 | Drone DJI MAVIC 3E Zernez - Chastè und Besucherzentrum | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2023 | SNP |
4856 | HIST - VECTOR25 Hedges and Trees Line - Hecken und Bäume - Haies et arbres isolés | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2008 | NWP |
5527 | Orthophoto SNP 2000 IR 1m COL TIFF | Orthophoto | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2004 | SNP |
53563 | Drone DJI M210 Mingèr Laviner Grond | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2022 | SNP |
51808 | Sentinel 2 - super resolved 10 m (SNP, Engiadina Bassa, Val Müstair) 2017/2018 | Satellite Image | File (digital) | ESA, Rossi, Ch. | 2017 | SNP |
50588 | Drone DJI M210 Val d'Uina | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2022 | SNP |
5784 | Scanned Aerial Images SNP 2000 IR | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2000 | SNP |
50218 | Drone Falcon 8 Macun Chavagliet (Roger) | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2019 | SNP |
5460 | Pilotprojekt automatische Klassierung LB2000: Orthophoto IR | Orthophoto | File (digital) | | 2001 | SNP |
41411 | Orthofotos 2019 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | GIS Steiermark | 2019 | NPG |
36272 | Orthophoto 07.05.2016 RGB, 10cm (UltraCamXp) | Orthophoto | None | Kanton Zürich, Amt für Raumentwicklung | 2016 | WPZ |
5770 | Pixelkarte 50 Swisstopo 2.Juli.2001 LK259 Alle Ebenen | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Swisstopo - Federal Office of Topography | 0 | SNP |
50934 | Drone DJI M210 Laviner Grond | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2022 | SNP |
41709 | Orthofotos.gdb | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Fachbereich Naturschutz & Forschung | 2020 | NPG |
50131 | Drone DJI M210 Kleinsäuger Mingèr | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2019 | SNP |
29215 | Karte_Europa | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | ESRI Geoinformatik GmbH | 0 | NPDA |
51814 | Drone DJI M210 Nutnet | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Rossi, Ch. | 2021 | SNP |
32896 | Orthophoto 18.07.2014, RGB, 10cm (UltraCamXp) | Orthophoto | None | Kanton Zürich, Amt für Raumentwicklung | 2014 | WPZ |
53396 | Drone DJI MAVIC 3T Buffalora Murgang | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Rossi, Ch. | 2023 | SNP |
50185 | Drone Pradella - Revitalisierung Inn | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2020 | SNP |
32349 | SWISSIMAGE Orthophoto 25 cm 2013 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2013 | NWP |
39859 | Orthophoto of Zernez 1936 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Swisstopo / SNP / Imfeld | 1936 | SNP |
29866 | Orthophotos Tirol (Letztstand) WMS OGD-Portal | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Land Tirol, tiris | 2012 | NPHTT |
51788 | AVIRIS NG Val Müstair | Hyperspectral Data | File (digital) | NASA | 2018 | SNP |
50118 | Drone Falcon 8 Il Fuorn - Ants | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2017 | SNP |
54669 | Aerial images Sent (Flight line 19) B/W 1970 | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | | 1970 | SNP |
5728 | Pixelkarte 100 Swisstopo 2002 No. 39 (Grid format) | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Swisstopo - Federal Office of Topography | 2002 | SNP |
9014 | Orthophoto 07.03.1990, BW | Orthophoto | Paperwork | Gruen Stadt Zuerich, Wildnispark Zuerich | 1990 | WPZ |
5752 | TM Satellite Image SNP area 1992: channel 7 | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | GIUZ | 1992 | SNP |
9496 | Blattschnitt der Orthophotos RGB und CIR vom 24.07.1980 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS Wildnispark Zürich | 2008 | WPZ |
27248 | Monitoringstudie zur automatisierten Abschaetzung der Entwicklung von Totholzflächen im Nationalpark A0 | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Evelyn Bindeus | 2013 | NPK |
5756 | TM Satellite Image SNP area 1992: channels 4 3 2 (qlo) | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | GIUZ | 1992 | SNP |
50958 | Drone DJI M210 Stabelchod | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2021 | SNP |
50152 | Drone DJI M210 Panas-ch - Revitalisierung Inn | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2021 | SNP |
4838 | HIST - VECTOR25 Buildings Line - Gebäude - Bâtiments | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2008 | NWP |
54653 | Orthophoto Trupchun IR high 1982 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Swisstopo / SNP / Imfeld | 1982 | SNP |
