5904 | Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 5 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Guthapfel Nadine | | SNP |
41355 | GPS-Track Untersulzbachtal | GPS Data | File (digital) | Andreas Daim | 2017 | NPHT |
5834 | Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Klasse g | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Guthapfel Nadine | | SNP |
33950 | Archivdatensatz: Location of swampy or wetland areas of the burned site east of the Hotel Il Fuorn | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 0 | SNP |
33840 | Archivdatensatz: Traces of past wildfires based on the vegetation map Trepp Campell | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
8903 | Location of the observed deer trails within the burned site east of the Hotel Il Fuorn | GIS Vector Layer | None | | 0 | SNP |
34798 | Archivdatensatz: View points in the Swiss National Park, Aussichtspunkte | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2013 | SNP |
34808 | Archivdatensatz: Nests of Coptoformica exsecta and Reference points of the quadrats used in the Coptoformica study ants | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Chérix, D. | 2009 | SNP |
52697 | Refoto: Historic Photo Aua dal Fuorn P9 / Buffalora (Seebildung nach Murgang vom 23.08.2019) | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Lozza, Hans | 2018 | SNP |
9299 | WP93: Massnahmenplan | Map (analog) | Paperwork | Waldamt | 1993 | WPZ |
8556 | CSI Indicator Altitude and Topography, Vallais Ossola | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Rapp, M. | 2012 | SNP |
8560 | CSI Indicator Environmental Protection, Int. Protected Areas, Vallais Ossola | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Rapp, M. | 2012 | SNP |
8398 | Locations of trees that was considerd alive at the time of the aerial photograph (1984) within the burned area east of Hotel Il Fuorn | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 0 | SNP |
52689 | Refoto: Historic Photo Fops von Terza | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | swisstopo | 1935 | SNP |
8790 | Refoto: Historic Photo Mosaic Dschembrina (2 Bilder: ähnlicher Standort) | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Nievergelt, Bernhard | 1962 | SNP |
31084 | Militärkarte 1823 Übersichtsansicht | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Land Tirol, tiris | 1823 | NPHTT |
52702 | Refoto: Historic Photo Spölschlucht | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Unbekannt | 1947 | SNP |
5836 | Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Klasse d | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Guthapfel Nadine | | SNP |
33854 | Waterbodies in the region of the Swiss National Park - Gewässernetz | GIS Vector Layer | None | Swisstopo | 2007 | SNP |
52693 | Refoto: Historic Photo Clemgia-Schlucht | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Unbekannt | 1925 | SNP |
8200 | Nests of Coptoformica exsecta and Reference points of the quadrats used in the Coptoformica study ants | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Chérix, D. | 2009 | SNP |
35752 | Hegeobjekte | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | BVM, Bollier, R. | 2017 | BVM |
8595 | LIDAR Il Fuorn, Campagn 2010, DTM | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | SNP, RSL | 2010 | SNP |
37809 | Basisplan Kanton Graubünden, 1:10'000, BP-AV schwarz weiss | GIS Raster Layer | None | Kanton Graubünden, amtliche Vermessung | 2018 | SNP |
28107 | 20130423-010 Übersichtskarte Anreise 10.5x10.5cm für Faltplan (mit SZU) | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SCHMIDT Ronald | 2013 | WPZ |
5895 | Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 20a | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Guthapfel Nadine | | SNP |
8476 | Refoto: Historic Photo Stabelchod, untere Wiese, Winter | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Hermann Langen / SNP | 0 | SNP |
9292 | 4: Waldraender | Map (analog) | Paperwork | BSU | 1989 | WPZ |
33845 | Archivdatensatz: Names of summits in the region of the Swiss National Park (GIS Carto Region) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Swisstopo - Federal Office of Topography | 2007 | SNP |
41484 | Refoto: S-charl Dorfplatz (Winter) | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Feuerstein Johann | 2019 | SNP |
6658 | Geomorphologische Kartierung SNP - Gletschermaske | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Felix, S., Frei, J., Graf, K., Reithebuch, J., Reusser, S., Rothenbühler, C., Schmidt, R., Stetter, G., Thomas, C., Vetter, H. | 2008 | SNP |
32796 | Spühlung Spöl Juli 2013 | Database/Datatable | None | HYDRA, EKW, Pitsch | 2013 | SNP |
28118 | 20131208-032 Karte Anpassung SVO Gratweg | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SCHMIDT Ronald | 2013 | WPZ |
8735 | Bewegungsmessungen Blockgletscher Macun - Verschiebungen | Database/Datatable | None | Illner, M. | 2009 | SNP |
54048 | Refoto: Historic Photo Val Mingèr / Foraz / Arve | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | swisstopo | 1936 | SNP |
8831 | Refoto: Historic Photo Zernez, Piz Linard | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Hermann Langen / SNP | 0 | SNP |
9344 | Bestandeskarte 1982 | Map (analog) | Paperwork | Waldamt | 1982 | WPZ |
5830 | Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Klassierung c | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Guthapfel Nadine | | SNP |
8594 | LIDAR Il Fuorn, Campagn 2010, data package | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | SNP, RSL | 2010 | SNP |
33825 | Nitrogen map of SNP meadows with Apex | Map (digital) | None | Könz, G. | 2016 | SNP |
5929 | Perimeter of the ALPENCOM | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2006 | SNP |
8558 | CSI Indicator Population, Vallais Ossola | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Rapp, M. | 2012 | SNP |
43233 | Refoto: Historic Photo Sent Zoppanaina Bodenrelief | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Ewald, K.E. | 1990 | SNP |
8734 | Bewegungsmessungen Blockgletscher Macun - Koordinaten 1965 - 2009 | Database/Datatable | None | Illner, M. | 2009 | SNP |
54666 | Refoto: Historic Aquarellbild / Watercolour Painting Val da Stabelchod | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Giacometti, Giovanni | 1928 | SNP |
52690 | Refoto: Historic Photo Cluozza-Hang | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | swisstopo | 1935 | SNP |
40153 | Regeneration 2017 | Database/Datatable | None | BRÄNDLI, K., STILLHARD, J., HOBI, M., & P. BRANG | 2020 | WPZ |
9304 | Wegplanung 2: Erschliessung fuer Erholung, Umwelterlebnis und -bildung: Nutzungstypen | Map (analog) | Paperwork | Waldamt | 1998 | WPZ |
9290 | 5: Oekologische Wertkarte | Map (analog) | Paperwork | BSU | 1989 | WPZ |
6098 | Approximate IR camera locations SNP aerial flight 2000 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2003 | SNP |
5528 | Approximate ground coverage IR aerial photos 2000 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2002 | SNP |
33851 | Archivdatensatz: Names of the water bodies in the region of the Swiss National Park | GIS Vector Layer | None | Swisstopo | 2007 | SNP |
51949 | Refoto: Historic Photo Ramosch Brunnen (Pro'l Bügl Suot Baselgia) | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Unbekannt | 0 | SNP |
34982 | Archivdatensatz: Themenweg Senda da l'Uors | GIS Vector Layer | None | SNP | 0 | SNP |
9248 | Stadtwaldung Zuerich, Sihlwald: poligonometrische Vermessung vom Jahr 1874-78 | Map (analog) | Paperwork | U.Meister et.al. | 1878 | WPZ |
5978 | Field names in the region of the Swiss National Park (GIS Carto Region) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Swisstopo - Federal Office of Topography | 2007 | SNP |
33968 | Archivdatensatz: Fuss und Wanderwegnetz Region SNP, Unterengadin und Val Müstair | GIS Vector Layer | None | Kantonale Verwaltung Graubünden ALSV | 0 | SNP |
42722 | Nationalpark Donau-Auen - Übersichtskarte Teil 1 und Teil 2, Anlage zu 3 Abs.4 zum LGBl. 5505/1-0 | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Land Niederösterreich | 1996 | NPDA |
40148 | Lying deadwood 2017 | Database/Datatable | None | BRÄNDLI, K., STILLHARD, J., HOBI, M., & P. BRANG | 2020 | WPZ |
28112 | 20131209-035 Karte Anreise für Jahresprogramm 2014 | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SCHMIDT Ronald | 2013 | WPZ |
8608 | VSCHINAUNCHA da S-chanf, Val Chaschauna, Trupchun, Plaun da God | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Zonder, N. | 1944 | SNP |
33941 | Archivdatensatz: Shaded version of the digital terrain model of the burned site east of Hotel Il Fuorn | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 0 | SNP |
37779 | Trockenwiesen und -weiden | GIS Vector Layer | None | Amt für Natur und Umwelt Graubünden ANU | 2018 | BEV |
5715 | Digitizing problems based on the vegetation map Trepp Campell | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
41979 | Refoto: Historic Photo Munt Chavagl (Solifluktion) - Diss Furrer - Abbildung 38 | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Furrer, G. | 1951 | SNP |
33827 | MERIS Terrestrial Chlorophyll Index (mtci) map of SNP meadows with Apex | Map (digital) | None | Könz, G. | 2016 | SNP |
52717 | Refoto: Historic Photo Alp La Schera / Dauerbeobachtungsfläche La Schera Nord (historische Refotos) | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Stüssi, Balthasar | 1939 | SNP |
8860 | Refoto: Historic Photo Arve / Special Tree Rastplatz Val Mingèr (diverse Bilder) | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | div. | 0 | SNP |
37766 | Amphibienlaichgebiete | GIS Vector Layer | None | BAFU | 0 | BEV |
33850 | Names of the water bodies in the region of the Swiss National Park | GIS Vector Layer | None | Swisstopo | 2007 | SNP |
52739 | Refoto: Historic Photo Clemgia / Touristen auf Brücke | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Bezzola | 0 | SNP |
38499 | Chronik des Nationalpark Gesäuse | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Maringer, Alexander | 2019 | NPG |
42719 | Nationalpark Donau-Auen, Kartenanlage zur Verordnung über den Nationalpark Donau-Auen, LGBl. 5505/1-0, Änderung LGBl. Nr. 57/2018Karten aus grundlegenden Rechtsquellen des NP Donau-Auen | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Land Niederösterreich | 2018 | NPDA |
8611 | Ofenberg Waldungen, Blatt 1 | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Gemeinde Zernez; Sutter, J. | 1913 | SNP |
33535 | Project Perimeter Econnect Bayern, Vorarlberg, Tirol and Salzburg | GIS Vector Layer | None | Rapp, M. | 2015 | SNP |
33867 | Archivdatensatz: Valley names in the region of the Swiss National Park | GIS Vector Layer | None | GIS SNP, Swisstopo | 2007 | SNP |
51787 | APEX flights (internal and external) overview | Hyperspectral Data | File (digital) | SNP, RSL | 2010 | SNP |
52783 | Refoto: Historic Photo Zernez alter Spölverlauf (zwischen Brand und Bahnbau) | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Lienhard und Salzborn | 1900 | SNP |
28113 | 20131209-034 Karte Übersicht für Jahresprogramm 2014 | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SCHMIDT Ronald | 2013 | WPZ |
9305 | Wegplanung 3: Erschliessung fuer Waldpflege, Nutzung und Pflege offener Flaechen, div. Unterhaltsarbeiten: Nutzungstypen | Map (analog) | Paperwork | Waldamt | 1998 | WPZ |
