unclassified (Data)

5904 Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 5 GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Guthapfel Nadine SNP
41355 GPS-Track Untersulzbachtal GPS Data File (digital) Andreas Daim 2017 NPHT
5834 Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Klasse g GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Guthapfel Nadine SNP
33950 Archivdatensatz: Location of swampy or wetland areas of the burned site east of the Hotel Il Fuorn GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SNP 0 SNP
33840 Archivdatensatz: Traces of past wildfires based on the vegetation map Trepp Campell GIS Vector Layer File (digital) 0 SNP
8903 Location of the observed deer trails within the burned site east of the Hotel Il Fuorn GIS Vector Layer None 0 SNP
34798 Archivdatensatz: View points in the Swiss National Park, Aussichtspunkte GIS Vector Layer File (digital) GIS-SNP 2013 SNP
34808 Archivdatensatz: Nests of Coptoformica exsecta and Reference points of the quadrats used in the Coptoformica study ants GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Chérix, D. 2009 SNP
52697 Refoto: Historic Photo Aua dal Fuorn P9 / Buffalora (Seebildung nach Murgang vom 23.08.2019) Photo of Landscape File (digital) Lozza, Hans 2018 SNP
9299 WP93: Massnahmenplan Map (analog) Paperwork Waldamt 1993 WPZ
8556 CSI Indicator Altitude and Topography, Vallais Ossola GIS Raster Layer File (digital) Rapp, M. 2012 SNP
8560 CSI Indicator Environmental Protection, Int. Protected Areas, Vallais Ossola GIS Raster Layer File (digital) Rapp, M. 2012 SNP
8398 Locations of trees that was considerd alive at the time of the aerial photograph (1984) within the burned area east of Hotel Il Fuorn GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SNP 0 SNP
52689 Refoto: Historic Photo Fops von Terza Photo of Landscape File (digital) swisstopo 1935 SNP
8790 Refoto: Historic Photo Mosaic Dschembrina (2 Bilder: ähnlicher Standort) Photo of Landscape File (digital) Nievergelt, Bernhard 1962 SNP
31084 Militärkarte 1823 Übersichtsansicht GIS Raster Layer File (digital) Land Tirol, tiris 1823 NPHTT
52702 Refoto: Historic Photo Spölschlucht Photo of Landscape File (digital) Unbekannt 1947 SNP
5836 Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Klasse d GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Guthapfel Nadine SNP
33854 Waterbodies in the region of the Swiss National Park - Gewässernetz GIS Vector Layer None Swisstopo 2007 SNP
52693 Refoto: Historic Photo Clemgia-Schlucht Photo of Landscape File (digital) Unbekannt 1925 SNP
8200 Nests of Coptoformica exsecta and Reference points of the quadrats used in the Coptoformica study ants GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Chérix, D. 2009 SNP
35752 Hegeobjekte GIS Vector Layer File (digital) BVM, Bollier, R. 2017 BVM
8595 LIDAR Il Fuorn, Campagn 2010, DTM Datafile from Producer File (digital) SNP, RSL 2010 SNP
37809 Basisplan Kanton Graubünden, 1:10'000, BP-AV schwarz weiss GIS Raster Layer None Kanton Graubünden, amtliche Vermessung 2018 SNP
28107 20130423-010 Übersichtskarte Anreise 10.5x10.5cm für Faltplan (mit SZU) Map (digital) File (digital) SCHMIDT Ronald 2013 WPZ
5895 Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 20a GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Guthapfel Nadine SNP
8476 Refoto: Historic Photo Stabelchod, untere Wiese, Winter Photo of Landscape File (digital) Hermann Langen / SNP 0 SNP
9292 4: Waldraender Map (analog) Paperwork BSU 1989 WPZ
33845 Archivdatensatz: Names of summits in the region of the Swiss National Park (GIS Carto Region) GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Swisstopo - Federal Office of Topography 2007 SNP
41484 Refoto: S-charl Dorfplatz (Winter) Photo of Landscape File (digital) Feuerstein Johann 2019 SNP
6658 Geomorphologische Kartierung SNP - Gletschermaske GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Felix, S., Frei, J., Graf, K., Reithebuch, J., Reusser, S., Rothenbühler, C., Schmidt, R., Stetter, G., Thomas, C., Vetter, H. 2008 SNP
32796 Spühlung Spöl Juli 2013 Database/Datatable None HYDRA, EKW, Pitsch 2013 SNP
28118 20131208-032 Karte Anpassung SVO Gratweg Map (digital) File (digital) SCHMIDT Ronald 2013 WPZ
8735 Bewegungsmessungen Blockgletscher Macun - Verschiebungen Database/Datatable None Illner, M. 2009 SNP
54048 Refoto: Historic Photo Val Mingèr / Foraz / Arve Photo of Landscape File (digital) swisstopo 1936 SNP
8831 Refoto: Historic Photo Zernez, Piz Linard Photo of Landscape File (digital) Hermann Langen / SNP 0 SNP
9344 Bestandeskarte 1982 Map (analog) Paperwork Waldamt 1982 WPZ
5830 Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Klassierung c GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Guthapfel Nadine SNP
8594 LIDAR Il Fuorn, Campagn 2010, data package Datafile from Producer File (digital) SNP, RSL 2010 SNP
33825 Nitrogen map of SNP meadows with Apex Map (digital) None Könz, G. 2016 SNP
5929 Perimeter of the ALPENCOM Map (digital) File (digital) SNP 2006 SNP
8558 CSI Indicator Population, Vallais Ossola GIS Raster Layer File (digital) Rapp, M. 2012 SNP
43233 Refoto: Historic Photo Sent Zoppanaina Bodenrelief Photo of Landscape File (digital) Ewald, K.E. 1990 SNP
8734 Bewegungsmessungen Blockgletscher Macun - Koordinaten 1965 - 2009 Database/Datatable None Illner, M. 2009 SNP
54666 Refoto: Historic Aquarellbild / Watercolour Painting Val da Stabelchod Photo of Landscape File (digital) Giacometti, Giovanni 1928 SNP
52690 Refoto: Historic Photo Cluozza-Hang Photo of Landscape File (digital) swisstopo 1935 SNP
40153 Regeneration 2017 Database/Datatable None BRÄNDLI, K., STILLHARD, J., HOBI, M., & P. BRANG 2020 WPZ
9304 Wegplanung 2: Erschliessung fuer Erholung, Umwelterlebnis und -bildung: Nutzungstypen Map (analog) Paperwork Waldamt 1998 WPZ
9290 5: Oekologische Wertkarte Map (analog) Paperwork BSU 1989 WPZ
6098 Approximate IR camera locations SNP aerial flight 2000 GIS Vector Layer File (digital) GIS-SNP 2003 SNP
5528 Approximate ground coverage IR aerial photos 2000 GIS Vector Layer File (digital) GIS-SNP 2002 SNP
33851 Archivdatensatz: Names of the water bodies in the region of the Swiss National Park GIS Vector Layer None Swisstopo 2007 SNP
51949 Refoto: Historic Photo Ramosch Brunnen (Pro'l Bügl Suot Baselgia) Photo of Landscape File (digital) Unbekannt 0 SNP
34982 Archivdatensatz: Themenweg Senda da l'Uors GIS Vector Layer None SNP 0 SNP
9248 Stadtwaldung Zuerich, Sihlwald: poligonometrische Vermessung vom Jahr 1874-78 Map (analog) Paperwork U.Meister et.al. 1878 WPZ
5978 Field names in the region of the Swiss National Park (GIS Carto Region) GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Swisstopo - Federal Office of Topography 2007 SNP
33968 Archivdatensatz: Fuss und Wanderwegnetz Region SNP, Unterengadin und Val Müstair GIS Vector Layer None Kantonale Verwaltung Graubünden ALSV 0 SNP
42722 Nationalpark Donau-Auen - Übersichtskarte Teil 1 und Teil 2, Anlage zu 3 Abs.4 zum LGBl. 5505/1-0 Map (digital) File (digital) Land Niederösterreich 1996 NPDA
40148 Lying deadwood 2017 Database/Datatable None BRÄNDLI, K., STILLHARD, J., HOBI, M., & P. BRANG 2020 WPZ
28112 20131209-035 Karte Anreise für Jahresprogramm 2014 Map (digital) File (digital) SCHMIDT Ronald 2013 WPZ
8608 VSCHINAUNCHA da S-chanf, Val Chaschauna, Trupchun, Plaun da God Map (digital) File (digital) Zonder, N. 1944 SNP
33941 Archivdatensatz: Shaded version of the digital terrain model of the burned site east of Hotel Il Fuorn GIS Raster Layer File (digital) SNP 0 SNP
37779 Trockenwiesen und -weiden GIS Vector Layer None Amt für Natur und Umwelt Graubünden ANU 2018 BEV
5715 Digitizing problems based on the vegetation map Trepp Campell GIS Vector Layer File (digital) 0 SNP
41979 Refoto: Historic Photo Munt Chavagl (Solifluktion) - Diss Furrer - Abbildung 38 Photo of Landscape File (digital) Furrer, G. 1951 SNP
33827 MERIS Terrestrial Chlorophyll Index (mtci) map of SNP meadows with Apex Map (digital) None Könz, G. 2016 SNP
52717 Refoto: Historic Photo Alp La Schera / Dauerbeobachtungsfläche La Schera Nord (historische Refotos) Photo of Landscape File (digital) Stüssi, Balthasar 1939 SNP
8860 Refoto: Historic Photo Arve / Special Tree Rastplatz Val Mingèr (diverse Bilder) Photo of Landscape File (digital) div. 0 SNP
37766 Amphibienlaichgebiete GIS Vector Layer None BAFU 0 BEV
33850 Names of the water bodies in the region of the Swiss National Park GIS Vector Layer None Swisstopo 2007 SNP
52739 Refoto: Historic Photo Clemgia / Touristen auf Brücke Photo of Landscape File (digital) Bezzola 0 SNP
38499 Chronik des Nationalpark Gesäuse Database/Datatable File (digital) Maringer, Alexander 2019 NPG
42719 Nationalpark Donau-Auen, Kartenanlage zur Verordnung über den Nationalpark Donau-Auen, LGBl. 5505/1-0, Änderung LGBl. Nr. 57/2018Karten aus grundlegenden Rechtsquellen des NP Donau-Auen Map (digital) File (digital) Land Niederösterreich 2018 NPDA
8611 Ofenberg Waldungen, Blatt 1 Map (digital) File (digital) Gemeinde Zernez; Sutter, J. 1913 SNP
33535 Project Perimeter Econnect Bayern, Vorarlberg, Tirol and Salzburg GIS Vector Layer None Rapp, M. 2015 SNP
33867 Archivdatensatz: Valley names in the region of the Swiss National Park GIS Vector Layer None GIS SNP, Swisstopo 2007 SNP
51787 APEX flights (internal and external) overview Hyperspectral Data File (digital) SNP, RSL 2010 SNP
52783 Refoto: Historic Photo Zernez alter Spölverlauf (zwischen Brand und Bahnbau) Photo of Landscape File (digital) Lienhard und Salzborn 1900 SNP
28113 20131209-034 Karte Übersicht für Jahresprogramm 2014 Map (digital) File (digital) SCHMIDT Ronald 2013 WPZ
9305 Wegplanung 3: Erschliessung fuer Waldpflege, Nutzung und Pflege offener Flaechen, div. Unterhaltsarbeiten: Nutzungstypen Map (analog) Paperwork Waldamt 1998 WPZ