50150 | Drone DJI M210 Nutnet | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2020 | SNP |
5401 | PK 500 - Pixel Map 1:500'000 KOMB - Pixelkarte 1:500'000 - Carte-pixel 1:500'000 - SWISS MAP RASTER | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2022 | NWP |
51790 | AisaFenix - Gloria Summits - Tavrü - NUTNET - Buffalora | Hyperspectral Data | File (digital) | AVT | 2022 | SNP |
9005 | Landsat TM Scene, ca. 1990, Composite of Bands 742, 28.5m | Satellite Image | File (digital) | NASA GeoCover | 1990 | WPZ |
43853 | SWISSIMAGE Orthophoto 10cm | Orthophoto | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2021 | NWP |
7158 | Mountain Biosphere Reserves (worldwide): LANDSAT images 1990 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Lee, C., Perroy, R. | 2005 | SNP |
29218 | Karte_Historisch_3 | Map (digital) | File (digital) | | 0 | NPDA |
9602 | Landsat ETM Scene, 11.09.1999, CIR Composite, 28.50m | Satellite Image | File (digital) | Global Land Cover Facility | 1999 | WPZ |
50953 | LIDAR Campain 2011 SNP west | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | AVT | 2011 | SNP |
9790 | PK 200 - Pixel Map 1:200'000 KREL - Pixelkarte 1:200'000 - Carte-pixel 1:200'000 - SWISS MAP RASTER | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2024 | NWP |
50278 | Drone Falcon 8 Trupchun - Alp Purcher Lawine 1 | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2019 | SNP |
50211 | Drone Falcon 8 Val Chavagl | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2018 | SNP |
4756 | swissTLM3D Land Cover - Bodenbedeckung - Couverture du sol | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2024 | NWP |
42839 | Drone Falcon 8 Chant Sura - 12 single images | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Rossi, Ch. | 2021 | SNP |
4862 | HIST - VECTOR25 Other Traffic - Übriger Verkehr - Autres moyens de transport | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2008 | NWP |
50219 | Drone Falcon 8 Nutnet Flug 1 | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2017 | SNP |
29232 | Karte_RegelsbrunnHistorisch_WWF | Map (digital) | File (digital) | | 0 | NPDA |
9490 | Luftbilder Sihlwald Echtfarben vom 24.07.1980, Massstab 1:5000 | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | GIS Wildnispark Zürich | 1980 | WPZ |
5508 | Orthophoto SNP 2000 RGB 0.2m RAW TIFF | Orthophoto | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2004 | SNP |
52942 | Digitize the Planet (DtP) | Map (digital) | None | Digitize the Planet e.V. | 0 | NWP |
42830 | Drone DJI M210 Ramosch von Südwest - 5 single images | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2021 | SNP |
54714 | Geomorphometric analysis of a debris flow event in Buffalora and catchment properties in the Swiss National Park | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Koenig, F. | 2024 | SNP |
50127 | Drone DJI M210 Cluozza Rinne | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2020 | SNP |
9006 | Landsat ETM Scene, ca. 2000, Composite of Bands 742, 14.25m | Satellite Image | File (digital) | NASA GeoCover | 2000 | WPZ |
5786 | Orthophoto SNP 2000 IR 1m RAW TIFF | Orthophoto | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2004 | SNP |
32737 | Aerial images of the rock glaciers in the SNP region: Val Sassa | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Swisstopo | 1946 | SNP |
5754 | TM Satellite Image SNP area 1992: channel 4 | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | GIUZ | 1992 | SNP |
26272 | WMS - Geodienste Kanton Bern - Géoservices canton de Berne | Map (digital) | None | Kanton BE | 0 | NWP |
53915 | Flurnamen der Fraktion Lavin / Gemeinde Zernez | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Schweizerischer Nationalpark | 2021 | SNP |
30763 | Orthophotos Tirol Infrarot-Kanal (Letztstand) WMS OGD-Portal | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Land Tirol, tiris | 2012 | NPHTT |
9484 | Orthophoto 17.08.2006, CIR, 50cm (FALCON II) 16bit | Orthophoto | File (digital) | GIS Wildnispark Zuerich | 2006 | WPZ |
7160 | Mountain Biosphere Reserves (worldwide): satellite images | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Lee, C., Perroy, R. | 2005 | SNP |
50783 | Drone DJI M210 Spöl SNP | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2022 | SNP |
37724 | Basisplan Farbe | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Kanton Graubünden | 2019 | ELA |
5727 | Pixelkarte 100 Swisstopo 2002 No. 39 (LZW compressed) | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Swisstopo - Federal Office of Topography | 2002 | SNP |