52751 | Refoto: Historic Photo Alp La Schera / Maler Heinrich Baur | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Unbekannt | 1920 | SNP |
52728 | Refoto: Historic Photo Müschems (Erosion) | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Lüdi, Werner | 1957 | SNP |
9288 | 2: Faunabewertung (nur Voegel) | Map (analog) | Paperwork | BSU | 1989 | WPZ |
54546 | Refoto: Historic Photo Chamanna Cluozza mit Gästen/Touristen (Frauen) | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Langen, Hermann | 0 | SNP |
40160 | Local densities of Tree related microhabitats (TREM's) | Database/Datatable | None | BRÄNDLI, K., STILLHARD, J., HOBI, M., & P. BRANG | 2020 | WPZ |
5963 | Maps for Book 'Staffelbach': Digital Map (TIFF) | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2006 | SNP |
40151 | Standing dead trees 2017 | Database/Datatable | None | BRÄNDLI, K., STILLHARD, J., HOBI, M., & P. BRANG | 2020 | WPZ |
33955 | Archivdatensatz: Characteristic ridges in the burned site east of the Hotel Il Fuorn | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 0 | SNP |
9302 | Fotodokumentation Sihlwald: Uebersichtsplan Aufnahmestandorte | Map (analog) | Paperwork | Waldamt | 1995 | WPZ |
35421 | NatURwald Sihlwald - Grobkonzept Plan Nr.1/2, M1:10000 | Map (analog) | Paperwork | GUT Othmar, HEFEL Thomas, MOLL Claudia & Gabriela PETER | 1993 | WPZ |
37778 | Naturobjekte: flächig, linienförmig, punkthaft | GIS Vector Layer | None | Amt für Natur und Umwelt Graubünden ANU | 2018 | BEV |
5530 | Thiessen polygons around camera locations of SNP aerial flight 2000 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2003 | SNP |
42731 | Der Nationalpark Donau-Auen | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Nationalpark Donau-Auen, Hans-Peter Graner | 2009 | NPDA |
8736 | Bewegungsmessungen Blockgletscher Macun - Punktgeschwindigkeiten | Datafile from Producer | None | Illner, M. | 2009 | SNP |
9184 | Aufnahmestandorte Vegetationsaufnahmen F. Kloetzli | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | KLÖTZLI Frank | 1998 | WPZ |
51825 | Plant Records, Temperatures, Humidity | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Bole-Feysot, M. | 2022 | SNP |
33948 | Archivdatensatz: Location of the observed deer trails within the burned site east of the Hotel Il Fuorn | GIS Vector Layer | None | | 0 | SNP |
8651 | Refoto: Historic Photo Carolina - Val Tantermozza Bahnbrücke | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Hermann Langen / SNP | 0 | SNP |
5889 | Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 14 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Guthapfel Nadine | | SNP |
9195 | Standorte Stichprobeflaechen 1998 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SCHMID Marion | 1998 | WPZ |
53851 | Scanned Aerial Images Kraftwerkbau Spöl, Ova Spin, Punt dal Gall | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 1970 | SNP |
9285 | C: Vorschlag Reduktion des Maschinen und Erdwegnetzes | Map (analog) | Paperwork | Hünerwadel | 1988 | WPZ |
27186 | Wegzuständigkeiten Tirol | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Nationalpark Hohe Tauern, Jurgeit Florian | 2013 | NPHT |
54436 | Genauigkeit von GPS PLUS-Halsbändern für Cervus elaphus im Schweizerischen Nationalpark | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Bernhard, N. | 2023 | SNP |
37764 | Bundesinventar der schützenswerten Ortsbilder der Schweiz von nationaler Bedeutung ISOS | GIS Vector Layer | None | BAK | 2016 | BEV |
34380 | View points in the Swiss National Park, Aussichtspunkte | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2013 | SNP |
35036 | Gloria SNP, Datenauszug 2002 - 2016 | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Wipf, S., diverse | 2002 | SNP |
27796 | TBT15 Historische Kartografie: Karte der Gemeinde Tarasp von Antoni Veith | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Antoni Veith | 1733 | SNP |
50077 | Drohnenflüge SNP Übersicht | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2022 | SNP |
27640 | Biotoptypenerhebung von Flächen außerhalb des Waldes im Nationalpark Donau-Auen | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Umweltdata GmbH | 0 | NPDA |
42720 | Nationalpark Donau-Auen, Kartenanlage zur Wiener Nationalparkverordnung, LGBl. für Wien Nr. 6/2003 | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Stadt Wien | 2003 | NPDA |
31079 | Kulturenskelettkarte 1861 | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Land Tirol, tiris | 1861 | NPHTT |
28109 | 20130226-001 Übersichtskarte Anreise 10.5x10.5cm für Faltplan (ohne SZU) | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SCHMIDT Ronald | 2013 | WPZ |
9293 | Bestandeskarte 1990 | Map (analog) | Paperwork | Waldamt | 1990 | WPZ |
54477 | Refoto: Historic Photo Parwächter Simon Luzi auf der Alp Trupchun | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Unbekannt | 0 | SNP |
54034 | Refoto: Historic Photo Gamsfalle in der Bartgeier-Aussetzungshöhle Val da Stabelchod | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Robin, K. | 1991 | SNP |
5981 | Field names in the area of the Swiss National Park (GIS Carto SNP) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Swisstopo - Federal Office of Topography | 2007 | SNP |
33940 | Archivdatensatz: Digital terrain model of the burned site east of Hotel Il Fuorn | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 0 | SNP |
8864 | Refoto: Historic Photo La Drossa, vom Charbunera-Wanderweg | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Hermann Langen/ SNP | 1920 | SNP |
5908 | Maps of Book 'Staffelbach': Mountain Tops of the SNP region | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2006 | SNP |
7524 | Special events monitoring land slides, floods ect. | GIS Vector Layer | None | SNP | 0 | SNP |
34833 | Archivdatensatz: Location of the observaton plots of forest succession by F. Kurth and A. Risch | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2009 | SNP |
37773 | Auen | GIS Vector Layer | None | Amt für Natur und Umwelt Graubünden ANU | 2018 | BEV |
37780 | Moorlandschaften | GIS Vector Layer | None | Amt für Natur und Umwelt Graubünden ANU | 2018 | BEV |
33862 | Archivdatensatz: Lakes in the region area of the Swiss National Park (GIS Carto Region SNP) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Swisstopo - Federal Office of Topography | 2007 | SNP |
33855 | Archivdatensatz: Waterbodies in the region of the Swiss National Park - Gewässernetz | GIS Vector Layer | None | Swisstopo | 2007 | SNP |
42252 | Elektronischer Appendix 3 Karten und Raster | Surveying Data | None | Umweltbundesamt, Universität Wien, Nationalparks Austria | 2021 | NPA |
5957 | Maps of Book 'Staffelbach': Border SNP and Biosphere Reserve Val Müstair | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2006 | SNP |
8404 | Location of bigger rocks in the burned site east of the Hotel Il Fuorn | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 0 | SNP |
38484 | Camera traps monitoring, Fotos Rohdaten | Photo of Landscape | None | Rempfler, T., SNP | 2018 | SNP |
37767 | Auen | GIS Vector Layer | None | BAFU | 0 | BEV |
37787 | Wildschutzgebiete (WSG) | GIS Vector Layer | None | Amt für Jagd und Fischerei Graubünden AJF | 2018 | BEV |
52758 | Refoto: Historic Photo Mingèr Special Tree | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
37776 | Hochmoore | GIS Vector Layer | None | Amt für Natur und Umwelt Graubünden ANU | 2018 | BEV |
42834 | Refoto: Historic Photo Chant Dadaint Nahansicht (Drohnen-Aufnahme / Drohnen-Refoto) | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Abderhalden, W. | 2018 | SNP |
37913 | Vögel | GIS Vector Layer | None | Vogelwarte Sempach | 2019 | BEV |
37761 | Natur- und Kulturlandschaft Datenkatalog | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | UNESCO Biosphärenreservat Engiadina Val Müstair | 2019 | BEV |
43272 | Refoto: Historic Photo Margunet / Stabelchod (Luftbild / Drohnen-Refoto) | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Friedli, Werner | 1954 | SNP |
38478 | Ungulate segregation, group size | Database/Datatable | None | Anderwald, P. | 2015 | SNP |
8610 | Uebersichtskarte der Gemeindewaldungen Zuoz | Map (digital) | File (digital) | | 1895 | SNP |
5890 | Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 15 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Guthapfel Nadine | | SNP |
37770 | Trockenwiesen und -weiden | GIS Vector Layer | None | BAFU | 0 | BEV |
33946 | Archivdatensatz: Location of tree seedlings in the burned site east of the Hotel Il Fuorn | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 0 | SNP |
31076 | Anichkarte 1774 | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Peter Anich, Blasius Hueber, Land Tirol, tiris | 1774 | NPHTT |
34350 | Tree-ring database | Database/Datatable | None | Bigler, Ch. | 2012 | SNP |
10554 | TBT5 Geomorphologie: Density of dolines in the SNP | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
8557 | CSI Indicator Ecological Measures, Vallais Ossola | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Rapp, M. | 2012 | SNP |
8259 | Locations of the sampling sites of the Nutrients and Chemistry monitoring Project of Macun | GIS Vector Layer | None | EAWAG | 2009 | SNP |
37786 | Wildruhezonen (WRZ) | GIS Vector Layer | None | Amt für Jagd und Fischerei Graubünden AJF | 2018 | BEV |
33954 | Archivdatensatz: Contour Lines of 5 m equidistance in the burned site east of Hotel Il Fuorn | GIS Vector Layer | None | | 0 | SNP |
52714 | Refoto: Historic Photo Totholz | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Dr. Hinden, Basel | 1911 | SNP |
43185 | Reftoto: Historic Photo Zernez von Süd mit Piz Linard (Luftbild / Drohnen-Refoto) | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Friedli, Werner | 1954 | SNP |
34428 | Exploring the Impact of Contextual Variables on the Temporal Variability of Grazing and Risk Avoidance Patterns of Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) in an Alpine Environment. R-Scripts | Datafile from Producer | None | James Patrick | 2017 | SNP |
5891 | Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 19 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Guthapfel Nadine | | SNP |
33933 | Archivdatensatz: HABITALP - Perimeter of mapped area in the region of the Swiss National Park | GIS Vector Layer | None | SNP | 2008 | SNP |
54672 | Topographische Karte der Schweiz - Dufourkarte / Blatt XV Davos / Martinsbruck - 1:100'000 - 1859, 1866, 1869, 1873, 1878, 1888, 1899 | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Dufour, Guillaume Henri | 1859 | SNP |
39862 | Perimeter Parco Val Calanca | GIS Vector Layer | None | FOEN BAFU OFEV UFAM / Swiss Parks Network | 2025 | CAL |
34796 | Quelldaten aus 100 Jahren Quellforschung im Schweizerischen Nationalpark | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Ruggli, Ch. | 2017 | SNP |
8630 | LIDAR Il Fuorn, Campagn 2010, DTM Hillshade | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | SNP, RSL | 2010 | SNP |
8789 | Refoto: Historic Photo Margunet, Val dal Botsch on Daint la Schera | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Feuerstein | 0 | SNP |
8622 | Refoto: Historic Photos Ardez / Blick von Motta Jüda | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | swisstopo | 1935 | SNP |
52734 | Refoto: Historic Photo Alte Grass-Hütte (Jagdhütte Cluozza von Curdin Grass) | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Unbekannt | 1902 | SNP |