52751 Refoto: Historic Photo Alp La Schera / Maler Heinrich Baur Photo of Landscape File (digital) Unbekannt 1920 SNP
52728 Refoto: Historic Photo Müschems (Erosion) Photo of Landscape File (digital) Lüdi, Werner 1957 SNP
9288 2: Faunabewertung (nur Voegel) Map (analog) Paperwork BSU 1989 WPZ
54546 Refoto: Historic Photo Chamanna Cluozza mit Gästen/Touristen (Frauen) Photo of Landscape File (digital) Langen, Hermann 0 SNP
40160 Local densities of Tree related microhabitats (TREM's) Database/Datatable None BRÄNDLI, K., STILLHARD, J., HOBI, M., & P. BRANG 2020 WPZ
5963 Maps for Book 'Staffelbach': Digital Map (TIFF) Map (digital) File (digital) SNP 2006 SNP
40151 Standing dead trees 2017 Database/Datatable None BRÄNDLI, K., STILLHARD, J., HOBI, M., & P. BRANG 2020 WPZ
33955 Archivdatensatz: Characteristic ridges in the burned site east of the Hotel Il Fuorn GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SNP 0 SNP
9302 Fotodokumentation Sihlwald: Uebersichtsplan Aufnahmestandorte Map (analog) Paperwork Waldamt 1995 WPZ
35421 NatURwald Sihlwald - Grobkonzept Plan Nr.1/2, M1:10000 Map (analog) Paperwork GUT Othmar, HEFEL Thomas, MOLL Claudia & Gabriela PETER 1993 WPZ
37778 Naturobjekte: flächig, linienförmig, punkthaft GIS Vector Layer None Amt für Natur und Umwelt Graubünden ANU 2018 BEV
5530 Thiessen polygons around camera locations of SNP aerial flight 2000 GIS Vector Layer File (digital) GIS-SNP 2003 SNP
42731 Der Nationalpark Donau-Auen Map (digital) File (digital) Nationalpark Donau-Auen, Hans-Peter Graner 2009 NPDA
8736 Bewegungsmessungen Blockgletscher Macun - Punktgeschwindigkeiten Datafile from Producer None Illner, M. 2009 SNP
9184 Aufnahmestandorte Vegetationsaufnahmen F. Kloetzli GIS Vector Layer File (digital) KLÖTZLI Frank 1998 WPZ
51825 Plant Records, Temperatures, Humidity Database/Datatable File (digital) Bole-Feysot, M. 2022 SNP
33948 Archivdatensatz: Location of the observed deer trails within the burned site east of the Hotel Il Fuorn GIS Vector Layer None 0 SNP
8651 Refoto: Historic Photo Carolina - Val Tantermozza Bahnbrücke Photo of Landscape File (digital) Hermann Langen / SNP 0 SNP
5889 Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 14 GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Guthapfel Nadine SNP
9195 Standorte Stichprobeflaechen 1998 GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SCHMID Marion 1998 WPZ
53851 Scanned Aerial Images Kraftwerkbau Spöl, Ova Spin, Punt dal Gall Aerial Photo File (digital) GIS-SNP 1970 SNP
9285 C: Vorschlag Reduktion des Maschinen und Erdwegnetzes Map (analog) Paperwork Hünerwadel 1988 WPZ
27186 Wegzuständigkeiten Tirol GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Nationalpark Hohe Tauern, Jurgeit Florian 2013 NPHT
54436 Genauigkeit von GPS PLUS-Halsbändern für Cervus elaphus im Schweizerischen Nationalpark GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Bernhard, N. 2023 SNP
37764 Bundesinventar der schützenswerten Ortsbilder der Schweiz von nationaler Bedeutung ISOS GIS Vector Layer None BAK 2016 BEV
34380 View points in the Swiss National Park, Aussichtspunkte GIS Vector Layer File (digital) GIS-SNP 2013 SNP
35036 Gloria SNP, Datenauszug 2002 - 2016 Database/Datatable File (digital) Wipf, S., diverse 2002 SNP
27796 TBT15 Historische Kartografie: Karte der Gemeinde Tarasp von Antoni Veith Map (digital) File (digital) Antoni Veith 1733 SNP
50077 Drohnenflüge SNP Übersicht GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SNP 2022 SNP
27640 Biotoptypenerhebung von Flächen außerhalb des Waldes im Nationalpark Donau-Auen GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Umweltdata GmbH 0 NPDA
42720 Nationalpark Donau-Auen, Kartenanlage zur Wiener Nationalparkverordnung, LGBl. für Wien Nr. 6/2003 Map (digital) File (digital) Stadt Wien 2003 NPDA
31079 Kulturenskelettkarte 1861 Map (digital) File (digital) Land Tirol, tiris 1861 NPHTT
28109 20130226-001 Übersichtskarte Anreise 10.5x10.5cm für Faltplan (ohne SZU) Map (digital) File (digital) SCHMIDT Ronald 2013 WPZ
9293 Bestandeskarte 1990 Map (analog) Paperwork Waldamt 1990 WPZ
54477 Refoto: Historic Photo Parwächter Simon Luzi auf der Alp Trupchun Photo of Landscape File (digital) Unbekannt 0 SNP
54034 Refoto: Historic Photo Gamsfalle in der Bartgeier-Aussetzungshöhle Val da Stabelchod Photo of Landscape File (digital) Robin, K. 1991 SNP
5981 Field names in the area of the Swiss National Park (GIS Carto SNP) GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Swisstopo - Federal Office of Topography 2007 SNP
33940 Archivdatensatz: Digital terrain model of the burned site east of Hotel Il Fuorn GIS Raster Layer File (digital) SNP 0 SNP
8864 Refoto: Historic Photo La Drossa, vom Charbunera-Wanderweg Photo of Landscape File (digital) Hermann Langen/ SNP 1920 SNP
5908 Maps of Book 'Staffelbach': Mountain Tops of the SNP region GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SNP 2006 SNP
7524 Special events monitoring land slides, floods ect. GIS Vector Layer None SNP 0 SNP
34833 Archivdatensatz: Location of the observaton plots of forest succession by F. Kurth and A. Risch GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SNP 2009 SNP
37773 Auen GIS Vector Layer None Amt für Natur und Umwelt Graubünden ANU 2018 BEV
37780 Moorlandschaften GIS Vector Layer None Amt für Natur und Umwelt Graubünden ANU 2018 BEV
33862 Archivdatensatz: Lakes in the region area of the Swiss National Park (GIS Carto Region SNP) GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Swisstopo - Federal Office of Topography 2007 SNP
33855 Archivdatensatz: Waterbodies in the region of the Swiss National Park - Gewässernetz GIS Vector Layer None Swisstopo 2007 SNP
42252 Elektronischer Appendix 3 Karten und Raster Surveying Data None Umweltbundesamt, Universität Wien, Nationalparks Austria 2021 NPA
5957 Maps of Book 'Staffelbach': Border SNP and Biosphere Reserve Val Müstair GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SNP 2006 SNP
8404 Location of bigger rocks in the burned site east of the Hotel Il Fuorn GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SNP 0 SNP
38484 Camera traps monitoring, Fotos Rohdaten Photo of Landscape None Rempfler, T., SNP 2018 SNP
37767 Auen GIS Vector Layer None BAFU 0 BEV
37787 Wildschutzgebiete (WSG) GIS Vector Layer None Amt für Jagd und Fischerei Graubünden AJF 2018 BEV
52758 Refoto: Historic Photo Mingèr Special Tree Photo of Landscape File (digital) 0 SNP
37776 Hochmoore GIS Vector Layer None Amt für Natur und Umwelt Graubünden ANU 2018 BEV
42834 Refoto: Historic Photo Chant Dadaint Nahansicht (Drohnen-Aufnahme / Drohnen-Refoto) Aerial Photo File (digital) Abderhalden, W. 2018 SNP
37913 Vögel GIS Vector Layer None Vogelwarte Sempach 2019 BEV
37761 Natur- und Kulturlandschaft Datenkatalog Database/Datatable File (digital) UNESCO Biosphärenreservat Engiadina Val Müstair 2019 BEV
43272 Refoto: Historic Photo Margunet / Stabelchod (Luftbild / Drohnen-Refoto) Aerial Photo File (digital) Friedli, Werner 1954 SNP
38478 Ungulate segregation, group size Database/Datatable None Anderwald, P. 2015 SNP
8610 Uebersichtskarte der Gemeindewaldungen Zuoz Map (digital) File (digital) 1895 SNP
5890 Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 15 GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Guthapfel Nadine SNP
37770 Trockenwiesen und -weiden GIS Vector Layer None BAFU 0 BEV
33946 Archivdatensatz: Location of tree seedlings in the burned site east of the Hotel Il Fuorn GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SNP 0 SNP
31076 Anichkarte 1774 Map (digital) File (digital) Peter Anich, Blasius Hueber, Land Tirol, tiris 1774 NPHTT
34350 Tree-ring database Database/Datatable None Bigler, Ch. 2012 SNP
10554 TBT5 Geomorphologie: Density of dolines in the SNP GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SNP 2012 SNP
8557 CSI Indicator Ecological Measures, Vallais Ossola GIS Raster Layer File (digital) Rapp, M. 2012 SNP
8259 Locations of the sampling sites of the Nutrients and Chemistry monitoring Project of Macun GIS Vector Layer None EAWAG 2009 SNP
37786 Wildruhezonen (WRZ) GIS Vector Layer None Amt für Jagd und Fischerei Graubünden AJF 2018 BEV
33954 Archivdatensatz: Contour Lines of 5 m equidistance in the burned site east of Hotel Il Fuorn GIS Vector Layer None 0 SNP
52714 Refoto: Historic Photo Totholz Photo of Landscape File (digital) Dr. Hinden, Basel 1911 SNP
43185 Reftoto: Historic Photo Zernez von Süd mit Piz Linard (Luftbild / Drohnen-Refoto) Aerial Photo File (digital) Friedli, Werner 1954 SNP
34428 Exploring the Impact of Contextual Variables on the Temporal Variability of Grazing and Risk Avoidance Patterns of Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) in an Alpine Environment. R-Scripts Datafile from Producer None James Patrick 2017 SNP
5891 Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 19 GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Guthapfel Nadine SNP
33933 Archivdatensatz: HABITALP - Perimeter of mapped area in the region of the Swiss National Park GIS Vector Layer None SNP 2008 SNP
54672 Topographische Karte der Schweiz - Dufourkarte / Blatt XV Davos / Martinsbruck - 1:100'000 - 1859, 1866, 1869, 1873, 1878, 1888, 1899 Map (digital) File (digital) Dufour, Guillaume Henri 1859 SNP
39862 Perimeter Parco Val Calanca GIS Vector Layer None FOEN BAFU OFEV UFAM / Swiss Parks Network 2025 CAL
34796 Quelldaten aus 100 Jahren Quellforschung im Schweizerischen Nationalpark Database/Datatable File (digital) Ruggli, Ch. 2017 SNP
8630 LIDAR Il Fuorn, Campagn 2010, DTM Hillshade Datafile from Producer File (digital) SNP, RSL 2010 SNP
8789 Refoto: Historic Photo Margunet, Val dal Botsch on Daint la Schera Photo of Landscape File (digital) Feuerstein 0 SNP
8622 Refoto: Historic Photos Ardez / Blick von Motta Jüda Photo of Landscape File (digital) swisstopo 1935 SNP