50119 | Drone Falcon 8 Il Fuorn - Ants | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2019 | SNP |
39860 | Aerial Image of Zernez 1936 | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | | 1936 | SNP |
50205 | Drone DJI M210 Zernez - Spöl vor Höchststand | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2021 | SNP |
53648 | Flurnamenkarte der Fraktion Susch / Gemeinde Zernez - Carta culs noms rurals da la fracziun Susch / Cumün da Zernez 1:40'000 / 1:7'500 | Map (analog) | Paperwork | Schweizerischer Nationalpark | 2024 | SNP |
9794 | PK 100 - Pixel Map 1:100'000 KGRS - Pixelkarte 1:100'000 - Carte-pixel 1:100'000 - SWISS MAP RASTER | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2022 | NWP |
28421 | Land Use Statistics 1992/97 - Arealstatistik - Statistique de la superficie: Standard | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Statistic Switzerland - Statistik Schweiz - Statistique suisse | 2007 | NWP |
53143 | black and white fotos from terrestrial images - schwarzweiss Fotos der terrestrische Aufnahmen - fotos noir et blanc prises de vue terrestres | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | swisstopo | 0 | NWP |
29235 | Karte_Schifffahrtsatlas1941_entzerrt | Map (digital) | File (digital) | | 0 | NPDA |
50941 | Drone DJI M210 Projekt abch - Varusch IN | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2020 | SNP |
50203 | Drone DJI M210 Zernez - Spöl Höchststand | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2020 | SNP |
50140 | Drone Falcon 8 Macun Chavagliet | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2018 | SNP |
29298 | Luftbild_1958 | Aerial Photo | None | Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen BEV | 1958 | NPDA |
43194 | Destination Nature - Fahrtziel Natur - Destination Nature | Map (digital) | None | Destination Nature - Fahrtziel Natur - Destination Nature | 0 | NWP |
5785 | Orthophoto SNP 2000 IR 0.2m COL TIFF | Orthophoto | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2004 | SNP |
50942 | Drone DJI M210 Projekt abch - Varusch OUT | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2020 | SNP |
32739 | Aerial images of the Macun region 1939 | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | | 1939 | SNP |
34058 | SMV1000 - Swiss Map Vector 1:1'000'000 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2022 | NWP |
32735 | Aerial images of the rock glaciers in the SNP region: Macun | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Swisstopo | 1939 | SNP |
9796 | PK 500 - Pixel Map 1:500'000 KGRS - Pixelkarte 1:500'000 - Carte-pixel 1:500'000 - SWISS MAP RASTER | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2022 | NWP |
51797 | Drone DJI M210 Projekt abch - Tavrü | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Rossi, Ch. | 2022 | SNP |
29320 | Luftbild_1978 | Aerial Photo | None | Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen BEV | 1978 | NPDA |
53068 | Dronedata - Spöl innerhalb SNP | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2023 | SNP |
9793 | PK 50 - Pixel Map 1:50'000 KGRS - Pixelkarte 1:50'000 - Carte-pixel 1:50'000 - SWISS MAP RASTER | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2021 | NWP |
50195 | Drone DJI M210 Chavagl - Solifluktion (missaligned) | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2019 | SNP |
52768 | Basemap für ArcGIS Online (AGOL) Field Maps App (Vector Tile Package / VTPK) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2022 | SNP |
31572 | Alpenvereinskarte 1918 | Map (analog) | Paperwork | ÖAV | 1918 | NPG |
5538 | Aerial Images SNP 2000 IR | Aerial Photo | Photo-Film | GIS-SNP | 2000 | SNP |
42285 | HABITALP and CC-HABITALP: all perimeters and years | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2021 | SNP |
50151 | Drone DJI M210 Panas-ch - Revitalisierung Inn | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2020 | SNP |
53398 | Drone DJI MAVIC 3E Plaun da Vades 07/2023 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | SNP/BVM | 2023 | BVM |
50215 | Drone DJI M210 Cluozza Rinne - Brücke | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2021 | SNP |
50285 | Drone Zernez - Spöl | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2018 | SNP |
29384 | Satellitenbild_Image2000 | Satellite Image | File (digital) | DI Gebhard Banko | 0 | NPDA |
54731 | Dronedata - Spöl Zernez 10.06.2024 vor ökologischem Hochwasser A2und3 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | Wiesmann, S. | 2024 | SNP |