42736 | Tabula Peutingeriana, Codex Vindobonesis 324 | Map (digital) | File (digital) | unbekannt | 1200 | NPDA |
33803 | Archivdatensatz: Schafalp 1987 GR | GIS Vector Layer | None | unknown | 1987 | SNP |
5533 | Perimeter SNP 2000 IR Orthophoto | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2004 | SNP |
33942 | Archivdatensatz: Vegetationdata inventory of the burned site east of the Hotel Il Fuorn | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 0 | SNP |
8395 | Motorradreisende am Ofenpass: Daten Interviews | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Jauss, A. | 2012 | SNP |
9286 | B: Vorschlag Reduktion des LKW-fahrbaren Strassennetzes | Map (analog) | Paperwork | Hünerwadel | 1988 | WPZ |
33953 | Archivdatensatz: Forest border lines adjacent to the burned scar east of the Hotel Il Fuorn | GIS Vector Layer | None | SNP | 0 | SNP |
33821 | Leaf area Index (LAI) map of Raetian Alps and SNP with Sentinel 2 | Map (digital) | None | Könz, G. | 2016 | SNP |
9203 | Perimeter Taxationen am Waldrand (DA Imfeld) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | IMFELD Stephan | 1995 | WPZ |
8894 | Uebersichtsplan der Gemeindewaldungen S-chanf, Teil Casanna | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Technisches Bureau A. Wildberger Ingenieur, Chur | 1893 | SNP |
5534 | Seamlines for SNP 2000 IR orthophoto generation RAW | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2004 | SNP |
8210 | Patch Cohesion Index, Tyrol, Hohe Tauern Region | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
7531 | Perimeter for the rare species list monitoring programme (SNP Border) | GIS Vector Layer | None | SNP | 0 | SNP |
5826 | Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 8 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Guthapfel Nadine | | SNP |
5633 | Buffer around complete transect lines of Ornis Project | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
52730 | Refoto: Historic Photo Macun / Lai Grond / Dauerbeobachtungsfläche | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Braun-Blanquet, Josias | 0 | SNP |
32004 | vitis_ii | GIS Vector Layer | None | Eike Julius | 0 | NPDA |
43269 | Refoto: Historic Photo Ofenpass / Stabelchod (Luftbild / Drohnen-Refoto) | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Friedli, Werner | 1954 | SNP |
34832 | Archivdatensatz: Location of the forest avalanches monitoring programm (SNP Border) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SLF | 0 | SNP |
7527 | Location of the forest avalanches monitoring programm (SNP Border) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SLF | 0 | SNP |
7528 | Marmot monitoring programme | GIS Vector Layer | None | SNP | 2009 | SNP |
6056 | Quartär- und Hydrogeologie in der Val Laschadura: DEM GRID 5 m | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Marcel Clausen | 2001 | SNP |
38703 | Regional CSI models | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | GIS_SNP, Lüthi, R. | 2019 | SNP |
52701 | Refoto: Historic Photo Oberer Spöl | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Lüdi, Werner | 1952 | SNP |
6040 | Quartär- und Hydrogeologie in der Val Laschadura: DEM GRID 1 m | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Marcel Clausen | 2001 | SNP |
35425 | NatURwald Sihlwald - Vegetationsstrukturen Plan Nr.2/5, M1:5000 | Map (analog) | Paperwork | GUT Othmar, HEFEL Thomas, MOLL Claudia & Gabriela PETER | 1993 | WPZ |
34426 | Exploring the Impact of Contextual Variables on the Temporal Variability of Grazing and Risk Avoidance Patterns of Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) in an Alpine Environment. Tables of individual red deers | Database/Datatable | None | James Patrick | 2017 | SNP |
8563 | CSI Indicator Edge Density, Vallais Ossola | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Rapp, M. | 2012 | SNP |
53283 | GPS Tracks of park visitors and park members | GPS Data | File (digital) | Gattiker, S. | 2023 | SNP |
30196 | 20140814-024 Karte Areal Besucherzentrum | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SCHMIDT Ronald | 2014 | WPZ |
8745 | Uebersichtsplan der Gemeindewaldungen S-chanf | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Technisches Bureau A. Wildberger Ingenieur, Chur | 1893 | SNP |
28397 | Ungulate Monitoring Swiss National Park - Database copy on Oracle/ArcSDE | Database/Datatable | None | Ch.Schmid | 2014 | SNP |
8405 | Vegetationdata inventory of the burned site east of the Hotel Il Fuorn | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 0 | SNP |
31462 | Datenbank: Wiese | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Irma Pelikan, Marin Prinz | 0 | NPDA |
9289 | 3: Waldfreie Standorte | Map (analog) | Paperwork | BSU | 1989 | WPZ |
36950 | Station 4508 - Murteras da Stabelchod N.W. | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Swisstopo | 1935 | SNP |
8396 | Base lines of characteristic gullies within the burned area east of the Hotel Il Fuorn | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 0 | SNP |
8873 | Refoto: Historic Photo Zernez Hotel Post mit Kutsche | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Langen Hermann / SNP | 0 | SNP |
5842 | Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:30000: (NP 1102?) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Guthapfel Nadine | | SNP |
36949 | Station 4507 - Murteras da Stabelchod S.W. | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Swisstopo | 1935 | SNP |
32533 | Artenliste Buprestidae | Database/Datatable | None | Wolfgang Barries | 0 | NPDA |
8830 | Refoto: Historic Photo Val Müstair, Umbrailstrasse Richtung Valchava | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Hermann Langen / SNP | 0 | SNP |
39201 | Grenze Nationalpark Kalkalpen - KMZ-Datei | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Pöpperl Franziska | 2017 | NPK |
8317 | Observation Plots for butterflies | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Pictet, Besson, Bouchard Macherez, Pasche | 0 | SNP |
33944 | Archivdatensatz: Locations of trees that was considerd alive at the time of the aerial photograph (1984) within the burned area east of Hotel Il Fuorn | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 0 | SNP |
37772 | Amphibienlaichgebiete | GIS Vector Layer | None | Amt für Natur und Umwelt Graubünden ANU | 2018 | BEV |
5835 | Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Klasse h | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Guthapfel Nadine | | SNP |
5827 | Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Klasse a | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Guthapfel Nadine | | SNP |
8893 | Uebersichtsplan der Gemeindewaldungen S-chanf, Teil Trupchun | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Technisches Bureau A. Wildberger Ingenieur, Chur | 1893 | SNP |
52725 | Refoto: Historic Photo Valletta / Quattervals | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
8475 | Refoto: Historic Photos Val Sassa - Blockgletscherstirn | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Hermann Langen / SNP | 0 | SNP |
37768 | Flachmoore | GIS Vector Layer | None | BAFU | 0 | BEV |
52712 | Refoto: Historic Photo Kampfzone / Totholz | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
36951 | Station 4509 - Piz Murtèrs S.W. Grat | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Swisstopo | 1935 | SNP |
7649 | Shaded version of the digital terrain model of the burned site east of Hotel Il Fuorn | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 0 | SNP |
8744 | Refoto: Historic Photo Macun Overview | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Hermann Langen / SNP | 0 | SNP |
42733 | Grundkarte Donauauen | Map (digital) | None | Nationalpark Donau-Auen | 1988 | NPDA |
33964 | Hiking trail Fuorcla Trupchun - Livigno | GIS Vector Layer | None | SNP | 0 | SNP |
33952 | Archivdatensatz: Location of bigger rocks in the burned site east of the Hotel Il Fuorn | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 0 | SNP |
8609 | Uebersichtskarte des Schweizerischen Nationalparks 1914 | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Verlag Benno Schwabe u. C., Basel | 1914 | SNP |
52708 | Refoto: Historic Photo Plan Mingèr / Dauerbeobachtungsfläche Mi15 von Stüssi / auf dem Bild: Grenzwächter Risch | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Stüssi, Balthasar | 1942 | SNP |
5900 | Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 28 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Guthapfel Nadine | | SNP |
33866 | Valley names in the region of the Swiss National Park | GIS Vector Layer | None | GIS SNP, Swisstopo | 2007 | SNP |
5833 | Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Klasse f | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Guthapfel Nadine | | SNP |
5959 | Maps of Book 'Staffelbach': River Inn | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Federal Office of Topography - Swisstopo | 2006 | SNP |
30468 | Standorte der Untersuchungsflächen Nadig in Ramosch und San Nicla (georeferenziert) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Nicola, R. | 2014 | SNP |
9264 | Geplante Kerngebiete von Beobachtungsflaechen | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Forschungskommission NLS | 1999 | WPZ |
51000 | Meteostation Buffalora - Tagesdaten 01.01.1917 - 31.12.1958 | Database/Datatable | None | SNP / Haller, F. | 2022 | SNP |
7529 | Location of the transects used to assess vegetation changes after artificial floods in the river spoel | GIS Vector Layer | None | | 0 | SNP |
52686 | Refoto: Historic Photo Val Sassa / Val Diavel / Urwald | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | swisstopo | 1935 | SNP |
54722 | | Aerial Photo | None | | 0 | SNP |
5962 | Shaded DHM50 for Region SNP | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Tydac | 2006 | SNP |
33846 | Archivdatensatz: Field names in the region of the Swiss National Park (GIS Carto Region) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Swisstopo - Federal Office of Topography | 2007 | SNP |
5973 | Administrative boundaries in the region of the Swiss Nationalpark in 2008 (GIS Carto Region) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Kantonale Verwaltung Graubünden, ALSV Verwaltung | 2008 | SNP |
41480 | Refoto: Historic Photo Zernez Costetta | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Unbekannt | 0 | SNP |
8832 | Il Fuorn: vegetation units Geissler Hartmann | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS-SNP / Hartmann, J. | 1994 | SNP |
6013 | Quartär- und Hydrogeologie in der Val Chaschauna (Diploma): Hydrologische Karte | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Chr. Haemmig / S. Strasky | 2003 | SNP |
5634 | Traces of past wildfires based on the vegetation map Trepp Campell | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
8810 | Refoto: Historic Photo Buffalorahaus, Ofenpass - Postcard | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Unbekannt | 0 | SNP |
9254 | Standorte Probeflächen swelti | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | WELTI Saara | 1996 | WPZ |
5520 | Buffer around transect lines or Ornis Project within SNP | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
42727 | Nationalpark Donau-Auen Übersichtskarte (englisch) | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Nationalpark Donau-Auen | 2019 | NPDA |