52734 Refoto: Historic Photo Alte Grass-Hütte (Jagdhütte Cluozza von Curdin Grass) Photo of Landscape File (digital) Unbekannt 1902 SNP
42736 Tabula Peutingeriana, Codex Vindobonesis 324 Map (digital) File (digital) unbekannt 1200 NPDA
33803 Archivdatensatz: Schafalp 1987 GR GIS Vector Layer None unknown 1987 SNP
5533 Perimeter SNP 2000 IR Orthophoto GIS Vector Layer File (digital) GIS-SNP 2004 SNP
33942 Archivdatensatz: Vegetationdata inventory of the burned site east of the Hotel Il Fuorn GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SNP 0 SNP
8395 Motorradreisende am Ofenpass: Daten Interviews Datafile from Producer File (digital) Jauss, A. 2012 SNP
9286 B: Vorschlag Reduktion des LKW-fahrbaren Strassennetzes Map (analog) Paperwork Hünerwadel 1988 WPZ
33953 Archivdatensatz: Forest border lines adjacent to the burned scar east of the Hotel Il Fuorn GIS Vector Layer None SNP 0 SNP
33821 Leaf area Index (LAI) map of Raetian Alps and SNP with Sentinel 2 Map (digital) None Könz, G. 2016 SNP
9203 Perimeter Taxationen am Waldrand (DA Imfeld) GIS Vector Layer File (digital) IMFELD Stephan 1995 WPZ
8894 Uebersichtsplan der Gemeindewaldungen S-chanf, Teil Casanna Map (digital) File (digital) Technisches Bureau A. Wildberger Ingenieur, Chur 1893 SNP
5534 Seamlines for SNP 2000 IR orthophoto generation RAW GIS Vector Layer File (digital) GIS-SNP 2004 SNP
8210 Patch Cohesion Index, Tyrol, Hohe Tauern Region GIS Raster Layer File (digital) Affolter, D. 2010 SNP
7531 Perimeter for the rare species list monitoring programme (SNP Border) GIS Vector Layer None SNP 0 SNP
5826 Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 8 GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Guthapfel Nadine SNP
5633 Buffer around complete transect lines of Ornis Project GIS Vector Layer File (digital) 0 SNP
52730 Refoto: Historic Photo Macun / Lai Grond / Dauerbeobachtungsfläche Photo of Landscape File (digital) Braun-Blanquet, Josias 0 SNP
32004 vitis_ii GIS Vector Layer None Eike Julius 0 NPDA
43269 Refoto: Historic Photo Ofenpass / Stabelchod (Luftbild / Drohnen-Refoto) Aerial Photo File (digital) Friedli, Werner 1954 SNP
34832 Archivdatensatz: Location of the forest avalanches monitoring programm (SNP Border) GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SLF 0 SNP
7527 Location of the forest avalanches monitoring programm (SNP Border) GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SLF 0 SNP
7528 Marmot monitoring programme GIS Vector Layer None SNP 2009 SNP
6056 Quartär- und Hydrogeologie in der Val Laschadura: DEM GRID 5 m GIS Raster Layer File (digital) Marcel Clausen 2001 SNP
38703 Regional CSI models GIS Raster Layer File (digital) GIS_SNP, Lüthi, R. 2019 SNP
52701 Refoto: Historic Photo Oberer Spöl Photo of Landscape File (digital) Lüdi, Werner 1952 SNP
6040 Quartär- und Hydrogeologie in der Val Laschadura: DEM GRID 1 m GIS Raster Layer File (digital) Marcel Clausen 2001 SNP
35425 NatURwald Sihlwald - Vegetationsstrukturen Plan Nr.2/5, M1:5000 Map (analog) Paperwork GUT Othmar, HEFEL Thomas, MOLL Claudia & Gabriela PETER 1993 WPZ
34426 Exploring the Impact of Contextual Variables on the Temporal Variability of Grazing and Risk Avoidance Patterns of Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) in an Alpine Environment. Tables of individual red deers Database/Datatable None James Patrick 2017 SNP
8563 CSI Indicator Edge Density, Vallais Ossola GIS Raster Layer File (digital) Rapp, M. 2012 SNP
53283 GPS Tracks of park visitors and park members GPS Data File (digital) Gattiker, S. 2023 SNP
30196 20140814-024 Karte Areal Besucherzentrum Map (digital) File (digital) SCHMIDT Ronald 2014 WPZ
8745 Uebersichtsplan der Gemeindewaldungen S-chanf Map (digital) File (digital) Technisches Bureau A. Wildberger Ingenieur, Chur 1893 SNP
28397 Ungulate Monitoring Swiss National Park - Database copy on Oracle/ArcSDE Database/Datatable None Ch.Schmid 2014 SNP
8405 Vegetationdata inventory of the burned site east of the Hotel Il Fuorn GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SNP 0 SNP
31462 Datenbank: Wiese Database/Datatable File (digital) Irma Pelikan, Marin Prinz 0 NPDA
9289 3: Waldfreie Standorte Map (analog) Paperwork BSU 1989 WPZ
36950 Station 4508 - Murteras da Stabelchod N.W. Photo of Landscape File (digital) Swisstopo 1935 SNP
8396 Base lines of characteristic gullies within the burned area east of the Hotel Il Fuorn GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SNP 0 SNP
8873 Refoto: Historic Photo Zernez Hotel Post mit Kutsche Photo of Landscape File (digital) Langen Hermann / SNP 0 SNP
5842 Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:30000: (NP 1102?) GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Guthapfel Nadine SNP
36949 Station 4507 - Murteras da Stabelchod S.W. Photo of Landscape File (digital) Swisstopo 1935 SNP
32533 Artenliste Buprestidae Database/Datatable None Wolfgang Barries 0 NPDA
8830 Refoto: Historic Photo Val Müstair, Umbrailstrasse Richtung Valchava Photo of Landscape File (digital) Hermann Langen / SNP 0 SNP
39201 Grenze Nationalpark Kalkalpen - KMZ-Datei Map (digital) File (digital) Pöpperl Franziska 2017 NPK
8317 Observation Plots for butterflies GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Pictet, Besson, Bouchard Macherez, Pasche 0 SNP
33944 Archivdatensatz: Locations of trees that was considerd alive at the time of the aerial photograph (1984) within the burned area east of Hotel Il Fuorn GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SNP 0 SNP
37772 Amphibienlaichgebiete GIS Vector Layer None Amt für Natur und Umwelt Graubünden ANU 2018 BEV
5835 Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Klasse h GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Guthapfel Nadine SNP
5827 Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Klasse a GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Guthapfel Nadine SNP
8893 Uebersichtsplan der Gemeindewaldungen S-chanf, Teil Trupchun Map (digital) File (digital) Technisches Bureau A. Wildberger Ingenieur, Chur 1893 SNP
52725 Refoto: Historic Photo Valletta / Quattervals Photo of Landscape File (digital) 0 SNP
8475 Refoto: Historic Photos Val Sassa - Blockgletscherstirn Photo of Landscape File (digital) Hermann Langen / SNP 0 SNP
37768 Flachmoore GIS Vector Layer None BAFU 0 BEV
52712 Refoto: Historic Photo Kampfzone / Totholz Photo of Landscape File (digital) 0 SNP
36951 Station 4509 - Piz Murtèrs S.W. Grat Photo of Landscape File (digital) Swisstopo 1935 SNP
7649 Shaded version of the digital terrain model of the burned site east of Hotel Il Fuorn GIS Raster Layer File (digital) SNP 0 SNP
8744 Refoto: Historic Photo Macun Overview Photo of Landscape File (digital) Hermann Langen / SNP 0 SNP
42733 Grundkarte Donauauen Map (digital) None Nationalpark Donau-Auen 1988 NPDA
33964 Hiking trail Fuorcla Trupchun - Livigno GIS Vector Layer None SNP 0 SNP
33952 Archivdatensatz: Location of bigger rocks in the burned site east of the Hotel Il Fuorn GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SNP 0 SNP
8609 Uebersichtskarte des Schweizerischen Nationalparks 1914 Map (digital) File (digital) Verlag Benno Schwabe u. C., Basel 1914 SNP
52708 Refoto: Historic Photo Plan Mingèr / Dauerbeobachtungsfläche Mi15 von Stüssi / auf dem Bild: Grenzwächter Risch Photo of Landscape File (digital) Stüssi, Balthasar 1942 SNP
5900 Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 28 GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Guthapfel Nadine SNP
33866 Valley names in the region of the Swiss National Park GIS Vector Layer None GIS SNP, Swisstopo 2007 SNP
5833 Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Klasse f GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Guthapfel Nadine SNP
5959 Maps of Book 'Staffelbach': River Inn GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Federal Office of Topography - Swisstopo 2006 SNP
30468 Standorte der Untersuchungsflächen Nadig in Ramosch und San Nicla (georeferenziert) GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Nicola, R. 2014 SNP
9264 Geplante Kerngebiete von Beobachtungsflaechen GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Forschungskommission NLS 1999 WPZ
51000 Meteostation Buffalora - Tagesdaten 01.01.1917 - 31.12.1958 Database/Datatable None SNP / Haller, F. 2022 SNP
7529 Location of the transects used to assess vegetation changes after artificial floods in the river spoel GIS Vector Layer None 0 SNP
52686 Refoto: Historic Photo Val Sassa / Val Diavel / Urwald Photo of Landscape File (digital) swisstopo 1935 SNP
54722 Aerial Photo None 0 SNP
5962 Shaded DHM50 for Region SNP GIS Raster Layer File (digital) Tydac 2006 SNP
33846 Archivdatensatz: Field names in the region of the Swiss National Park (GIS Carto Region) GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Swisstopo - Federal Office of Topography 2007 SNP
5973 Administrative boundaries in the region of the Swiss Nationalpark in 2008 (GIS Carto Region) GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Kantonale Verwaltung Graubünden, ALSV Verwaltung 2008 SNP
41480 Refoto: Historic Photo Zernez Costetta Photo of Landscape File (digital) Unbekannt 0 SNP
8832 Il Fuorn: vegetation units Geissler Hartmann GIS Vector Layer File (digital) GIS-SNP / Hartmann, J. 1994 SNP
6013 Quartär- und Hydrogeologie in der Val Chaschauna (Diploma): Hydrologische Karte Map (digital) File (digital) Chr. Haemmig / S. Strasky 2003 SNP
5634 Traces of past wildfires based on the vegetation map Trepp Campell GIS Vector Layer File (digital) 0 SNP
8810 Refoto: Historic Photo Buffalorahaus, Ofenpass - Postcard Photo of Landscape File (digital) Unbekannt 0 SNP
9254 Standorte Probeflächen swelti GIS Vector Layer File (digital) WELTI Saara 1996 WPZ
