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You can view a SELECTED LIST OF DATASETS which are considered to be of general interest. It is a good starting point to begin with. A more structured search can be performed using the following topics.
The Parcs.Network Data Center hosts a large amount of data encompassing information from all contributing data centers. You can search for data using our inventory database, which includes datasets themselves as well as additional information. All entries in the database have information about ancestors and offspring attached. An ancestor can not only be a dataset from which the database entry was derived, but also an organisation or a project. The offspring shows datasets that made use of the current entry and provides additional information about it. With this system, we can search for data in various ways. To access the information about ancestors/offspring just click on their ID. The author/owner field is not to be taken as a reference, but as a hint about who was involved in producing the dataset. The metadata for a specific dataset can be found by clicking on the 'further info' field when its record is being displayed. If you have any comments or suggestions, please contact our personnel.