42725 | Nationalpark Donau-Auen Übersichtskarte (deutsch) | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Nationalpark Donau-Auen | 2019 | NPDA |
9291 | 6: Abgrenzung oekologisch besonders wertvolle Gebiete | Map (analog) | Paperwork | BSU | 1989 | WPZ |
9604 | SVO Natur- und Landschaftsschutzzonen Basisebene | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Kanton Zürich, Baudirektion, Amt für Landschaft und Natur | 2018 | WPZ |
9207 | Salzlecken im Sihlwald (DA Imfeld) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | IMFELD Stephan | 1995 | WPZ |
42723 | Nationalpark Donau-Auen, Kartenanlage zur Wiener Nationalparkverordnung, LGBl. für Wien Nr. 50/1996 | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Stadt Wien | 1996 | NPDA |
5775 | Buffer around transect lines of Ornis Project | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
52694 | Refoto: Historic Photo Cluozza-Schlucht von Munt Baselgia | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Feuerstein | 1910 | SNP |
40146 | Supplementary Data Sample Plot Inventory Sihlwald | Datafile from Producer | None | BRÄNDLI, K., STILLHARD, J., HOBI, M., & P. BRANG | 2020 | WPZ |
9349 | 5. Bestaende mit erhoehter Strukturvielfalt | Map (analog) | Paperwork | BGU | 1988 | WPZ |
8859 | Refoto: Historic Photo Tantermozza toter Baumstrunk | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Hermann Langen / SNP | 0 | SNP |
8581 | CSI Indicator Land Use, Vallais Ossola | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Rapp, M. | 2012 | SNP |
9345 | 1. Waldgesellschaften und ihre Standorte | Map (analog) | Paperwork | BGU | 1988 | WPZ |
7071 | Adlerwarten: Standorte | GIS Vector Layer | None | GIS-SNP | 1995 | SNP |
35139 | Strömungsgeschwindigkeiten und Wassertiefen 2009-2011 | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Univ. Innsbruck | 2009 | NPHT |
33822 | Leaf area Index (LAI) map of Raetian Alps and SNP with Sentinel 2 | GIS Raster Layer | None | Könz, G. | 2016 | SNP |
5831 | Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Klasse e | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Guthapfel Nadine | | SNP |
35427 | NatURwald Sihlwald - Erholung Bewertung Plan Nr.3a/5, M1:5000 | Map (analog) | Paperwork | GUT Othmar, HEFEL Thomas, MOLL Claudia & Gabriela PETER | 1993 | WPZ |
9297 | Waldentwicklungstypen Sihlwald Variante 2 | Map (analog) | Paperwork | VOLOSCUK Ivan | 1991 | WPZ |
36953 | Station 3973 - Fuorcla Sassalba, Val Müstair | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Swisstopo | 1934 | SNP |
52745 | Refoto: Historic Photo Blockhaus Purcher / Parkwächter, Jagdaufseher und Landjäger | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Langen, Steivan | 1910 | SNP |
33951 | Archivdatensatz: Location of small water bodies of the burned site east of the Hotel Il Fuorn | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 0 | SNP |
52744 | Refoto: Historic Photo Paul Sarasin, Edelweiss, Murter | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Unbekannt | 0 | SNP |
8403 | Location of tree seedlings in the burned site east of the Hotel Il Fuorn | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 0 | SNP |
9337 | Stadtwaldung von Zuerich: 2. Albisplateau | Map (analog) | Paperwork | Orell Fuessli und Co. | 1881 | WPZ |
50463 | Cluster Risk, Disturbance Risk, Expected Values, Probabilities | GIS Raster Layer | None | | 0 | SNP |
41980 | Refoto: Historic Photo Munt Chavagl (Solifluktion) - Diss Furrer - Abbildung 44 | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Furrer, G. | 1952 | SNP |
33864 | Main roads in the region of the Swiss National Park | GIS Vector Layer | None | SNP, Swisstopo | 2007 | SNP |
5832 | Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Klasse ef | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Guthapfel Nadine | | SNP |
30174 | 20140806-023 Karte für das Programm des Wildnispark-Festes 2014 | Map (digital) | None | SCHMIDT Ronald | 2014 | WPZ |
34911 | Archivdatensatz: Location of rare plants in alpine protected areas monitoring programme | GIS Vector Layer | None | SNP | 0 | SNP |
5453 | Vegetationskarte des Schweizerischen Nationalparks und seiner Umgebung (Zollerkarte / Vegetation Map Zoller) | Map (analog) | Paperwork | FOK-SNP | 1992 | SNP |
9347 | 3. Waldfreie Standorte | Map (analog) | Paperwork | BGU | 1988 | WPZ |
40159 | Deadwood data Plots | Database/Datatable | None | BRÄNDLI, K., STILLHARD, J., HOBI, M., & P. BRANG | 2020 | WPZ |
8554 | CSI Indicator Patch Cohesion, Vallais Ossola | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Rapp, M. | 2012 | SNP |
33820 | Canopy water content map of Raetian Alps and SNP with Sentinel 2 | GIS Raster Layer | None | Könz, G. | 2016 | SNP |
9341 | Die Waldungen der Albis- und Zimmerbergkette | Map (analog) | Paperwork | Ernst Krebs | 1936 | WPZ |
35428 | NatURwald Sihlwald - Vegetationsstrukturen Bewertung Plan Nr.4/5, M1:5000 | Map (analog) | Paperwork | GUT Othmar, HEFEL Thomas, MOLL Claudia & Gabriela PETER | 1993 | WPZ |
9301 | Versuchsflaechen Sihlwald | Map (analog) | Paperwork | Waldamt | 1993 | WPZ |
28126 | Maßnahmenflächen Almzertifizierungen Stand 2013 - Almzertifikate NPHT-Tirol | GIS Vector Layer | None | Nationalpark Hohe Tauern Tirol, Jurgeit Florian | 2013 | NPHTT |
54862 | Scanned Aerial Images Kraftwerkbau Spöl, Ova Spin Flight Line 1 14.05.1965 | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 1965 | SNP |
9196 | Standorte Temperatur- und Regenmessungen | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SCHMID Marion | 1998 | WPZ |
42835 | Refoto: Historic Photo Chant Sura von oben (Drohnen-Aufnahme / Drohnen-Refoto) | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Abderhalden, W. / Arinas | 2018 | SNP |
7525 | Location of the observaton plots of forest succession by F. Kurth and A. Risch | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2009 | SNP |
52729 | Refoto: Historic Photo Murtersattel/Steinbockaussetzung | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
52713 | Refoto: Historic Photo Cluozza Waldgrenze | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
28742 | 20140311-012 Karte Anreise für Website | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SCHMIDT Ronald | 2014 | WPZ |
7651 | Contour Lines of 5 m equidistance in the burned site east of Hotel Il Fuorn | GIS Vector Layer | None | | 0 | SNP |
9247 | Stadtwaldung Zuerich, Sihlwald | Map (analog) | Paperwork | F.Pfister | 190 | WPZ |
42729 | Erweiterung Nationalpark Donau-Auen | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Nationalpark Donau-Auen | 2016 | NPDA |
33853 | Archivdatensatz: country border around the Swiss National Park - Landesgrenzen | GIS Vector Layer | None | Swisstopo | 2007 | SNP |
52726 | Refoto: Historic Photo Adlerhorst Val da l'Acqua 2 mit La Schera im Hintergrund | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
5635 | Recent wildfire areas based on the vegetation map Trepp Campell | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
54863 | Orthophoto Spöl, Ova Spin (Flight Line 1) 14.05.1965 | Orthophoto | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 1965 | SNP |
9351 | A: Stand der Erschliessung Nov.1988 [Wegnetz] | Map (analog) | Paperwork | Hünerwadel | 1988 | WPZ |
52698 | Refoto: Historic Photo Aua da Stabelchod | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Hans Lozza | 2015 | SNP |
33960 | Archivdatensatz: Uebersichtskarte des Schweizerischen Nationalparks 1914 | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Verlag Benno Schwabe u. C., Basel | 1914 | SNP |
5799 | Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Alle Luecken (kleinflaechig) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Guthapfel Nadine | | SNP |
43271 | Refoto: Historic Photo Il Fuorn / Grimmels (Luftbild / Drohnen-Refoto) | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Friedli, Werner | 1954 | SNP |
8816 | Verkehrsdaten Ofenpass August 2010 | Datafile from Producer | None | Empa | 2010 | SNP |
9227 | Insect data summary view by species/trap (Diss K.Schiegg) | Database view | File (digital) | SCHIEGG Karin | 1999 | WPZ |
41986 | Refoto: Historic Photo Valletta | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Hermann Langen / SNP | 0 | SNP |
52731 | Refoto: Historic Photo Alp Murter Steinhütte von hinten / Lägerflur | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
34605 | ETH Zürich e-pics - Overview of the Catalogues - Katalogübersicht - Vue d'ensemble de catalogue | Database view | File (digital) | ETH Zürich | 0 | NWP |
8902 | Location of the permanent observation plots on the burned area east of Hotel Il Fuorn | GIS Vector Layer | None | | 0 | SNP |
8874 | Refoto: Historic Photo Valverda Barlasch 4544 | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Swisstopo | 1935 | SNP |
33865 | Archivdatensatz: Main roads in the region of the Swiss National Park | GIS Vector Layer | None | SNP, Swisstopo | 2007 | SNP |
37685 | Exkursions- und Vogelschaukarte für den Schweizerischen Nationalpark | Map (analog) | None | Frobenius | 1916 | SNP |
28394 | Ungulate Monitoring Swiss National Park - Database | Database/Datatable | None | Ch.Schmid | 2014 | SNP |
28279 | Digitales Oberflächenmodell DOM - ROH | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2012 | SNP |
10556 | TBT5 Geomorphologie: Density of springs in the SNP | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
33863 | Archivdatensatz: Lakes within the Alps | GIS Vector Layer | None | unknown | 2007 | SNP |
38479 | Ungulate segregation, horngrowth | Database/Datatable | None | Anderwald, P. | 2015 | SNP |
35694 | Terrestrische Thermalbildkamera Messungen Trupchun | Database/Datatable | None | SNP | 2015 | SNP |
52747 | Refoto: Historic Photo Alp la Schera / Kompanie I/161 | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Armee | 1914 | SNP |
52704 | Refoto: Historic Photo Stabelchod von Munt la Schera | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | swisstopo | 1935 | SNP |
5501 | Shaded Geoid Undulations of Switzerland (Marty 98) | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | | 1998 | SNP |
42253 | Elektronischer Appendix 4 Grundgesamtheit Wildnisarten | Surveying Data | None | Umweltbundesamt, Universität Wien, Nationalparks Austria | 2021 | NPA |
52707 | Refoto: Historic Photo Champlönch Zentrum | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Pictet, Arnold | 1930 | SNP |
42811 | Refoto: Historic Photo Tschlin von Südwest (Luftbild / Drohnen-Refoto) | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Friedli, Werner | 1954 | SNP |
52710 | Refoto: Historic Photo Il Fuorn mit Kühen | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen | 1895 | SNP |
33967 | Fuss und Wanderwegnetz Region SNP, Unterengadin und Val Müstair | GIS Vector Layer | None | Kantonale Verwaltung Graubünden ALSV | 0 | SNP |
51344 | Refoto: Buffalora vor und nach Murgang vom 25.07.2022 (Fotofalle Nr. 91) | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | SNP Fotofalle | 2022 | SNP |
34940 | Archivdatensatz: Research areas Fuorn and Trupchun (perimeter), main focus areas for ungulate research 1997 - 2016 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP, Ch.Schmid | 2012 | SNP |
34814 | Archivdatensatz: Locations of the sampling sites of the Nutrients and Chemistry monitoring Project of Macun | GIS Vector Layer | None | EAWAG | 2009 | SNP |