5520 Buffer around transect lines or Ornis Project within SNP GIS Vector Layer File (digital) 0 SNP
42727 Nationalpark Donau-Auen Übersichtskarte (englisch) Map (digital) File (digital) Nationalpark Donau-Auen 2019 NPDA
42725 Nationalpark Donau-Auen Übersichtskarte (deutsch) Map (digital) File (digital) Nationalpark Donau-Auen 2019 NPDA
9291 6: Abgrenzung oekologisch besonders wertvolle Gebiete Map (analog) Paperwork BSU 1989 WPZ
9604 SVO Natur- und Landschaftsschutzzonen Basisebene GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Kanton Zürich, Baudirektion, Amt für Landschaft und Natur 2018 WPZ
9207 Salzlecken im Sihlwald (DA Imfeld) GIS Vector Layer File (digital) IMFELD Stephan 1995 WPZ
42723 Nationalpark Donau-Auen, Kartenanlage zur Wiener Nationalparkverordnung, LGBl. für Wien Nr. 50/1996 Map (digital) File (digital) Stadt Wien 1996 NPDA
5775 Buffer around transect lines of Ornis Project GIS Vector Layer File (digital) 0 SNP
52694 Refoto: Historic Photo Cluozza-Schlucht von Munt Baselgia Photo of Landscape File (digital) Feuerstein 1910 SNP
40146 Supplementary Data Sample Plot Inventory Sihlwald Datafile from Producer None BRÄNDLI, K., STILLHARD, J., HOBI, M., & P. BRANG 2020 WPZ
9349 5. Bestaende mit erhoehter Strukturvielfalt Map (analog) Paperwork BGU 1988 WPZ
8859 Refoto: Historic Photo Tantermozza toter Baumstrunk Photo of Landscape File (digital) Hermann Langen / SNP 0 SNP
8581 CSI Indicator Land Use, Vallais Ossola GIS Raster Layer File (digital) Rapp, M. 2012 SNP
9345 1. Waldgesellschaften und ihre Standorte Map (analog) Paperwork BGU 1988 WPZ
7071 Adlerwarten: Standorte GIS Vector Layer None GIS-SNP 1995 SNP
35139 Strömungsgeschwindigkeiten und Wassertiefen 2009-2011 Database/Datatable File (digital) Univ. Innsbruck 2009 NPHT
33822 Leaf area Index (LAI) map of Raetian Alps and SNP with Sentinel 2 GIS Raster Layer None Könz, G. 2016 SNP
5831 Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Klasse e GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Guthapfel Nadine SNP
35427 NatURwald Sihlwald - Erholung Bewertung Plan Nr.3a/5, M1:5000 Map (analog) Paperwork GUT Othmar, HEFEL Thomas, MOLL Claudia & Gabriela PETER 1993 WPZ
9297 Waldentwicklungstypen Sihlwald Variante 2 Map (analog) Paperwork VOLOSCUK Ivan 1991 WPZ
36953 Station 3973 - Fuorcla Sassalba, Val Müstair Photo of Landscape File (digital) Swisstopo 1934 SNP
52745 Refoto: Historic Photo Blockhaus Purcher / Parkwächter, Jagdaufseher und Landjäger Photo of Landscape File (digital) Langen, Steivan 1910 SNP
33951 Archivdatensatz: Location of small water bodies of the burned site east of the Hotel Il Fuorn GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SNP 0 SNP
52744 Refoto: Historic Photo Paul Sarasin, Edelweiss, Murter Photo of Landscape File (digital) Unbekannt 0 SNP
8403 Location of tree seedlings in the burned site east of the Hotel Il Fuorn GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SNP 0 SNP
9337 Stadtwaldung von Zuerich: 2. Albisplateau Map (analog) Paperwork Orell Fuessli und Co. 1881 WPZ
50463 Cluster Risk, Disturbance Risk, Expected Values, Probabilities GIS Raster Layer None 0 SNP
41980 Refoto: Historic Photo Munt Chavagl (Solifluktion) - Diss Furrer - Abbildung 44 Photo of Landscape File (digital) Furrer, G. 1952 SNP
33864 Main roads in the region of the Swiss National Park GIS Vector Layer None SNP, Swisstopo 2007 SNP
5832 Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Klasse ef GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Guthapfel Nadine SNP
30174 20140806-023 Karte für das Programm des Wildnispark-Festes 2014 Map (digital) None SCHMIDT Ronald 2014 WPZ
34911 Archivdatensatz: Location of rare plants in alpine protected areas monitoring programme GIS Vector Layer None SNP 0 SNP
5453 Vegetationskarte des Schweizerischen Nationalparks und seiner Umgebung (Zollerkarte / Vegetation Map Zoller) Map (analog) Paperwork FOK-SNP 1992 SNP
9347 3. Waldfreie Standorte Map (analog) Paperwork BGU 1988 WPZ
40159 Deadwood data Plots Database/Datatable None BRÄNDLI, K., STILLHARD, J., HOBI, M., & P. BRANG 2020 WPZ
8554 CSI Indicator Patch Cohesion, Vallais Ossola GIS Raster Layer File (digital) Rapp, M. 2012 SNP
33820 Canopy water content map of Raetian Alps and SNP with Sentinel 2 GIS Raster Layer None Könz, G. 2016 SNP
9341 Die Waldungen der Albis- und Zimmerbergkette Map (analog) Paperwork Ernst Krebs 1936 WPZ
35428 NatURwald Sihlwald - Vegetationsstrukturen Bewertung Plan Nr.4/5, M1:5000 Map (analog) Paperwork GUT Othmar, HEFEL Thomas, MOLL Claudia & Gabriela PETER 1993 WPZ
9301 Versuchsflaechen Sihlwald Map (analog) Paperwork Waldamt 1993 WPZ
28126 Maßnahmenflächen Almzertifizierungen Stand 2013 - Almzertifikate NPHT-Tirol GIS Vector Layer None Nationalpark Hohe Tauern Tirol, Jurgeit Florian 2013 NPHTT
54862 Scanned Aerial Images Kraftwerkbau Spöl, Ova Spin Flight Line 1 14.05.1965 Aerial Photo File (digital) GIS-SNP 1965 SNP
9196 Standorte Temperatur- und Regenmessungen GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SCHMID Marion 1998 WPZ
42835 Refoto: Historic Photo Chant Sura von oben (Drohnen-Aufnahme / Drohnen-Refoto) Aerial Photo File (digital) Abderhalden, W. / Arinas 2018 SNP
7525 Location of the observaton plots of forest succession by F. Kurth and A. Risch GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SNP 2009 SNP
52729 Refoto: Historic Photo Murtersattel/Steinbockaussetzung Photo of Landscape File (digital) 0 SNP
52713 Refoto: Historic Photo Cluozza Waldgrenze Photo of Landscape File (digital) 0 SNP
28742 20140311-012 Karte Anreise für Website Map (digital) File (digital) SCHMIDT Ronald 2014 WPZ
7651 Contour Lines of 5 m equidistance in the burned site east of Hotel Il Fuorn GIS Vector Layer None 0 SNP
9247 Stadtwaldung Zuerich, Sihlwald Map (analog) Paperwork F.Pfister 190 WPZ
42729 Erweiterung Nationalpark Donau-Auen Map (digital) File (digital) Nationalpark Donau-Auen 2016 NPDA
33853 Archivdatensatz: country border around the Swiss National Park - Landesgrenzen GIS Vector Layer None Swisstopo 2007 SNP
52726 Refoto: Historic Photo Adlerhorst Val da l'Acqua 2 mit La Schera im Hintergrund Photo of Landscape File (digital) 0 SNP
5635 Recent wildfire areas based on the vegetation map Trepp Campell GIS Vector Layer File (digital) 0 SNP
54863 Orthophoto Spöl, Ova Spin (Flight Line 1) 14.05.1965 Orthophoto File (digital) GIS-SNP 1965 SNP
9351 A: Stand der Erschliessung Nov.1988 [Wegnetz] Map (analog) Paperwork Hünerwadel 1988 WPZ
52698 Refoto: Historic Photo Aua da Stabelchod Photo of Landscape File (digital) Hans Lozza 2015 SNP
33960 Archivdatensatz: Uebersichtskarte des Schweizerischen Nationalparks 1914 Map (digital) File (digital) Verlag Benno Schwabe u. C., Basel 1914 SNP
5799 Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Alle Luecken (kleinflaechig) GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Guthapfel Nadine SNP
43271 Refoto: Historic Photo Il Fuorn / Grimmels (Luftbild / Drohnen-Refoto) Aerial Photo File (digital) Friedli, Werner 1954 SNP
8816 Verkehrsdaten Ofenpass August 2010 Datafile from Producer None Empa 2010 SNP
9227 Insect data summary view by species/trap (Diss K.Schiegg) Database view File (digital) SCHIEGG Karin 1999 WPZ
41986 Refoto: Historic Photo Valletta Photo of Landscape File (digital) Hermann Langen / SNP 0 SNP
52731 Refoto: Historic Photo Alp Murter Steinhütte von hinten / Lägerflur Photo of Landscape File (digital) 0 SNP
34605 ETH Zürich e-pics - Overview of the Catalogues - Katalogübersicht - Vue d'ensemble de catalogue Database view File (digital) ETH Zürich 0 NWP
8902 Location of the permanent observation plots on the burned area east of Hotel Il Fuorn GIS Vector Layer None 0 SNP
8874 Refoto: Historic Photo Valverda Barlasch 4544 Photo of Landscape File (digital) Swisstopo 1935 SNP
33865 Archivdatensatz: Main roads in the region of the Swiss National Park GIS Vector Layer None SNP, Swisstopo 2007 SNP
37685 Exkursions- und Vogelschaukarte für den Schweizerischen Nationalpark Map (analog) None Frobenius 1916 SNP
28394 Ungulate Monitoring Swiss National Park - Database Database/Datatable None Ch.Schmid 2014 SNP
28279 Digitales Oberflächenmodell DOM - ROH GIS Raster Layer File (digital) swisstopo 2012 SNP
10556 TBT5 Geomorphologie: Density of springs in the SNP GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SNP 2012 SNP
33863 Archivdatensatz: Lakes within the Alps GIS Vector Layer None unknown 2007 SNP
38479 Ungulate segregation, horngrowth Database/Datatable None Anderwald, P. 2015 SNP
35694 Terrestrische Thermalbildkamera Messungen Trupchun Database/Datatable None SNP 2015 SNP
52747 Refoto: Historic Photo Alp la Schera / Kompanie I/161 Photo of Landscape File (digital) Armee 1914 SNP
52704 Refoto: Historic Photo Stabelchod von Munt la Schera Photo of Landscape File (digital) swisstopo 1935 SNP
5501 Shaded Geoid Undulations of Switzerland (Marty 98) GIS Raster Layer File (digital) 1998 SNP
42253 Elektronischer Appendix 4 Grundgesamtheit Wildnisarten Surveying Data None Umweltbundesamt, Universität Wien, Nationalparks Austria 2021 NPA
52707 Refoto: Historic Photo Champlönch Zentrum Photo of Landscape File (digital) Pictet, Arnold 1930 SNP
42811 Refoto: Historic Photo Tschlin von Südwest (Luftbild / Drohnen-Refoto) Aerial Photo File (digital) Friedli, Werner 1954 SNP
52710 Refoto: Historic Photo Il Fuorn mit Kühen Photo of Landscape File (digital) Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen 1895 SNP
33967 Fuss und Wanderwegnetz Region SNP, Unterengadin und Val Müstair GIS Vector Layer None Kantonale Verwaltung Graubünden ALSV 0 SNP
51344 Refoto: Buffalora vor und nach Murgang vom 25.07.2022 (Fotofalle Nr. 91) Photo of Landscape File (digital) SNP Fotofalle 2022 SNP
34940 Archivdatensatz: Research areas Fuorn and Trupchun (perimeter), main focus areas for ungulate research 1997 - 2016 GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SNP, Ch.Schmid 2012 SNP
34814 Archivdatensatz: Locations of the sampling sites of the Nutrients and Chemistry monitoring Project of Macun GIS Vector Layer None EAWAG 2009 SNP
36954 Station 3992 - Chalderas, Val Müstair Photo of Landscape File (digital) Swisstopo 1934 SNP
52727 Refoto: Historic Photo Rastplatz Val dal Botsch Photo of Landscape File (digital) Pictet, Arnold 1930 SNP
40161 Tabelle 7. Totholzvorrat im NWR Sihlwald 2017 Database/Datatable None BRÄNDLI, K., STILLHARD, J., HOBI, M., & P. BRANG 2020 WPZ
34844 Archivdatensaz: Marmot monitoring programme GIS Vector Layer None SNP 2009 SNP
5899 Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 27 GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Guthapfel Nadine SNP
10555 TBT5 Geomorphologie: Density of rock towers in the SNP GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SNP 2012 SNP
37132 Karten Lech Map (digital) None 2010 NPDA
5535 Seamlines for SNP 2000 IR orthophoto generation COL GIS Vector Layer File (digital) GIS-SNP 2004 SNP
33973 Grid Stabelchod - missing points of grid GIS Vector Layer None Ch. Schmid 2008 SNP
43284 Refoto: Historic Photo Zernez gegen Ofenpass (Luftbild / Drohnen-Refoto) Aerial Photo File (digital) Mittelholzer, Werner 1925 SNP
35464 Nationalpark Thayatal Außengrenze GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Nationalpark Thayatal 2013 NPDA
33943 Archivdatensatz: Perimeter of the outer ploygon of the vegetation data set (burned area east of Hotel Il Fuorn) GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SNP 0 SNP
42249 Elektronischer Appendix 1 Checklisten Surveying Data None Umweltbundesamt, Universität Wien, Nationalparks Austria 2021 NPA
5887 Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 11 GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Guthapfel Nadine SNP
53313 Refoto: Historic Photos Grimmels / Ofenpass (Zeichnung) Photo of Landscape File (digital) Herzig, Gottfried 0 SNP
37781 Geotope: flächig, linienförmig, punkthaft GIS Vector Layer None Amt für Natur und Umwelt Graubünden ANU 2018 BEV
38270 Station 3978 - Munt della Bescha West Photo of Landscape File (digital) Swisstopo 1934 SNP
40158 DBH distribution 2017 Database/Datatable None BRÄNDLI, K., STILLHARD, J., HOBI, M., & P. BRANG 2020 WPZ
9180 Perimeter of Study GIS Vector Layer File (digital) DO LINH SAN Emmanuel 1997 WPZ
5902 Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 4 GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Guthapfel Nadine SNP
52699 Refoto: Historic Photo Livignotal (vor dem Staudamm) Photo of Landscape File (digital) swisstopo 1935 SNP
41362 Gesamtdarstellung (Ausrichtungswinkel, auszuwertende Fläche) aller Kamerastandorte GIS Raster Layer File (digital) Andreas Daim 2018 NPHT
52705 Refoto: Historic Photo Stabelchod gegen Süd Photo of Landscape File (digital) Pictet, Arnold 1930 SNP
35693 Terrestrische Thermalbildkamera Messungen Brandfläche Il Fuorn Database/Datatable None SNP 2015 SNP
34935 Archivdatensatz: Buffer around complete transect lines of Ornis Project GIS Vector Layer File (digital) 0 SNP
5894 Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 20 GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Guthapfel Nadine SNP
37774 Besondere Waldgesellschaften GIS Vector Layer None Amt für Natur und Umwelt Graubünden ANU 2018 BEV
51957 Refoto: Historic Photos Livgno-Stausee / Staumauer Punt dal Gall Photo of Landscape File (digital) swisstopo 1935 SNP
34352 Themenweg Senda da l'Uors GIS Vector Layer None SNP 0 SNP
28743 20140318-019 Karte Anreise Langenberg 5. Erfa Monitoring von Fuss- und Veloverkehr Map (digital) File (digital) SCHMIDT Ronald 2014 WPZ
38480 Ungulate segregation, habitat use Database/Datatable None Anderwald, P. 2015 SNP
35426 NatURwald Sihlwald - Erholung Bewertung Plan Nr.3/5, M1:5000 Map (analog) Paperwork GUT Othmar, HEFEL Thomas, MOLL Claudia & Gabriela PETER 1993 WPZ
33872 Railway lines in the region of the Swiss National Park GIS Vector Layer None Swisstopo 2007 SNP
34606 ETH Zürich e-pics - Image Archive Online - Bildarchiv online - Archives d'image en ligne Database view File (digital) ETH Zürich 0 NWP
8257 Locations of the observation places of the Biodiversity monitoring programme of the lakes of Macun GIS Vector Layer None Oertli, B. 2002 SNP
36952 Station 4515 - Munt la Schera N.O. Photo of Landscape File (digital) Swisstopo 1935 SNP
9303 Wegplanung 1: Raeumliche Schwerpunkte der Erschliessung fuer Erholung, Umwelterlebnis und -bildung Map (analog) Paperwork Waldamt 1998 WPZ
33856 Inn river in the region of the Swiss National Park GIS Vector Layer None Swisstopo 2007 SNP
9263 Geplante Forschungsflaeche Version 2 (20.5.1999) GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Forschungskommission NLS 1999 WPZ
35456 Nationalpark Donau-Auen Außengrenze (Niederösterreich Wien) GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Nationalpark Donau-Auen 2005 NPDA
30659 Original GPS-Data of all Tags and Animals collared in the SNP since 1997 GPS Data File (digital) Rempfler, Thomas; Anna Schweiger 2015 SNP
8142 CSI Indicator Environmental Protection Int. Protected Areas, Berchtesgaden-Salzburg GIS Raster Layer File (digital) Affolter, D. 2010 SNP
43231 Refoto: Historic Photo Zernez von Südost (Luftbild / Drohnen-Refoto) Aerial Photo File (digital) Friedli, Werner 1954 SNP
9260 Standorte Pappelversuch GIS Vector Layer File (digital) unbekannt Waldamt ? 19 WPZ
52735 Refoto: Historic Photo Brücke bei Falla da l'Uors Photo of Landscape File (digital) 1914 SNP
41981 Refoto: Historic Photo S-charl, Alp Schombrina (Winter) Photo of Landscape File (digital) Feuerstein Johann 0 SNP
8823 Refoto: Historic Photo Cinuos-chel Photo of Landscape File (digital) Hermann Langen / SNP 0 SNP
34759 Pollendaten Database/Datatable None 2003 NPDA
31078 Militärkarte 1823 Map (digital) File (digital) Land Tirol, tiris 1823 NPHTT
8613 Ofenberg Waldungen, Blatt 3 Map (digital) File (digital) Gemeinde Zernez; Sutter, J. 1913 SNP
8399 Perimeter of the outer ploygon of the vegetation data set (burned area east of Hotel Il Fuorn) GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SNP 0 SNP
52719 Refoto: Historic Photo Plan da la Posa / Dauerbeobachtungsfläche S32 Photo of Landscape File (digital) Stüssi, Balthasar 1939 SNP
37606 Perimeter Untersuchungsgebiet Schneehase Buffalora GIS Vector Layer None Rehnus, M. 2018 SNP
37299 Diverse Karten von Vorkommen - Krebsschere Map (digital) File (digital) Der Standard 2014 NPDA
33975 Observation grid of Alp Stabelchod GIS Vector Layer None WSL, Schütz, M, SNP 0 SNP
8562 CSI Indicator Fragmentation, Vallais Ossola GIS Raster Layer File (digital) Rapp, M. 2012 SNP
8627 Refoto: Historic Photo Susch von Nord Photo of Landscape File (digital) Postkarte 0 SNP
52706 Refoto: Historic Photo Stabelchod Ställe, Zäune, hohes Gras Photo of Landscape File (digital) 0 SNP
33823 Nitrogen map of Raetian Alps and SNP with Sentinel 2 Map (digital) None Könz, G. 2016 SNP
9225 Trap locations (Diss K.Schiegg) Database/Datatable File (digital) SCHIEGG Karin 1999 WPZ
9202 Perimeter Taxationen im Sihlwald (DA Imfeld) GIS Vector Layer File (digital) IMFELD Stephan 1995 WPZ
42730 Nationalpark Donau-Auen, schlossORTH Nationalpark-Zentrum Map (digital) File (digital) Nationalpark Donau-Auen 2009 NPDA
52733 Refoto: Historic Photo Chamanna Cluozza inkl. Turm Photo of Landscape File (digital) Feuerstein 0 SNP
8827 Refoto: Historic Photo Val Trupchun, Alp Chanels (Winter) Photo of Landscape File (digital) Hermann Langen / SNP 0 SNP
5897 Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 25 GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Guthapfel Nadine SNP
42324 Tuschzeichnungen (9 Tafeln in einer Mappe) mit Motiven aus dem Park: Scans ab Originalen Photo of Landscape File (digital) Herzig, Gottfried 1917 SNP
52746 Refoto: Historic Photo Val dal Diavel / Dinosaurierspuren Photo of Landscape File (digital) Furrer, Heinz ? 1981 SNP
35423 NatURwald Sihlwald - Massnahmen Plan Nr.2a/2 Map (analog) Paperwork GUT Othmar, HEFEL Thomas, MOLL Claudia & Gabriela PETER 1993 WPZ
28119 20131208-033 Karte Anpassung SVO Matteli Map (digital) File (digital) SCHMIDT Ronald 2013 WPZ
8867 Research areas Fuorn and Trupchun (perimeter), main focus areas for ungulate research 1997 - 2016 GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SNP, Ch.Schmid 2012 SNP
5888 Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 12 GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Guthapfel Nadine SNP
52691 Refoto: Historic Photo Val Cluozza von Sassa Photo of Landscape File (digital) Stüssi, Balthasar 1941 SNP
8394 Motorradreisende am Ofenpass: Daten Fragebogen Datafile from Producer File (digital) Jauss, A. 2012 SNP
5529 Approximate flight path of SNP aerial flight 2000 GIS Vector Layer File (digital) GIS-SNP 2003 SNP
52666 Orig-Scans 1998 Aerial Photo File (digital) NPHT 1998 NPHT
32764 Orthophoto Val Sassa 1973 V1 Image Origin Index GIS Raster Layer File (digital) 2016 SNP
33818 Chlorophyll content map of Raetian Alps and SNP with Sentinel 2 GIS Raster Layer None Könz, G. 2016 SNP
9262 Geplante Forschungsflaeche Version 1 (2.2.1999) GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Forschungskommission NLS 1999 WPZ
42721 Nationalpark Donau-Auen - Übersichtskarte Map (digital) File (digital) Republik Österreich 1997 NPDA
33838 Archivdatensatz: Recent wildfire areas based on the vegetation map Trepp Campell GIS Vector Layer File (digital) 0 SNP
5988 Names of summits in the region of the Swiss National Park (GIS Carto Region) GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Swisstopo - Federal Office of Topography 2007 SNP
42872 Refoto: Historic Photo Ramosch Ernte Photo of Landscape File (digital) Filli, Carlo 1950 SNP