36954 | Station 3992 - Chalderas, Val Müstair | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Swisstopo | 1934 | SNP |
52727 | Refoto: Historic Photo Rastplatz Val dal Botsch | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Pictet, Arnold | 1930 | SNP |
40161 | Tabelle 7. Totholzvorrat im NWR Sihlwald 2017 | Database/Datatable | None | BRÄNDLI, K., STILLHARD, J., HOBI, M., & P. BRANG | 2020 | WPZ |
34844 | Archivdatensaz: Marmot monitoring programme | GIS Vector Layer | None | SNP | 2009 | SNP |
5899 | Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 27 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Guthapfel Nadine | | SNP |
10555 | TBT5 Geomorphologie: Density of rock towers in the SNP | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2012 | SNP |
37132 | Karten Lech | Map (digital) | None | | 2010 | NPDA |
5535 | Seamlines for SNP 2000 IR orthophoto generation COL | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2004 | SNP |
33973 | Grid Stabelchod - missing points of grid | GIS Vector Layer | None | Ch. Schmid | 2008 | SNP |
43284 | Refoto: Historic Photo Zernez gegen Ofenpass (Luftbild / Drohnen-Refoto) | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Mittelholzer, Werner | 1925 | SNP |
35464 | Nationalpark Thayatal Außengrenze | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Nationalpark Thayatal | 2013 | NPDA |
33943 | Archivdatensatz: Perimeter of the outer ploygon of the vegetation data set (burned area east of Hotel Il Fuorn) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 0 | SNP |
42249 | Elektronischer Appendix 1 Checklisten | Surveying Data | None | Umweltbundesamt, Universität Wien, Nationalparks Austria | 2021 | NPA |
5887 | Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 11 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Guthapfel Nadine | | SNP |
53313 | Refoto: Historic Photos Grimmels / Ofenpass (Zeichnung) | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Herzig, Gottfried | 0 | SNP |
37781 | Geotope: flächig, linienförmig, punkthaft | GIS Vector Layer | None | Amt für Natur und Umwelt Graubünden ANU | 2018 | BEV |
38270 | Station 3978 - Munt della Bescha West | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Swisstopo | 1934 | SNP |
40158 | DBH distribution 2017 | Database/Datatable | None | BRÄNDLI, K., STILLHARD, J., HOBI, M., & P. BRANG | 2020 | WPZ |
9180 | Perimeter of Study | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | DO LINH SAN Emmanuel | 1997 | WPZ |
5902 | Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 4 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Guthapfel Nadine | | SNP |
52699 | Refoto: Historic Photo Livignotal (vor dem Staudamm) | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | swisstopo | 1935 | SNP |
41362 | Gesamtdarstellung (Ausrichtungswinkel, auszuwertende Fläche) aller Kamerastandorte | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Andreas Daim | 2018 | NPHT |
52705 | Refoto: Historic Photo Stabelchod gegen Süd | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Pictet, Arnold | 1930 | SNP |
35693 | Terrestrische Thermalbildkamera Messungen Brandfläche Il Fuorn | Database/Datatable | None | SNP | 2015 | SNP |
34935 | Archivdatensatz: Buffer around complete transect lines of Ornis Project | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
5894 | Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 20 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Guthapfel Nadine | | SNP |
37774 | Besondere Waldgesellschaften | GIS Vector Layer | None | Amt für Natur und Umwelt Graubünden ANU | 2018 | BEV |
51957 | Refoto: Historic Photos Livgno-Stausee / Staumauer Punt dal Gall | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | swisstopo | 1935 | SNP |
34352 | Themenweg Senda da l'Uors | GIS Vector Layer | None | SNP | 0 | SNP |
28743 | 20140318-019 Karte Anreise Langenberg 5. Erfa Monitoring von Fuss- und Veloverkehr | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SCHMIDT Ronald | 2014 | WPZ |
38480 | Ungulate segregation, habitat use | Database/Datatable | None | Anderwald, P. | 2015 | SNP |
35426 | NatURwald Sihlwald - Erholung Bewertung Plan Nr.3/5, M1:5000 | Map (analog) | Paperwork | GUT Othmar, HEFEL Thomas, MOLL Claudia & Gabriela PETER | 1993 | WPZ |
33872 | Railway lines in the region of the Swiss National Park | GIS Vector Layer | None | Swisstopo | 2007 | SNP |
34606 | ETH Zürich e-pics - Image Archive Online - Bildarchiv online - Archives d'image en ligne | Database view | File (digital) | ETH Zürich | 0 | NWP |
8257 | Locations of the observation places of the Biodiversity monitoring programme of the lakes of Macun | GIS Vector Layer | None | Oertli, B. | 2002 | SNP |
36952 | Station 4515 - Munt la Schera N.O. | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Swisstopo | 1935 | SNP |
9303 | Wegplanung 1: Raeumliche Schwerpunkte der Erschliessung fuer Erholung, Umwelterlebnis und -bildung | Map (analog) | Paperwork | Waldamt | 1998 | WPZ |
33856 | Inn river in the region of the Swiss National Park | GIS Vector Layer | None | Swisstopo | 2007 | SNP |
9263 | Geplante Forschungsflaeche Version 2 (20.5.1999) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Forschungskommission NLS | 1999 | WPZ |
35456 | Nationalpark Donau-Auen Außengrenze (Niederösterreich Wien) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Nationalpark Donau-Auen | 2005 | NPDA |
30659 | Original GPS-Data of all Tags and Animals collared in the SNP since 1997 | GPS Data | File (digital) | Rempfler, Thomas; Anna Schweiger | 2015 | SNP |
8142 | CSI Indicator Environmental Protection Int. Protected Areas, Berchtesgaden-Salzburg | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
43231 | Refoto: Historic Photo Zernez von Südost (Luftbild / Drohnen-Refoto) | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Friedli, Werner | 1954 | SNP |
9260 | Standorte Pappelversuch | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | unbekannt Waldamt ? | 19 | WPZ |
52735 | Refoto: Historic Photo Brücke bei Falla da l'Uors | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | | 1914 | SNP |
41981 | Refoto: Historic Photo S-charl, Alp Schombrina (Winter) | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Feuerstein Johann | 0 | SNP |
8823 | Refoto: Historic Photo Cinuos-chel | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Hermann Langen / SNP | 0 | SNP |
34759 | Pollendaten | Database/Datatable | None | | 2003 | NPDA |
31078 | Militärkarte 1823 | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Land Tirol, tiris | 1823 | NPHTT |
8613 | Ofenberg Waldungen, Blatt 3 | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Gemeinde Zernez; Sutter, J. | 1913 | SNP |
8399 | Perimeter of the outer ploygon of the vegetation data set (burned area east of Hotel Il Fuorn) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 0 | SNP |
52719 | Refoto: Historic Photo Plan da la Posa / Dauerbeobachtungsfläche S32 | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Stüssi, Balthasar | 1939 | SNP |
37606 | Perimeter Untersuchungsgebiet Schneehase Buffalora | GIS Vector Layer | None | Rehnus, M. | 2018 | SNP |
37299 | Diverse Karten von Vorkommen - Krebsschere | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Der Standard | 2014 | NPDA |
33975 | Observation grid of Alp Stabelchod | GIS Vector Layer | None | WSL, Schütz, M, SNP | 0 | SNP |
8562 | CSI Indicator Fragmentation, Vallais Ossola | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Rapp, M. | 2012 | SNP |
8627 | Refoto: Historic Photo Susch von Nord | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Postkarte | 0 | SNP |
52706 | Refoto: Historic Photo Stabelchod Ställe, Zäune, hohes Gras | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
33823 | Nitrogen map of Raetian Alps and SNP with Sentinel 2 | Map (digital) | None | Könz, G. | 2016 | SNP |
9225 | Trap locations (Diss K.Schiegg) | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | SCHIEGG Karin | 1999 | WPZ |
9202 | Perimeter Taxationen im Sihlwald (DA Imfeld) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | IMFELD Stephan | 1995 | WPZ |
42730 | Nationalpark Donau-Auen, schlossORTH Nationalpark-Zentrum | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Nationalpark Donau-Auen | 2009 | NPDA |
52733 | Refoto: Historic Photo Chamanna Cluozza inkl. Turm | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Feuerstein | 0 | SNP |
8827 | Refoto: Historic Photo Val Trupchun, Alp Chanels (Winter) | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Hermann Langen / SNP | 0 | SNP |
5897 | Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 25 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Guthapfel Nadine | | SNP |
42324 | Tuschzeichnungen (9 Tafeln in einer Mappe) mit Motiven aus dem Park: Scans ab Originalen | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Herzig, Gottfried | 1917 | SNP |
52746 | Refoto: Historic Photo Val dal Diavel / Dinosaurierspuren | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Furrer, Heinz ? | 1981 | SNP |
35423 | NatURwald Sihlwald - Massnahmen Plan Nr.2a/2 | Map (analog) | Paperwork | GUT Othmar, HEFEL Thomas, MOLL Claudia & Gabriela PETER | 1993 | WPZ |
28119 | 20131208-033 Karte Anpassung SVO Matteli | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SCHMIDT Ronald | 2013 | WPZ |
8867 | Research areas Fuorn and Trupchun (perimeter), main focus areas for ungulate research 1997 - 2016 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP, Ch.Schmid | 2012 | SNP |
5888 | Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 12 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Guthapfel Nadine | | SNP |
52691 | Refoto: Historic Photo Val Cluozza von Sassa | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Stüssi, Balthasar | 1941 | SNP |
8394 | Motorradreisende am Ofenpass: Daten Fragebogen | Datafile from Producer | File (digital) | Jauss, A. | 2012 | SNP |
5529 | Approximate flight path of SNP aerial flight 2000 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2003 | SNP |
52666 | Orig-Scans 1998 | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | NPHT | 1998 | NPHT |
32764 | Orthophoto Val Sassa 1973 V1 Image Origin Index | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | | 2016 | SNP |
33818 | Chlorophyll content map of Raetian Alps and SNP with Sentinel 2 | GIS Raster Layer | None | Könz, G. | 2016 | SNP |
9262 | Geplante Forschungsflaeche Version 1 (2.2.1999) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Forschungskommission NLS | 1999 | WPZ |
42721 | Nationalpark Donau-Auen - Übersichtskarte | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Republik Österreich | 1997 | NPDA |
33838 | Archivdatensatz: Recent wildfire areas based on the vegetation map Trepp Campell | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
5988 | Names of summits in the region of the Swiss National Park (GIS Carto Region) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Swisstopo - Federal Office of Topography | 2007 | SNP |
42872 | Refoto: Historic Photo Ramosch Ernte | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Filli, Carlo | 1950 | SNP |
9628 | Waldareal 2002 im Kanton Zürich 1:5000 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Kanton Zürich, Baudirektion, Amt für Landschaft und Natur | 2002 | WPZ |
38235 | Historische Fotos Val S-charl und Val Müstiar | Photo of Landscape | None | Archiv Feuerstein | 2018 | SNP |