9628 Waldareal 2002 im Kanton Zürich 1:5000 GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Kanton Zürich, Baudirektion, Amt für Landschaft und Natur 2002 WPZ
38235 Historische Fotos Val S-charl und Val Müstiar Photo of Landscape None Archiv Feuerstein 2018 SNP
31083 Militärkarte 1823 Detailansicht GIS Raster Layer File (digital) Land Tirol, tiris 1823 NPHTT
51951 Refoto: Historic Photo Ramosch Gasthaus Post Photo of Landscape File (digital) Unbekannt 0 SNP
52748 Refoto: Historic Photo Il Fuorn / Trainkolonne / Soldaten (Gebirgsbrigade 18) Photo of Landscape File (digital) BAR / Schweizer Bundesarchiv 1914 SNP
9300 WP93: Plan zur Waldrandkartierung Map (analog) Paperwork Waldamt 1993 WPZ
33965 Archivdatensatz: Hiking trail Fuorcla Trupchun - Livigno GIS Vector Layer None SNP 0 SNP
52718 Refoto: Historic Photo Alp La Schera Sukzession Photo of Landscape File (digital) unbekannt 0 SNP
31082 Kulturenskelettkarte 1861 GIS Raster Layer File (digital) Land Tirol, tiris 1861 NPHTT
33819 Canopy water content map of Raetian Alps and SNP with Sentinel 2 Map (digital) None Könz, G. 2016 SNP
5809 Perimeter Contract Swisstopo DHM25 GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SNP
43739 Erhebung der Besuche im Naturmuseum Sihlwald - Dashboard Saison 2021 Map (digital) None SCHMIDT Ronald 2022 WPZ
52742 Refoto: Historic Photo Buffalora / Soldaten beim Bau eines Köhlers im SNP / Kohlenmeiler (Bataillon III/83) Photo of Landscape File (digital) BAR / Schweizer Bundesarchiv 1916 SNP
10551 Digitalisierung von naturschutzrelevanten Käfern (Coleoptera) und Heuschrecken (Orthoptera) aus der Sammlung von Alois Kofler (Lienz) mit Schwerpunkt Osttirol Database/Datatable File (digital) Eckelt Andreas, Kurzthaler Martin 2013 NPHTT
33892 Archivdatensatz: Geomorphologische Kartierung SNP - Gletschermaske GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Felix, S., Frei, J., Graf, K., Reithebuch, J., Reusser, S., Rothenbühler, C., Schmidt, R., Stetter, G., Thomas, C., Vetter, H. 2008 SNP
52711 Refoto: Historic Photo Kampfzone / Totholz Alp la Schera Photo of Landscape File (digital) 0 SNP
52715 Refoto: Historic Photo Alp la Schera gegen Munt / Arven Photo of Landscape File (digital) Johann Feuerstein 1905 SNP
34912 Archivdatensatz: Perimeter for the rare species list monitoring programme (SNP Border) GIS Vector Layer None SNP 0 SNP
33873 Archivdatensatz: Railway lines in the region of the Swiss National Park GIS Vector Layer None Swisstopo 2007 SNP
9256 Standorte der ehemaligen Probeflaechen WSL GIS Vector Layer File (digital) WSL 19 WPZ
9255 Standorte der aktuellen Probeflaechen WSL GIS Vector Layer File (digital) WSL 19 WPZ
9194 Standorte Stichprobeflaechen 1997 (Pilot) GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SCHMID Marion 1997 WPZ
41984 Refoto: Historic Photo S-charl, Schombrina (Winter) Photo of Landscape File (digital) Feuerstein Johann 0 SNP
9338 Stadtwaldung von Zuerich: Winzelen Map (analog) Paperwork Orell Fuessli und Co. 1881 WPZ
33847 Archivdatensatz: Field names in the area of the Swiss National Park (GIS Carto SNP) GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Swisstopo - Federal Office of Topography 2007 SNP
33857 Archivdatensatz: Inn river in the region of the Swiss National Park GIS Vector Layer None Swisstopo 2007 SNP
5536 Data origin of DEM for SNP 2000 orthophoto geneneration (dicc_v3) GIS Raster Layer File (digital) GIS-SNP 2004 SNP
33828 MERIS Terrestrial Chlorophyll Index (mtci) map of SNP meadows with Apex GIS Raster Layer None Könz, G. 2016 SNP
52700 Refoto: Historic Photo Ova da Müschauns Photo of Landscape File (digital) Johann Feuerstein 1905 SNP
52738 Refoto: Historic Photo Punt dal Gall (ehemalige Brücke) Photo of Landscape File (digital) Unbekannt 1935 SNP
33868 Tunnel Munt La Schera GIS Vector Layer None SNP, Swisstopo 2007 SNP
9295 WP93: Schlagkarte der Periode 1981-91 Map (analog) Paperwork Waldamt 1991 WPZ
42728 Nationalpark Donau-Auen Übersichtskarte Map (digital) File (digital) Nationalpark Donau-Auen 2019 NPDA
42735 Landschaftshistorische Entwicklung der Regelsbrunner Au - Eine Karte mit fünf Zeitschnitten von 1750 bis zur Gegenwart Map (digital) File (digital) Ulrike Vaasen, Wolfgang Denk 1992 NPDA
52750 Refoto: Historic Photo Parkwächter mit Fernrohr auf P9 Photo of Landscape File (digital) 1953 SNP
32744 Orthophoto Spöl Valley 1935 V4 Image Origin Index GIS Raster Layer File (digital) 2016 SNP
28115 20131208-031 Karte Anpassung SVO Freihalteflächen Map (digital) File (digital) SCHMIDT Ronald 2013 WPZ
38271 Station 3979 - Munt della Bescha Süd Photo of Landscape File (digital) Swisstopo 1934 SNP
31080 Anichkarte 1774 Detailansicht GIS Raster Layer File (digital) Peter Anich, Blasius Hueber, Land Tirol, tiris 1774 NPHTT
8625 Refoto: Historic Photo Zernez Richtung Nord Photo of Landscape File (digital) Feuerstein Johann 1926 SNP
8647 Refoto: Historic Photo Piz Linard from Zernez (Nature) Photo of Landscape File (digital) Nature / Carl Schröter 1923 SNP
8400 Characteristic ridges in the burned site east of the Hotel Il Fuorn GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SNP 0 SNP
41466 Bounding Box Kanton GR GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SNP 2021 SNP
42796 EnviDat Database/Datatable None WSL 2013 NWP
9259 Standorte Probeflaechen Landesforstinventar 2 GIS Vector Layer File (digital) WSL 19 WPZ
9336 Stadtwaldung von Zuerich: 1. Sihlwald und Forst Map (analog) Paperwork Orell Fuessli und Co. 1881 WPZ
43270 Refoto: Historic Photo Il Fuorn von Südwest (Luftbild / Drohnen-Refoto) Aerial Photo File (digital) Friedli, Werner 1954 SNP
36842 Swiss Litter Report Datentabelle alle Standorte Database/Datatable File (digital) BLARER Pascal 2018 WPZ
8406 Location of small water bodies of the burned site east of the Hotel Il Fuorn GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SNP 0 SNP
39558 Refoto: Historic Photo Scarl Dorfbrunnen Postcard (S-charl) Photo of Landscape File (digital) Parolini 0 SNP
42251 Elektronischer Appendix 2 Gefäßpflanzen Surveying Data None Umweltbundesamt, Universität Wien, Nationalparks Austria 2021 NPA
8256 Quadrats of the Coptoformica population auf Il Fuorn GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Chérix, D. 2009 SNP
34813 Archivdatensatz: Locations of the observation places of the Biodiversity monitoring programme of the lakes of Macun GIS Vector Layer None SNP 2002 SNP
52703 Refoto: Historic Photo Trupchun von Piz Fier (Schafherde) Photo of Landscape File (digital) swisstopo 1935 SNP
37777 Blumenwiese GIS Vector Layer None Amt für Natur und Umwelt Graubünden ANU 2018 BEV
37775 Flachmoore GIS Vector Layer None Amt für Natur und Umwelt Graubünden ANU 2018 BEV
8875 Refoto: Historic Photo Alp la Schera von oben mit Baum (2 Bilder: ähnlicher Standort) Photo of Landscape File (digital) Langen und Bezzola 0 SNP
10030 20130813-020 Karte für das Programm des Wildnispark-Festes 2013 Map (digital) None SCHMIDT Ronald 2013 WPZ
42876 Refoto: Historic Photo Chant Sura Photo of Landscape File (digital) Abderhalden, W. 2016 SNP
27878 Windwürfe im Nationalpark 1998 - 2008 GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Prüller Stefan 2008 NPK
33947 Archivdatensatz: Location of the permanent observation plots on the burned area east of Hotel Il Fuorn GIS Vector Layer None 0 SNP
54766 Chemical Soil Characteristics Plan Periv: 1993 and 2022 Database/Datatable File (digital) Zimmerman, S. 1993 SNP
8904 Forest border lines adjacent to the burned scar east of the Hotel Il Fuorn GIS Vector Layer None SNP 0 SNP
52722 Refoto: Historic Photo Piz d'Esan Nordost-Flanke (Schuttkegel / Murgangrinnen / Sackung / Gletscher) Photo of Landscape File (digital) swisstopo 1935 SNP
9350 4. Waldraender Map (analog) Paperwork BGU 1988 WPZ
42831 Refoto: Historic Photo Ramosch von Sent (Luftbild / Drohnen-Refoto) Aerial Photo File (digital) Friedli, Werner 1947 SNP
33949 Archivdatensatz: Location of the burned trees in the burned site east of the Hotel Il Fuorn GIS Vector Layer None 0 SNP
52724 Refoto: Historic Photo Piz Terza Photo of Landscape File (digital) 0 SNP
31460 Datenbank: Insel Database/Datatable File (digital) Irma Pelikan, Marin Prinz 0 NPDA
52709 Refoto: Historic Photo Alp Grimmels mit Val Ftur Photo of Landscape File (digital) Stüssi, Balthasar 1939 SNP
37763 Kulturgüterschutzinventar mit Objekten von nationaler Bedeutung KGS GIS Vector Layer None BABS 2018 BEV
9222 Perimeter dead wood inventory (Diss K.Schiegg) GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SCHIEGG Karin 1999 WPZ
5843 Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:30000: (NP 1302?) GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Guthapfel Nadine SNP
10260 20130827-021 Karte Faktenblatt Sihlwald 2013 Map (digital) File (digital) SCHMIDT Ronald 2013 WPZ
8397 Locations of bush that was considerd alive at the time of the aerial photograph (1984) within the burned area east of Hotel Il Fuorn GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SNP 0 SNP
52782 Refoto: Historic Photo Zernez zwischen Brand und Bahnbau Photo of Landscape File (digital) Lienhard und Salzborn 1900 SNP
33859 Archivdatensatz: Village names in the region of the Swiss National Park - Ort Namen GIS Vector Layer None SNP 2007 SNP
35695 Terrestrische Thermalbildkamera Messungen Linard Database/Datatable None SNP 2017 SNP
41983 Refoto: Historic Photo S-charl, Mot dal Gajer (Winter) Photo of Landscape File (digital) SNP 2019 SNP
8258 Locations of the observation places of the Biodiversity monitoring programme of the lakes of Macun GIS Vector Layer None SNP 2002 SNP
37648 Geologie von Macun, Geodaten GIS Vector Layer None Inderbitzin, L., Pointner, E. 2018 SNP
35458 Nationalpark Donau-Auen Zonierung (Niederösterreich) GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Nationalpark Donau-Auen 2014 NPDA
34812 Archivdatensatz: Locations of the observation places of the Biodiversity monitoring programme of the lakes of Macun GIS Vector Layer None Oertli, B. 2002 SNP
29917 20140521-021 Neophytenatlas Wildnispark Zürich (Ausgabe 21.05.2014) Map (digital) File (digital) SCHMIDT Ronald 2014 WPZ
34916 Archivdatensatz: Location of the transects used to assess vegetation changes after artificial floods in the river spoel GIS Vector Layer None 0 SNP
33871 Archivdatensatz: Settlement areas in the region of the Swiss National Park - Siedlungen GIS Vector Layer None Swisstopo 2007 SNP
52696 Refoto: Historic Photo Cluozza Wildbach Photo of Landscape File (digital) Unbekannt 1902 SNP
33870 Settlement areas in the region of the Swiss National Park - Siedlungen GIS Vector Layer None Swisstopo 2007 SNP
54003 Map (digital) File (digital) 2024 NPK
9346 2. Naturnaehe der Waldbestaende Map (analog) Paperwork BGU 1988 WPZ
38477 Ungulate segregation, census plot Database/Datatable None Anderwald, P. 2015 SNP
35794 Zonierung Nationalpark Thayatal GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Nationalpark Thayatal 2017 NPT
52695 Refoto: Historic Photo Cluozza / Il Grass mit Brücke Photo of Landscape File (digital) Feuerstein, Johann 1905 SNP
7650 Location of the burned trees in the burned site east of the Hotel Il Fuorn GIS Vector Layer None 0 SNP
5883 Map for Book 'Staffelbach': Digital Map 'wanderwege_v3.mxd' Map (digital) File (digital) SNP 2006 SNP
5893 Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 2 GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Guthapfel Nadine SNP
35422 NatURwald Sihlwald - Erholungskonzept Plan Nr.2/2, M1:5000 Map (analog) Paperwork GUT Othmar, HEFEL Thomas, MOLL Claudia & Gabriela PETER 1993 WPZ
37906 Basisplan Kanton Graubünden, 1:10'000, BP-AV farbig - Ausschnitt Unterengadin / Val Müstair GIS Raster Layer None Kanton Graubünden, amtliche Vermessung 2018 SNP
43760 Refoto: Historic Photo Vers Ramosch (Kutsche) Photo of Landscape File (digital) Unbekannt 1905 SNP
31477 Aufnahmeblätter Kontrollzaunflächen 1999 Database/Datatable None Forschungsinstitut für Wildtierkunde und Ökologie Wien 1999 NPDA
39555 Refoto: Historic Photo Alp Tamangur / Alp Praditschöl (Forstbotanische Expedition 1902) Photo of Landscape File (digital) Muret 1902 SNP
8561 CSI Indicator Infrastructure, Vallais Ossola GIS Raster Layer File (digital) Rapp, M. 2012 SNP
8091 Effective Mesh Size 2, Berchtesgaden-Salzburg GIS Vector Layer None Affolter, D. 2010 SNP
9298 WP93: Zonenplan Map (analog) Paperwork Waldamt 1993 WPZ
9192 Perimeter Versuchsflaeche ProSilva GIS Vector Layer File (digital) ProSilva 19 WPZ
8149 CSI Quality Index, Berchtesgaden-Salzburg GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Affolter, D. 2010 SNP
35424 NatURwald Sihlwald - Erholung und Bildung Plan Nr.1/5, M1:500 Map (analog) Paperwork GUT Othmar, HEFEL Thomas, MOLL Claudia & Gabriela PETER 1993 WPZ
8140 CSI Indicator Ecological Measures, Berchtesgaden-Salzburg GIS Raster Layer File (digital) Affolter, D. 2010 SNP
9307 Wegplanung 5: Redimensionierung Map (analog) Paperwork Waldamt 1998 WPZ
9193 Perimeter Probeflaechen (DA Schielly) GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SCHIELLY Barbara 1996 WPZ
10045 ArcReader Project File (Stand 05.09.2013) Map (digital) File (digital) SCHMIDT Ronald 2013 WPZ
54474 Refoto: Historic Photo Plan da l'Acqua Photo of Landscape File (digital) Unbekannt 1958 SNP
52685 Refoto: Historic Photo Val Müschauns von Süd Photo of Landscape File (digital) swisstopo 1935 SNP
52723 Refoto: Historic Photo Piz d'Esan Gletscher vom Quattervals Photo of Landscape File (digital) unbekannt 1930 SNP
9343 Sihlwald Map (analog) Paperwork W.Aeschbach 1952 WPZ
52579 RGB Luftbilder SNP 1988 (full perimeter / Einzelbilder) Aerial Photo File (digital) 1988 SNP
40154 Supplementary material sample plot inventory Sihlwald Datafile from Producer None BRÄNDLI, K., STILLHARD, J., HOBI, M., & P. BRANG 2020 WPZ
7530 Location of rare plants in alpine protected areas monitoring programme GIS Vector Layer None SNP 0 SNP
34795 Quelldaten aus 100 Jahren Quellforschung im Schweizerischen Nationalpark Database/Datatable File (digital) Ruggli, Ch. 2017 SNP
9390 Orthophoto 02.04.2005, CIR, 5cm (RMKTOP30) Orthophoto File (digital) GIS Wildnispark Zuerich 2005 WPZ
33849 Archivdatensatz: Administrative boundaries in the region of the Swiss Nationalpark in 2008 (GIS Carto Region) GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Kantonale Verwaltung Graubünden, ALSV Verwaltung 2008 SNP
8614 Ofenberg Waldungen, Blatt 4 Map (digital) File (digital) Gemeinde Zernez; Sutter, J. 1913 SNP
8709 Refoto: Historic Photo Val dal Botsch, Felstürme Photo of Landscape File (digital) Brunies, Steivan 0 SNP
37769 Hochmoore GIS Vector Layer None BAFU 0 BEV
33852 Country border around the Swiss National Park - Landesgrenzen GIS Vector Layer None Swisstopo 2007 SNP
8626 Refoto: Historic Photo Zernez von Munt Photo of Landscape File (digital) swisstopo 1935 SNP
52573 Nationalpark Donauauen Aerial Photo None Umweltdachverband 1996 NPDA
8612 Ofenberg Waldungen, Blatt 2 Map (digital) File (digital) Gemeinde Zernez; Sutter, J. 1913 SNP
28150 20131219-036 Karte Anreise für Website Map (digital) File (digital) SCHMIDT Ronald 2013 WPZ
43283 Refoto: Historic Photo Zernez von Nord (Luftbild / Drohnen-Refoto) Aerial Photo File (digital) Mittelholzer, Werner 1925 SNP
8857 Lakes in the region area of the Swiss National Park (GIS Carto Region SNP) GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Swisstopo - Federal Office of Topography 2007 SNP
8826 Refoto: Historic Photo Hotel Il Fuorn (Winter) Photo of Landscape File (digital) Hermann Langen / SNP 0 SNP
41483 Refoto: Historic Photo S-charl, Plan d'Immez (Winter) Photo of Landscape File (digital) Feuerstein Johann 0 SNP
9340 Exkursions-Karte von der Albiskette Map (analog) Paperwork WAGNER E. 1906 WPZ
5905 Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 7 GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Guthapfel Nadine SNP
41356 GPS-Track Seebachtal GPS Data File (digital) Andreas Daim 2017 NPHT
52907 Refoto: Historic Photo Sarasin / Mingèr oberhalb Waldgrenze Photo of Landscape File (digital) Brunies, Steivan 0 SNP
34835 Archivdatensatz: Summits observed in the project GLORIA Global Observation Research Inititative In Alpine Environments GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Scheurer, T. 0 SNP
33824 Nitrogen map of Raetian Alps and SNP with Sentinel 2 GIS Raster Layer None Könz, G. 2016 SNP
40152 Standing dead trees 2003 - 2017 Database/Datatable None BRÄNDLI, K., STILLHARD, J., HOBI, M., & P. BRANG 2020 WPZ
9258 Standorte Probeflaechen Landesforstinventar 1 GIS Vector Layer File (digital) WSL 19 WPZ
9190 Schneckendaten: Standardview (T.Meier) Database view File (digital) MEIER Trudi 1988 WPZ
5964 Maps for Book 'Staffelbach': Digital Map "Wanderwege_v3" Map (digital) File (digital) SNP 2006 SNP
5906 Maps of Book 'Staffelbach': Digital Map (TIFF) Map (digital) File (digital) SNP 2006 SNP
8743 Refoto: Historic Photo Macun Piz Macun Photo of Landscape File (digital) Hermann Langen/ SNP 0 SNP
5892 Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 1a GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Guthapfel Nadine SNP
52716 Refoto: Historic Photo Brandfläche Sommer 1951 Photo of Landscape File (digital) Lüdi, Werner 1951 SNP
5898 Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 26 GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Guthapfel Nadine SNP
5532 Planning perimeter for SNP IR Orthophoto 2000 GIS Vector Layer File (digital) GIS-SNP 2003 SNP
52737 Refoto: Historic Photo Spöltal / Ova Spin Staumauer Photo of Landscape File (digital) Pictet, Arnold 1920 SNP
8815 Akustikdaten Ofenpass August 2010 Datafile from Producer None Empa 2010 SNP
52743 Refoto: Historic Photo Ofenpass Forschende (Brunies, Schröter) Photo of Landscape File (digital) Feuerstein, Johann 1902 SNP
9294 WP: Stichproben Arbeitsplan Map (analog) Paperwork Waldamt 1990 WPZ
8621 Refoto: Historic Photo Ardez, Kupferstich Photo of Landscape File (digital) Unbekannt 0 SNP
43273 Refoto: Historic Photo Il Fuorn / Brandfläche (Luftbild / Drohnen-Refoto) Aerial Photo File (digital) Friedli, Werner 1954 SNP
40149 Standing living trees 1981 - 2017 Database/Datatable None BRÄNDLI, K., STILLHARD, J., HOBI, M., & P. BRANG 2020 WPZ
40164 Efeu Database/Datatable None BRÄNDLI, K., STILLHARD, J., HOBI, M., & P. BRANG 2020 WPZ
9296 Waldentwicklungstypen Sihlwald Map (analog) Paperwork VOLOSCUK Ivan 1991 WPZ
34825 Archivdatensatz: Special events monitoring land slides, floods ect. GIS Vector Layer None SNP 0 SNP
33932 Archivdatensatz: Habitalp, Feature linked Annotations, address of OBJECT ID GIS Vector Layer None SNP 2008 SNP
43232 Refoto: Historic Photo Zernez von West (Luftbild / Drohnen-Refoto) Aerial Photo File (digital) Friedli, Werner 1947 SNP
9226 Standard view for species data (Diss K.Schiegg) Database view File (digital) SCHIEGG Karin 1999 WPZ
42726 Nationalpark Donau-Auen Übersichtskarte (slowakisch) Map (digital) File (digital) Nationalpark Donau-Auen 2019 NPDA
51961 Refoto: Historic Photo La Schera von Murtarous Photo of Landscape File (digital) swisstopo 1935 SNP
41358 Verortung aller Kamerastandorte GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Andreas Daim 2017 NPHT
33956 Archivdatensatz: Base lines of characteristic gullies within the burned area east of the Hotel Il Fuorn GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SNP 0 SNP
8829 Refoto: Historic Photo Münstertal talabwärts Tschierv, von Minschuns Photo of Landscape File (digital) Feuerstein, Domenic 1936 SNP
35753 Totholzkäfer Database/Datatable File (digital) BVM 2017 BVM
43274 Refoto: Historic Photo Ofenpass / Fuorn (Luftbild / Drohnen-Refoto) Aerial Photo File (digital) Friedli, Werner 1954 SNP