31083 | Militärkarte 1823 Detailansicht | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Land Tirol, tiris | 1823 | NPHTT |
51951 | Refoto: Historic Photo Ramosch Gasthaus Post | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Unbekannt | 0 | SNP |
52748 | Refoto: Historic Photo Il Fuorn / Trainkolonne / Soldaten (Gebirgsbrigade 18) | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | BAR / Schweizer Bundesarchiv | 1914 | SNP |
9300 | WP93: Plan zur Waldrandkartierung | Map (analog) | Paperwork | Waldamt | 1993 | WPZ |
33965 | Archivdatensatz: Hiking trail Fuorcla Trupchun - Livigno | GIS Vector Layer | None | SNP | 0 | SNP |
52718 | Refoto: Historic Photo Alp La Schera Sukzession | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | unbekannt | 0 | SNP |
31082 | Kulturenskelettkarte 1861 | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Land Tirol, tiris | 1861 | NPHTT |
33819 | Canopy water content map of Raetian Alps and SNP with Sentinel 2 | Map (digital) | None | Könz, G. | 2016 | SNP |
5809 | Perimeter Contract Swisstopo DHM25 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | | SNP |
43739 | Erhebung der Besuche im Naturmuseum Sihlwald - Dashboard Saison 2021 | Map (digital) | None | SCHMIDT Ronald | 2022 | WPZ |
52742 | Refoto: Historic Photo Buffalora / Soldaten beim Bau eines Köhlers im SNP / Kohlenmeiler (Bataillon III/83) | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | BAR / Schweizer Bundesarchiv | 1916 | SNP |
10551 | Digitalisierung von naturschutzrelevanten Käfern (Coleoptera) und Heuschrecken (Orthoptera) aus der Sammlung von Alois Kofler (Lienz) mit Schwerpunkt Osttirol | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Eckelt Andreas, Kurzthaler Martin | 2013 | NPHTT |
33892 | Archivdatensatz: Geomorphologische Kartierung SNP - Gletschermaske | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Felix, S., Frei, J., Graf, K., Reithebuch, J., Reusser, S., Rothenbühler, C., Schmidt, R., Stetter, G., Thomas, C., Vetter, H. | 2008 | SNP |
52711 | Refoto: Historic Photo Kampfzone / Totholz Alp la Schera | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
52715 | Refoto: Historic Photo Alp la Schera gegen Munt / Arven | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Johann Feuerstein | 1905 | SNP |
34912 | Archivdatensatz: Perimeter for the rare species list monitoring programme (SNP Border) | GIS Vector Layer | None | SNP | 0 | SNP |
33873 | Archivdatensatz: Railway lines in the region of the Swiss National Park | GIS Vector Layer | None | Swisstopo | 2007 | SNP |
9256 | Standorte der ehemaligen Probeflaechen WSL | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | WSL | 19 | WPZ |
9255 | Standorte der aktuellen Probeflaechen WSL | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | WSL | 19 | WPZ |
9194 | Standorte Stichprobeflaechen 1997 (Pilot) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SCHMID Marion | 1997 | WPZ |
41984 | Refoto: Historic Photo S-charl, Schombrina (Winter) | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Feuerstein Johann | 0 | SNP |
9338 | Stadtwaldung von Zuerich: Winzelen | Map (analog) | Paperwork | Orell Fuessli und Co. | 1881 | WPZ |
33847 | Archivdatensatz: Field names in the area of the Swiss National Park (GIS Carto SNP) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Swisstopo - Federal Office of Topography | 2007 | SNP |
33857 | Archivdatensatz: Inn river in the region of the Swiss National Park | GIS Vector Layer | None | Swisstopo | 2007 | SNP |
5536 | Data origin of DEM for SNP 2000 orthophoto geneneration (dicc_v3) | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2004 | SNP |
33828 | MERIS Terrestrial Chlorophyll Index (mtci) map of SNP meadows with Apex | GIS Raster Layer | None | Könz, G. | 2016 | SNP |
52700 | Refoto: Historic Photo Ova da Müschauns | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Johann Feuerstein | 1905 | SNP |
52738 | Refoto: Historic Photo Punt dal Gall (ehemalige Brücke) | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Unbekannt | 1935 | SNP |
33868 | Tunnel Munt La Schera | GIS Vector Layer | None | SNP, Swisstopo | 2007 | SNP |
9295 | WP93: Schlagkarte der Periode 1981-91 | Map (analog) | Paperwork | Waldamt | 1991 | WPZ |
42728 | Nationalpark Donau-Auen Übersichtskarte | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Nationalpark Donau-Auen | 2019 | NPDA |
42735 | Landschaftshistorische Entwicklung der Regelsbrunner Au - Eine Karte mit fünf Zeitschnitten von 1750 bis zur Gegenwart | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Ulrike Vaasen, Wolfgang Denk | 1992 | NPDA |
52750 | Refoto: Historic Photo Parkwächter mit Fernrohr auf P9 | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | | 1953 | SNP |
32744 | Orthophoto Spöl Valley 1935 V4 Image Origin Index | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | | 2016 | SNP |
28115 | 20131208-031 Karte Anpassung SVO Freihalteflächen | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SCHMIDT Ronald | 2013 | WPZ |
38271 | Station 3979 - Munt della Bescha Süd | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Swisstopo | 1934 | SNP |
31080 | Anichkarte 1774 Detailansicht | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Peter Anich, Blasius Hueber, Land Tirol, tiris | 1774 | NPHTT |
8625 | Refoto: Historic Photo Zernez Richtung Nord | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Feuerstein Johann | 1926 | SNP |
8647 | Refoto: Historic Photo Piz Linard from Zernez (Nature) | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Nature / Carl Schröter | 1923 | SNP |
8400 | Characteristic ridges in the burned site east of the Hotel Il Fuorn | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 0 | SNP |
41466 | Bounding Box Kanton GR | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2021 | SNP |
42796 | EnviDat | Database/Datatable | None | WSL | 2013 | NWP |
9259 | Standorte Probeflaechen Landesforstinventar 2 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | WSL | 19 | WPZ |
9336 | Stadtwaldung von Zuerich: 1. Sihlwald und Forst | Map (analog) | Paperwork | Orell Fuessli und Co. | 1881 | WPZ |
43270 | Refoto: Historic Photo Il Fuorn von Südwest (Luftbild / Drohnen-Refoto) | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Friedli, Werner | 1954 | SNP |
36842 | Swiss Litter Report Datentabelle alle Standorte | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | BLARER Pascal | 2018 | WPZ |
8406 | Location of small water bodies of the burned site east of the Hotel Il Fuorn | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 0 | SNP |
39558 | Refoto: Historic Photo Scarl Dorfbrunnen Postcard (S-charl) | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Parolini | 0 | SNP |
42251 | Elektronischer Appendix 2 Gefäßpflanzen | Surveying Data | None | Umweltbundesamt, Universität Wien, Nationalparks Austria | 2021 | NPA |
8256 | Quadrats of the Coptoformica population auf Il Fuorn | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Chérix, D. | 2009 | SNP |
34813 | Archivdatensatz: Locations of the observation places of the Biodiversity monitoring programme of the lakes of Macun | GIS Vector Layer | None | SNP | 2002 | SNP |
52703 | Refoto: Historic Photo Trupchun von Piz Fier (Schafherde) | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | swisstopo | 1935 | SNP |
37777 | Blumenwiese | GIS Vector Layer | None | Amt für Natur und Umwelt Graubünden ANU | 2018 | BEV |
37775 | Flachmoore | GIS Vector Layer | None | Amt für Natur und Umwelt Graubünden ANU | 2018 | BEV |
8875 | Refoto: Historic Photo Alp la Schera von oben mit Baum (2 Bilder: ähnlicher Standort) | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Langen und Bezzola | 0 | SNP |
10030 | 20130813-020 Karte für das Programm des Wildnispark-Festes 2013 | Map (digital) | None | SCHMIDT Ronald | 2013 | WPZ |
42876 | Refoto: Historic Photo Chant Sura | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Abderhalden, W. | 2016 | SNP |
27878 | Windwürfe im Nationalpark 1998 - 2008 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Prüller Stefan | 2008 | NPK |
33947 | Archivdatensatz: Location of the permanent observation plots on the burned area east of Hotel Il Fuorn | GIS Vector Layer | None | | 0 | SNP |
54766 | Chemical Soil Characteristics Plan Periv: 1993 and 2022 | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Zimmerman, S. | 1993 | SNP |
8904 | Forest border lines adjacent to the burned scar east of the Hotel Il Fuorn | GIS Vector Layer | None | SNP | 0 | SNP |
52722 | Refoto: Historic Photo Piz d'Esan Nordost-Flanke (Schuttkegel / Murgangrinnen / Sackung / Gletscher) | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | swisstopo | 1935 | SNP |
9350 | 4. Waldraender | Map (analog) | Paperwork | BGU | 1988 | WPZ |
42831 | Refoto: Historic Photo Ramosch von Sent (Luftbild / Drohnen-Refoto) | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Friedli, Werner | 1947 | SNP |
33949 | Archivdatensatz: Location of the burned trees in the burned site east of the Hotel Il Fuorn | GIS Vector Layer | None | | 0 | SNP |
52724 | Refoto: Historic Photo Piz Terza | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
31460 | Datenbank: Insel | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Irma Pelikan, Marin Prinz | 0 | NPDA |
52709 | Refoto: Historic Photo Alp Grimmels mit Val Ftur | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Stüssi, Balthasar | 1939 | SNP |
37763 | Kulturgüterschutzinventar mit Objekten von nationaler Bedeutung KGS | GIS Vector Layer | None | BABS | 2018 | BEV |
9222 | Perimeter dead wood inventory (Diss K.Schiegg) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SCHIEGG Karin | 1999 | WPZ |
5843 | Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:30000: (NP 1302?) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Guthapfel Nadine | | SNP |
10260 | 20130827-021 Karte Faktenblatt Sihlwald 2013 | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SCHMIDT Ronald | 2013 | WPZ |
8397 | Locations of bush that was considerd alive at the time of the aerial photograph (1984) within the burned area east of Hotel Il Fuorn | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 0 | SNP |
52782 | Refoto: Historic Photo Zernez zwischen Brand und Bahnbau | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Lienhard und Salzborn | 1900 | SNP |
33859 | Archivdatensatz: Village names in the region of the Swiss National Park - Ort Namen | GIS Vector Layer | None | SNP | 2007 | SNP |
35695 | Terrestrische Thermalbildkamera Messungen Linard | Database/Datatable | None | SNP | 2017 | SNP |
41983 | Refoto: Historic Photo S-charl, Mot dal Gajer (Winter) | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | SNP | 2019 | SNP |
8258 | Locations of the observation places of the Biodiversity monitoring programme of the lakes of Macun | GIS Vector Layer | None | SNP | 2002 | SNP |
37648 | Geologie von Macun, Geodaten | GIS Vector Layer | None | Inderbitzin, L., Pointner, E. | 2018 | SNP |
35458 | Nationalpark Donau-Auen Zonierung (Niederösterreich) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Nationalpark Donau-Auen | 2014 | NPDA |
34812 | Archivdatensatz: Locations of the observation places of the Biodiversity monitoring programme of the lakes of Macun | GIS Vector Layer | None | Oertli, B. | 2002 | SNP |