8828 Refoto: Historic Photo Val Trupchun Richtung Ost, Talkessel Photo of Landscape File (digital) Hermann Langen / SNP 0 SNP
33861 Lakes within the Alps GIS Vector Layer None unknown 2007 SNP
8408 Uebersichtsplan der Gemeindewaldungen S-chanf, Teil Pignaint Map (digital) File (digital) Technisches Bureau A. Wildberger Ingenieur, Chur 1893 SNP
40163 Tabelle 10. Dichte/ha von Habitatstrukturen Database/Datatable None BRÄNDLI, K., STILLHARD, J., HOBI, M., & P. BRANG 2020 WPZ
33869 Archivdatensatz: Tunnel Munt La Schera GIS Vector Layer None SNP, Swisstopo 2007 SNP
5829 Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Klasse bcg GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Guthapfel Nadine SNP
5828 Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Klasse b GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Guthapfel Nadine SNP
8791 Refoto: Historic Photo Plavnatal Photo of Landscape File (digital) Feuerstein 1926 SNP
8623 Refoto: Historic Photo Val da l'Acqua Blockgletscher von West / oben Photo of Landscape File (digital) swisstopo 1935 SNP
7204 Huts in the Swiss National Park GIS Vector Layer File (digital) GIS-SNP 2008 SNP
34809 Archivdatensatz: Nests of Coptoformica exsecta and Reference points of the quadrats used in the Coptoformica study ants GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Chérix, D. 2009 SNP
8872 Refoto: Historic Photo Piz Plavna Dadaint from Sur il Foss (2 Bilder: ähnlicher Standort) Photo of Landscape File (digital) Langen Hermann, Feuerstein Johann 1926 SNP
39081 Hiking Net of the Swiss National Park (GIS Carto SNP) GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SNP 2019 SNP
34807 Archivdatensatz: Restareas in the Swiss National Park GIS Vector Layer File (digital) GIS-SNP 2008 SNP
36948 Station 4506 - Murtera da Chantun Photo of Landscape File (digital) Swisstopo 1935 SNP
52720 Refoto: Historic Photo Ehemalige Weide Plan Mingèr / Pyramiden-Bäumchen Photo of Landscape File (digital) Scheurer, Th. 1995 SNP
52764 Refoto: Historic Photo Buffalora von Murtera da Chantun (Murgang 25.07.2022) Photo of Landscape File (digital) swisstopo 1935 SNP
51950 Refoto: Historic Photo Ramosch Obstbäume Photo of Landscape File (digital) Unbekannt 0 SNP
33051 Administrative boundaries in the region of the Swiss Nationalpark in 2009 (GIS Carto Region) GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Kantonale Verwaltung Graubünden, ALSV Verwaltung 2009 SNP
32743 Orthophoto Macun1939 V2 Image Origin Index GIS Raster Layer File (digital) 2016 SNP
37083 Landcover classification from SENTINEL Data, Region Untergengadin GIS Raster Layer File (digital) Rossi, Ch. 2017 SNP
9306 Wegplanung 4: Wegkategorien Map (analog) Paperwork Waldamt 1998 WPZ
5903 Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 5 GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Guthapfel Nadine SNP
37119 Quellen Val Müstair GIS Vector Layer None BVM 2016 BVM
40157 DBH distribution 1981 - 2017 Database/Datatable None BRÄNDLI, K., STILLHARD, J., HOBI, M., & P. BRANG 2020 WPZ
33945 Archivdatensatz: Locations of bush that was considerd alive at the time of the aerial photograph (1984) within the burned area east of Hotel Il Fuorn GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SNP 0 SNP
5901 Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 3 GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Guthapfel Nadine SNP
33858 Village names in the region of the Swiss National Park - Ort Namen GIS Vector Layer None SNP 2007 SNP
52687 Refoto: Historic Photo Margunet von Murteras da Stabelchod (von Ost) Photo of Landscape File (digital) swisstopo 1935 SNP
54416 Verjüngung und Verbiss Trupchun bis 2021 Database/Datatable File (digital) Fluri, J. 2021 SNP
28278 Geologische Generalkarte Mst. 1:200'000 GIS Raster Layer File (digital) swisstopo 2013 SNP
33826 Nitrogen map of SNP meadows with Apex GIS Raster Layer None Könz, G. 2016 SNP
31881 Daten zur Treibhholzstudie Database/Datatable File (digital) Eike Julius 0 NPDA
31081 Anichkarte 1774 Übersichtsansicht GIS Raster Layer File (digital) Peter Anich, Blasius Hueber, Land Tirol, tiris 1774 NPHTT
9188 Schneckendaten: Abkuerzungen der Artnamen (T.Meier) Database/Datatable File (digital) MEIER Trudi 1988 WPZ
54331 Refoto: Historic Photo Aua da Stabelchod mit Lawine und Lawinenholz (Lawinenniedergang 14.01.2019) Photo of Landscape File (digital) Hans Lozza 2019 SNP
5961 Rivers in the SNP region GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Federal Office of Topography - Swisstopo 2006 SNP
7526 Summits observed in the project GLORIA Global Observation Research Initiative In Alpine Environments GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Scheurer, T. 0 SNP
32162 Datasheet Database/Datatable None Carina Zittra 0 NPDA
34799 Archivdatensatz: Huts in the Swiss National Park GIS Vector Layer File (digital) GIS-SNP 2008 SNP
52532 Gewässervernetzung Orth a.d. Donau Aerial Photo None Nationalpark Donauauen GmbH 2001 NPDA
5955 Maps of Book 'Staffelbach': Grosse Parktraverse GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SNP 2006 SNP
33930 HABITALP - Perimeter of mapped area in the region of the Swiss National Park GIS Vector Layer None SNP 2008 SNP
8407 Location of swampy or wetland areas of the burned site east of the Hotel Il Fuorn GIS Vector Layer File (digital) SNP 0 SNP
40156 Plot Info Database/Datatable None BRÄNDLI, K., STILLHARD, J., HOBI, M., & P. BRANG 2020 WPZ
33817 Chlorophyll content map of Raetian Alps and SNP with Sentinel 2 Map (digital) None Könz, G. 2016 SNP
35429 NatURwald Sihlwald - Konflikte Plan Nr.5/5, M1:5000 Map (analog) Paperwork GUT Othmar, HEFEL Thomas, MOLL Claudia & Gabriela PETER 1993 WPZ
52732 Refoto: Historic Photo Grimmels mit alten Alphütten Photo of Landscape File (digital) Feuerstein, Johann 1905 SNP
8650 Refoto: Historic Photo Chastè Planta-Wildenberg Photo of Landscape File (digital) Hermann Langen / SNP 0 SNP
9652 Adressen GIS-ZH GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Kanton Zürich, Baudirektion, Amt für Raumentwicklung 2010 WPZ
40150 Standing living trees 2017 Database/Datatable None BRÄNDLI, K., STILLHARD, J., HOBI, M., & P. BRANG 2020 WPZ
5896 Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 22 GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Guthapfel Nadine SNP
33841 Archivdatensatz: Digitizing problems based on the vegetation map Trepp Campell GIS Vector Layer File (digital) 0 SNP
52688 Refoto: Historic Photo Val dal Botsch von Süd Photo of Landscape File (digital) swisstopo 1935 SNP
8624 Refoto: Historic Photo Zernez, Bahnhof Photo of Landscape File (digital) Postkarte 0 SNP
33848 Archivdatensatz: Administrative boundaries in the area of the Swiss Nationalpark (GIS Carto SNP) in 2009 GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Kantonale Verwaltung Graubünden, ALSV Verwaltung 2007 SNP
5960 Maps of Book 'Staffelbach': Lakes in the SNP region GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Federal Office of Topography - Swisstopo 2006 SNP
7648 Digital terrain model of the burned site east of Hotel Il Fuorn GIS Raster Layer File (digital) SNP 0 SNP
52740 Refoto: Historic Photo Eingangstafel SNP Ova Spin Photo of Landscape File (digital) Comet Photo AG 1973 SNP
9339 Stadtwaldung von Zuerich: 3. Langenberg Map (analog) Paperwork Orell Fuessli und Co. 1881 WPZ
52741 Refoto: Historic Photo Alte Bärenfalle Val Cluozza - - - STANDORT NICHT BEKANNT Photo of Landscape File (digital) Hermann Langen 1910 SNP
9379 Orthophoto 02.04.2005, CIR, 25cm (RMKTOP30) Orthophoto File (digital) GIS Wildnispark Zuerich 2005 WPZ
52736 Refoto: Historic Photo Brücke P1 Photo of Landscape File (digital) Ernst Meyer 1902 SNP
41338 Station 4511 - Piz del Fuorn Südflanke Photo of Landscape File (digital) Swisstopo 1935 SNP
31461 Datenbank: Paradeis Database/Datatable File (digital) Irma Pelikan, Marin Prinz 0 NPDA
52749 Refoto: Historic Photo Touristen Val da Stabelchod Photo of Landscape File (digital) Comet Photo AG 1970 SNP
52684 Refoto: Historic Photo Trupchun von Fuorcla Trupchun (Schafherde) Photo of Landscape File (digital) swisstopo 1935 SNP
29916 20140610-022 Karte Restaurant Sihlwald Map (digital) File (digital) SCHMIDT Ronald 2014 WPZ
33974 Archivdatensatz: Grid Stabelchod - missing points of grid GIS Vector Layer None Ch. Schmid 2008 SNP
41985 Refoto: Historic Photo S-charl, Alp Praditschöl (Winter) Photo of Landscape File (digital) SNP 2019 SNP
37762 Bundesinventar der historischen Verkehrswege der Schweiz IVS GIS Vector Layer None ASTRA 2007 BEV
9287 1: Bewertung Vegetation (nur bestockte Flaechen) Map (analog) Paperwork BSU 1989 WPZ
33976 Archivdatensatz: Observation grid of Alp Stabelchod GIS Vector Layer None WSL, Schütz, M, SNP 0 SNP
35796 Außengrenze Nationalpark Thayatal GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Nationalpark Thayatal 2017 NPT
8559 CSI Indicator Land Use Planning, Vallais Ossola GIS Raster Layer File (digital) Rapp, M. 2012 SNP
42833 Refoto: Historic Photo Chant Dadaint Totalansicht (Drohnen-Aufnahme / Drohnen-Refoto) Aerial Photo File (digital) Abderhalden, W. 2018 SNP
41357 GPS-Track Innergschlöss GPS Data File (digital) Andreas Daim 2017 NPHT
8649 Refoto: Historic Photo Ova Spin Kutsche Photo of Landscape File (digital) Hermann Langen / SNP 0 SNP
52721 Refoto: Historic Photo Piz Cotschen Nord-Ost (Gletscher im Vordergrund) Photo of Landscape File (digital) swisstopo 1935 SNP
40162 Tabelle 9. Dichte/ha von Habitatbäumen Database/Datatable None BRÄNDLI, K., STILLHARD, J., HOBI, M., & P. BRANG 2020 WPZ
34794 Quelldaten aus 100 Jahren Quellforschung im Schweizerischen Nationalpark Database/Datatable File (digital) Ruggli, Ch. 2017 SNP
8628 Refoto: Historic Photo Scuol Bahnhof Photo of Landscape File (digital) Foto, Postkarte 0 SNP
8564 Perimeter Pilotregion Vallais Ossola GIS Vector Layer File (digital) Rapp, M. 2012 SNP