29917 | 20140521-021 Neophytenatlas Wildnispark Zürich (Ausgabe 21.05.2014) | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SCHMIDT Ronald | 2014 | WPZ |
34916 | Archivdatensatz: Location of the transects used to assess vegetation changes after artificial floods in the river spoel | GIS Vector Layer | None | | 0 | SNP |
33871 | Archivdatensatz: Settlement areas in the region of the Swiss National Park - Siedlungen | GIS Vector Layer | None | Swisstopo | 2007 | SNP |
52696 | Refoto: Historic Photo Cluozza Wildbach | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Unbekannt | 1902 | SNP |
33870 | Settlement areas in the region of the Swiss National Park - Siedlungen | GIS Vector Layer | None | Swisstopo | 2007 | SNP |
54003 | | Map (digital) | File (digital) | | 2024 | NPK |
9346 | 2. Naturnaehe der Waldbestaende | Map (analog) | Paperwork | BGU | 1988 | WPZ |
38477 | Ungulate segregation, census plot | Database/Datatable | None | Anderwald, P. | 2015 | SNP |
35794 | Zonierung Nationalpark Thayatal | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Nationalpark Thayatal | 2017 | NPT |
52695 | Refoto: Historic Photo Cluozza / Il Grass mit Brücke | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Feuerstein, Johann | 1905 | SNP |
7650 | Location of the burned trees in the burned site east of the Hotel Il Fuorn | GIS Vector Layer | None | | 0 | SNP |
5883 | Map for Book 'Staffelbach': Digital Map 'wanderwege_v3.mxd' | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2006 | SNP |
5893 | Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 2 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Guthapfel Nadine | | SNP |
35422 | NatURwald Sihlwald - Erholungskonzept Plan Nr.2/2, M1:5000 | Map (analog) | Paperwork | GUT Othmar, HEFEL Thomas, MOLL Claudia & Gabriela PETER | 1993 | WPZ |
37906 | Basisplan Kanton Graubünden, 1:10'000, BP-AV farbig - Ausschnitt Unterengadin / Val Müstair | GIS Raster Layer | None | Kanton Graubünden, amtliche Vermessung | 2018 | SNP |
43760 | Refoto: Historic Photo Vers Ramosch (Kutsche) | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Unbekannt | 1905 | SNP |
31477 | Aufnahmeblätter Kontrollzaunflächen 1999 | Database/Datatable | None | Forschungsinstitut für Wildtierkunde und Ökologie Wien | 1999 | NPDA |
39555 | Refoto: Historic Photo Alp Tamangur / Alp Praditschöl (Forstbotanische Expedition 1902) | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Muret | 1902 | SNP |
8561 | CSI Indicator Infrastructure, Vallais Ossola | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Rapp, M. | 2012 | SNP |
8091 | Effective Mesh Size 2, Berchtesgaden-Salzburg | GIS Vector Layer | None | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
9298 | WP93: Zonenplan | Map (analog) | Paperwork | Waldamt | 1993 | WPZ |
9192 | Perimeter Versuchsflaeche ProSilva | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | ProSilva | 19 | WPZ |
8149 | CSI Quality Index, Berchtesgaden-Salzburg | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
35424 | NatURwald Sihlwald - Erholung und Bildung Plan Nr.1/5, M1:500 | Map (analog) | Paperwork | GUT Othmar, HEFEL Thomas, MOLL Claudia & Gabriela PETER | 1993 | WPZ |
8140 | CSI Indicator Ecological Measures, Berchtesgaden-Salzburg | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Affolter, D. | 2010 | SNP |
9307 | Wegplanung 5: Redimensionierung | Map (analog) | Paperwork | Waldamt | 1998 | WPZ |
9193 | Perimeter Probeflaechen (DA Schielly) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SCHIELLY Barbara | 1996 | WPZ |
10045 | ArcReader Project File (Stand 05.09.2013) | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SCHMIDT Ronald | 2013 | WPZ |
54474 | Refoto: Historic Photo Plan da l'Acqua | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Unbekannt | 1958 | SNP |
52685 | Refoto: Historic Photo Val Müschauns von Süd | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | swisstopo | 1935 | SNP |
52723 | Refoto: Historic Photo Piz d'Esan Gletscher vom Quattervals | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | unbekannt | 1930 | SNP |
9343 | Sihlwald | Map (analog) | Paperwork | W.Aeschbach | 1952 | WPZ |
52579 | RGB Luftbilder SNP 1988 (full perimeter / Einzelbilder) | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | | 1988 | SNP |
40154 | Supplementary material sample plot inventory Sihlwald | Datafile from Producer | None | BRÄNDLI, K., STILLHARD, J., HOBI, M., & P. BRANG | 2020 | WPZ |
7530 | Location of rare plants in alpine protected areas monitoring programme | GIS Vector Layer | None | SNP | 0 | SNP |
34795 | Quelldaten aus 100 Jahren Quellforschung im Schweizerischen Nationalpark | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Ruggli, Ch. | 2017 | SNP |
9390 | Orthophoto 02.04.2005, CIR, 5cm (RMKTOP30) | Orthophoto | File (digital) | GIS Wildnispark Zuerich | 2005 | WPZ |
33849 | Archivdatensatz: Administrative boundaries in the region of the Swiss Nationalpark in 2008 (GIS Carto Region) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Kantonale Verwaltung Graubünden, ALSV Verwaltung | 2008 | SNP |
8614 | Ofenberg Waldungen, Blatt 4 | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Gemeinde Zernez; Sutter, J. | 1913 | SNP |
8709 | Refoto: Historic Photo Val dal Botsch, Felstürme | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Brunies, Steivan | 0 | SNP |
37769 | Hochmoore | GIS Vector Layer | None | BAFU | 0 | BEV |
33852 | Country border around the Swiss National Park - Landesgrenzen | GIS Vector Layer | None | Swisstopo | 2007 | SNP |
8626 | Refoto: Historic Photo Zernez von Munt | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | swisstopo | 1935 | SNP |
52573 | Nationalpark Donauauen | Aerial Photo | None | Umweltdachverband | 1996 | NPDA |
8612 | Ofenberg Waldungen, Blatt 2 | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Gemeinde Zernez; Sutter, J. | 1913 | SNP |
28150 | 20131219-036 Karte Anreise für Website | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SCHMIDT Ronald | 2013 | WPZ |
43283 | Refoto: Historic Photo Zernez von Nord (Luftbild / Drohnen-Refoto) | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Mittelholzer, Werner | 1925 | SNP |
8857 | Lakes in the region area of the Swiss National Park (GIS Carto Region SNP) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Swisstopo - Federal Office of Topography | 2007 | SNP |
8826 | Refoto: Historic Photo Hotel Il Fuorn (Winter) | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Hermann Langen / SNP | 0 | SNP |
41483 | Refoto: Historic Photo S-charl, Plan d'Immez (Winter) | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Feuerstein Johann | 0 | SNP |
9340 | Exkursions-Karte von der Albiskette | Map (analog) | Paperwork | WAGNER E. | 1906 | WPZ |
5905 | Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 7 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Guthapfel Nadine | | SNP |
41356 | GPS-Track Seebachtal | GPS Data | File (digital) | Andreas Daim | 2017 | NPHT |
52907 | Refoto: Historic Photo Sarasin / Mingèr oberhalb Waldgrenze | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Brunies, Steivan | 0 | SNP |
34835 | Archivdatensatz: Summits observed in the project GLORIA Global Observation Research Inititative In Alpine Environments | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Scheurer, T. | 0 | SNP |
33824 | Nitrogen map of Raetian Alps and SNP with Sentinel 2 | GIS Raster Layer | None | Könz, G. | 2016 | SNP |
40152 | Standing dead trees 2003 - 2017 | Database/Datatable | None | BRÄNDLI, K., STILLHARD, J., HOBI, M., & P. BRANG | 2020 | WPZ |
9258 | Standorte Probeflaechen Landesforstinventar 1 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | WSL | 19 | WPZ |
9190 | Schneckendaten: Standardview (T.Meier) | Database view | File (digital) | MEIER Trudi | 1988 | WPZ |
5964 | Maps for Book 'Staffelbach': Digital Map "Wanderwege_v3" | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2006 | SNP |
5906 | Maps of Book 'Staffelbach': Digital Map (TIFF) | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SNP | 2006 | SNP |
8743 | Refoto: Historic Photo Macun Piz Macun | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Hermann Langen/ SNP | 0 | SNP |
5892 | Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 1a | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Guthapfel Nadine | | SNP |
52716 | Refoto: Historic Photo Brandfläche Sommer 1951 | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Lüdi, Werner | 1951 | SNP |
5898 | Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 26 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Guthapfel Nadine | | SNP |
5532 | Planning perimeter for SNP IR Orthophoto 2000 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2003 | SNP |
52737 | Refoto: Historic Photo Spöltal / Ova Spin Staumauer | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Pictet, Arnold | 1920 | SNP |
8815 | Akustikdaten Ofenpass August 2010 | Datafile from Producer | None | Empa | 2010 | SNP |
52743 | Refoto: Historic Photo Ofenpass Forschende (Brunies, Schröter) | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Feuerstein, Johann | 1902 | SNP |
9294 | WP: Stichproben Arbeitsplan | Map (analog) | Paperwork | Waldamt | 1990 | WPZ |
8621 | Refoto: Historic Photo Ardez, Kupferstich | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Unbekannt | 0 | SNP |
43273 | Refoto: Historic Photo Il Fuorn / Brandfläche (Luftbild / Drohnen-Refoto) | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Friedli, Werner | 1954 | SNP |
40149 | Standing living trees 1981 - 2017 | Database/Datatable | None | BRÄNDLI, K., STILLHARD, J., HOBI, M., & P. BRANG | 2020 | WPZ |
40164 | Efeu | Database/Datatable | None | BRÄNDLI, K., STILLHARD, J., HOBI, M., & P. BRANG | 2020 | WPZ |
9296 | Waldentwicklungstypen Sihlwald | Map (analog) | Paperwork | VOLOSCUK Ivan | 1991 | WPZ |
34825 | Archivdatensatz: Special events monitoring land slides, floods ect. | GIS Vector Layer | None | SNP | 0 | SNP |
33932 | Archivdatensatz: Habitalp, Feature linked Annotations, address of OBJECT ID | GIS Vector Layer | None | SNP | 2008 | SNP |
43232 | Refoto: Historic Photo Zernez von West (Luftbild / Drohnen-Refoto) | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Friedli, Werner | 1947 | SNP |
9226 | Standard view for species data (Diss K.Schiegg) | Database view | File (digital) | SCHIEGG Karin | 1999 | WPZ |
42726 | Nationalpark Donau-Auen Übersichtskarte (slowakisch) | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Nationalpark Donau-Auen | 2019 | NPDA |
51961 | Refoto: Historic Photo La Schera von Murtarous | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | swisstopo | 1935 | SNP |
41358 | Verortung aller Kamerastandorte | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Andreas Daim | 2017 | NPHT |
33956 | Archivdatensatz: Base lines of characteristic gullies within the burned area east of the Hotel Il Fuorn | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 0 | SNP |
8829 | Refoto: Historic Photo Münstertal talabwärts Tschierv, von Minschuns | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Feuerstein, Domenic | 1936 | SNP |
35753 | Totholzkäfer | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | BVM | 2017 | BVM |
43274 | Refoto: Historic Photo Ofenpass / Fuorn (Luftbild / Drohnen-Refoto) | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Friedli, Werner | 1954 | SNP |
8828 | Refoto: Historic Photo Val Trupchun Richtung Ost, Talkessel | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Hermann Langen / SNP | 0 | SNP |
33861 | Lakes within the Alps | GIS Vector Layer | None | unknown | 2007 | SNP |
8408 | Uebersichtsplan der Gemeindewaldungen S-chanf, Teil Pignaint | Map (digital) | File (digital) | Technisches Bureau A. Wildberger Ingenieur, Chur | 1893 | SNP |
40163 | Tabelle 10. Dichte/ha von Habitatstrukturen | Database/Datatable | None | BRÄNDLI, K., STILLHARD, J., HOBI, M., & P. BRANG | 2020 | WPZ |
33869 | Archivdatensatz: Tunnel Munt La Schera | GIS Vector Layer | None | SNP, Swisstopo | 2007 | SNP |
5829 | Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Klasse bcg | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Guthapfel Nadine | | SNP |
5828 | Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Klasse b | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Guthapfel Nadine | | SNP |
8791 | Refoto: Historic Photo Plavnatal | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Feuerstein | 1926 | SNP |
8623 | Refoto: Historic Photo Val da l'Acqua Blockgletscher von West / oben | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | swisstopo | 1935 | SNP |
7204 | Huts in the Swiss National Park | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2008 | SNP |
34809 | Archivdatensatz: Nests of Coptoformica exsecta and Reference points of the quadrats used in the Coptoformica study ants | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Chérix, D. | 2009 | SNP |
8872 | Refoto: Historic Photo Piz Plavna Dadaint from Sur il Foss (2 Bilder: ähnlicher Standort) | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Langen Hermann, Feuerstein Johann | 1926 | SNP |
39081 | Hiking Net of the Swiss National Park (GIS Carto SNP) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2019 | SNP |
34807 | Archivdatensatz: Restareas in the Swiss National Park | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2008 | SNP |
36948 | Station 4506 - Murtera da Chantun | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Swisstopo | 1935 | SNP |
52720 | Refoto: Historic Photo Ehemalige Weide Plan Mingèr / Pyramiden-Bäumchen | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Scheurer, Th. | 1995 | SNP |
52764 | Refoto: Historic Photo Buffalora von Murtera da Chantun (Murgang 25.07.2022) | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | swisstopo | 1935 | SNP |
51950 | Refoto: Historic Photo Ramosch Obstbäume | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Unbekannt | 0 | SNP |
33051 | Administrative boundaries in the region of the Swiss Nationalpark in 2009 (GIS Carto Region) | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Kantonale Verwaltung Graubünden, ALSV Verwaltung | 2009 | SNP |
32743 | Orthophoto Macun1939 V2 Image Origin Index | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | | 2016 | SNP |
37083 | Landcover classification from SENTINEL Data, Region Untergengadin | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Rossi, Ch. | 2017 | SNP |
9306 | Wegplanung 4: Wegkategorien | Map (analog) | Paperwork | Waldamt | 1998 | WPZ |
5903 | Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 5 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Guthapfel Nadine | | SNP |
37119 | Quellen Val Müstair | GIS Vector Layer | None | BVM | 2016 | BVM |
40157 | DBH distribution 1981 - 2017 | Database/Datatable | None | BRÄNDLI, K., STILLHARD, J., HOBI, M., & P. BRANG | 2020 | WPZ |
33945 | Archivdatensatz: Locations of bush that was considerd alive at the time of the aerial photograph (1984) within the burned area east of Hotel Il Fuorn | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 0 | SNP |
5901 | Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 3 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Guthapfel Nadine | | SNP |
33858 | Village names in the region of the Swiss National Park - Ort Namen | GIS Vector Layer | None | SNP | 2007 | SNP |
52687 | Refoto: Historic Photo Margunet von Murteras da Stabelchod (von Ost) | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | swisstopo | 1935 | SNP |
54416 | Verjüngung und Verbiss Trupchun bis 2021 | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Fluri, J. | 2021 | SNP |
28278 | Geologische Generalkarte Mst. 1:200'000 | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | swisstopo | 2013 | SNP |
33826 | Nitrogen map of SNP meadows with Apex | GIS Raster Layer | None | Könz, G. | 2016 | SNP |
31881 | Daten zur Treibhholzstudie | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Eike Julius | 0 | NPDA |
31081 | Anichkarte 1774 Übersichtsansicht | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Peter Anich, Blasius Hueber, Land Tirol, tiris | 1774 | NPHTT |
9188 | Schneckendaten: Abkuerzungen der Artnamen (T.Meier) | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | MEIER Trudi | 1988 | WPZ |
54331 | Refoto: Historic Photo Aua da Stabelchod mit Lawine und Lawinenholz (Lawinenniedergang 14.01.2019) | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Hans Lozza | 2019 | SNP |
5961 | Rivers in the SNP region | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Federal Office of Topography - Swisstopo | 2006 | SNP |
7526 | Summits observed in the project GLORIA Global Observation Research Initiative In Alpine Environments | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Scheurer, T. | 0 | SNP |
32162 | Datasheet | Database/Datatable | None | Carina Zittra | 0 | NPDA |
34799 | Archivdatensatz: Huts in the Swiss National Park | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | GIS-SNP | 2008 | SNP |
52532 | Gewässervernetzung Orth a.d. Donau | Aerial Photo | None | Nationalpark Donauauen GmbH | 2001 | NPDA |
5955 | Maps of Book 'Staffelbach': Grosse Parktraverse | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 2006 | SNP |
33930 | HABITALP - Perimeter of mapped area in the region of the Swiss National Park | GIS Vector Layer | None | SNP | 2008 | SNP |
8407 | Location of swampy or wetland areas of the burned site east of the Hotel Il Fuorn | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 0 | SNP |
40156 | Plot Info | Database/Datatable | None | BRÄNDLI, K., STILLHARD, J., HOBI, M., & P. BRANG | 2020 | WPZ |
33817 | Chlorophyll content map of Raetian Alps and SNP with Sentinel 2 | Map (digital) | None | Könz, G. | 2016 | SNP |
35429 | NatURwald Sihlwald - Konflikte Plan Nr.5/5, M1:5000 | Map (analog) | Paperwork | GUT Othmar, HEFEL Thomas, MOLL Claudia & Gabriela PETER | 1993 | WPZ |
52732 | Refoto: Historic Photo Grimmels mit alten Alphütten | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Feuerstein, Johann | 1905 | SNP |
8650 | Refoto: Historic Photo Chastè Planta-Wildenberg | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Hermann Langen / SNP | 0 | SNP |
9652 | Adressen GIS-ZH | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Kanton Zürich, Baudirektion, Amt für Raumentwicklung | 2010 | WPZ |
40150 | Standing living trees 2017 | Database/Datatable | None | BRÄNDLI, K., STILLHARD, J., HOBI, M., & P. BRANG | 2020 | WPZ |
5896 | Kartierung DA Guthapfel 1:10000: Kategorie 22 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Guthapfel Nadine | | SNP |
33841 | Archivdatensatz: Digitizing problems based on the vegetation map Trepp Campell | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | | 0 | SNP |
52688 | Refoto: Historic Photo Val dal Botsch von Süd | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | swisstopo | 1935 | SNP |
8624 | Refoto: Historic Photo Zernez, Bahnhof | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Postkarte | 0 | SNP |
33848 | Archivdatensatz: Administrative boundaries in the area of the Swiss Nationalpark (GIS Carto SNP) in 2009 | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Kantonale Verwaltung Graubünden, ALSV Verwaltung | 2007 | SNP |
5960 | Maps of Book 'Staffelbach': Lakes in the SNP region | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Federal Office of Topography - Swisstopo | 2006 | SNP |
7648 | Digital terrain model of the burned site east of Hotel Il Fuorn | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | SNP | 0 | SNP |
52740 | Refoto: Historic Photo Eingangstafel SNP Ova Spin | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Comet Photo AG | 1973 | SNP |
9339 | Stadtwaldung von Zuerich: 3. Langenberg | Map (analog) | Paperwork | Orell Fuessli und Co. | 1881 | WPZ |
52741 | Refoto: Historic Photo Alte Bärenfalle Val Cluozza - - - STANDORT NICHT BEKANNT | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Hermann Langen | 1910 | SNP |
9379 | Orthophoto 02.04.2005, CIR, 25cm (RMKTOP30) | Orthophoto | File (digital) | GIS Wildnispark Zuerich | 2005 | WPZ |
52736 | Refoto: Historic Photo Brücke P1 | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Ernst Meyer | 1902 | SNP |
41338 | Station 4511 - Piz del Fuorn Südflanke | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Swisstopo | 1935 | SNP |
31461 | Datenbank: Paradeis | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Irma Pelikan, Marin Prinz | 0 | NPDA |
52749 | Refoto: Historic Photo Touristen Val da Stabelchod | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Comet Photo AG | 1970 | SNP |
52684 | Refoto: Historic Photo Trupchun von Fuorcla Trupchun (Schafherde) | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | swisstopo | 1935 | SNP |
29916 | 20140610-022 Karte Restaurant Sihlwald | Map (digital) | File (digital) | SCHMIDT Ronald | 2014 | WPZ |
33974 | Archivdatensatz: Grid Stabelchod - missing points of grid | GIS Vector Layer | None | Ch. Schmid | 2008 | SNP |
41985 | Refoto: Historic Photo S-charl, Alp Praditschöl (Winter) | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | SNP | 2019 | SNP |
37762 | Bundesinventar der historischen Verkehrswege der Schweiz IVS | GIS Vector Layer | None | ASTRA | 2007 | BEV |
9287 | 1: Bewertung Vegetation (nur bestockte Flaechen) | Map (analog) | Paperwork | BSU | 1989 | WPZ |
33976 | Archivdatensatz: Observation grid of Alp Stabelchod | GIS Vector Layer | None | WSL, Schütz, M, SNP | 0 | SNP |
35796 | Außengrenze Nationalpark Thayatal | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Nationalpark Thayatal | 2017 | NPT |
8559 | CSI Indicator Land Use Planning, Vallais Ossola | GIS Raster Layer | File (digital) | Rapp, M. | 2012 | SNP |
42833 | Refoto: Historic Photo Chant Dadaint Totalansicht (Drohnen-Aufnahme / Drohnen-Refoto) | Aerial Photo | File (digital) | Abderhalden, W. | 2018 | SNP |
41357 | GPS-Track Innergschlöss | GPS Data | File (digital) | Andreas Daim | 2017 | NPHT |
8649 | Refoto: Historic Photo Ova Spin Kutsche | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Hermann Langen / SNP | 0 | SNP |
52721 | Refoto: Historic Photo Piz Cotschen Nord-Ost (Gletscher im Vordergrund) | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | swisstopo | 1935 | SNP |
40162 | Tabelle 9. Dichte/ha von Habitatbäumen | Database/Datatable | None | BRÄNDLI, K., STILLHARD, J., HOBI, M., & P. BRANG | 2020 | WPZ |
34794 | Quelldaten aus 100 Jahren Quellforschung im Schweizerischen Nationalpark | Database/Datatable | File (digital) | Ruggli, Ch. | 2017 | SNP |
8628 | Refoto: Historic Photo Scuol Bahnhof | Photo of Landscape | File (digital) | Foto, Postkarte | 0 | SNP |
8564 | Perimeter Pilotregion Vallais Ossola | GIS Vector Layer | File (digital) | Rapp, M. | 2012 | SNP |